Tancredo – How Many Americans Would Defend America from Invasion with the Patriotic Passion of Ukrainians?

By: Tom Tancredo

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its second week, the patriotic Ukrainian people’s resistance to the invasion is courageous, wide, and deep. That resistance is inspiring to generations of Europeans and Americans who have witnessed “defending the homeland” only as a movie theme. 

Neither Germany nor Japan posed a serious threat to the American homeland in World War II, and it is now over 100 years since Mexican outlaw turned revolutionary Poncho Villa raided southwest border towns. America’s unquestioned military power serves to create a sense of security, and the obvious horrors of nuclear war with either Russia or China ironically serve to create a bipartisan sense of homeland security. That uneasy tranquility can generate a sense of false security in a world where many cultural elites increasingly consider traditional borders to be “artificial barriers” to “global multicultural integration.”  

Yes, we can think of the invasion threat in an old-fashioned way and take comfort in the remoteness of any threat. New York’s Staten Islanders might be expected to defend themselves with honor from a battalion of adventurous Icelanders or Norsemen. But what about a delegation of Native Americans demanding full, immediate reparations for “stolen lands”? Would the local chamber of commerce seek mediation through the local Woke Alliance?

But let’s move to the larger “invasion question” and the issue of weak patriotic passions. It can be said that because of America’s unique constitutional character, America faces existential threats different from —and more likely than– physical invasion.  There is no better example than the decade leading up to the Civil War when the morality of slavery became as much an issue as its constitutional status. When prominent southern academics and religious leaders started justifying slavery not on economic grounds but as a positive institution in cultural terms, the armed conflict became inevitable.

This is a good time to recall Benjamin Franklin’s admonition when asked, at the conclusion of the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention in 1787, what kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin? “A Republic, madam, if you can keep it!” 

The challenge of “defending America” has always been as much a political question as a military one.  However, in this third decade of the 21st Century, the idea of America is itself under attack from within. The nation’s cultural elites are hard at work to redefine what it means to be an American in the first place.

How many Americans today would defend America with the passion and self-sacrifice demonstrated by the Ukrainian people? Well, the answer may depend on which America they are asked to defend. Is it the America of the Pledge of Allegiance, “One nation under God, with liberty and justice for all”? Or will it be Obama’s “Transformative” America, with even religious liberty and the Rule of Law rewritten to advance socialism in the New World Order?  

Who will fight for America? Tell me which America we are fighting for, and I will tell you who will fight to defend it.

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6 thoughts on “Tancredo – How Many Americans Would Defend America from Invasion with the Patriotic Passion of Ukrainians?

  1. Why you just know that BLM (Burn, Loot, Murder) and ANTIFA would. Those patriots would surely defend America.

    1. They are all cowards and would surrender at the first sign of an invading force because they would not have the “WOKE” bastards of this FRAUD government to back them.

  2. There are two factors to consider here. One is that Ukraine has not been independent of Russia for all that long and has been a part of Russia much longer than not. In a way, the issue between Ukraine and Russia is somewhat of a civil war issue. While foreign nations did intervene when the American colonies revolted against England and the British thought about helping the Confederates during our war between the states, would it be the same if Texas had seceded and we invaded to get Texas back into the U.S.? Fighting for civil rights can make citizens aggressive. American citizens have been getting to this level of aggressiveness for some time now, anticipating a Socialist type of takeover of the U.S.
    The other factor is the geographic situation of the U.S. We literally cover a land mass from sea to shining sea. We also still maintain the right to keep and bear arms, making Americans better used to firearm weaponry. If Canada or Mexico were to invade the U.S. formally (not as we are allowing Mexico to do at our Southern border), American citizens are well equipped, capable and willing to defend our nation. If government would get out of our way, we would already be doing so today.

  3. Every psychotic government in history have waited until politicians with attributes identical to our Democratic Party took control of the country they wanted to overtake and when these should be unelectable politicians are elected they strike. ALL through history.

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