Biden Has ‘great confidence’ in Gen. Mark Milley Despite Alleged Treasonous Call to China

Washington, D.C. — President Joe Biden says he has “great confidence” in General Mark Milley despite an alleged treasonous call to military leadership in China.

The upcoming book Peril alleges that Milley called China’s top general sometime after the Jan. 6 riot to tell him the U.S. was not planning any military action against China but also offered to warn the country in advance of an attack.

Despite this potential breach in protocol and national security, Biden is publicly backing Milley.

Psaki later attempted to place the blame on former President Donald Trump, citing claims he was not stable and unable to perform his duties in regard to national security.

Psaki’s attack on Trump is quite ironic considering the actual threat Biden poses to the national security of the U.S.

Between Biden creating a massive humanitarian crisis at the southern border and his bungled handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden’s ability to handle national security issues is in serious question.

Of course, the White House likes to blame Trump for all of the problems their policies create.

In the meantime, calls for Milley to resign are increasing, with Trump calling his actions treasonous if they are true.

Milley is scheduled to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee later this month. He will no doubt face intense scrutiny (at least by Republicans) when that happens.

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41 thoughts on “Biden Has ‘great confidence’ in Gen. Mark Milley Despite Alleged Treasonous Call to China

      1. Hey a real common sense American. Refreshing to see compared to the Half-wit Libshits Biden claiming he was on Mars during WWV. Thank you.
        Fucking idiots.

    1. Proving being a patriot General is more than a snappy uniform loaded with brown-nosed ribbons, 😅🤣😂😂😂😂what a General that like a turd floated to the top.

  1. i suppose so many do not know what is required to be charged with Treason, and if you look not one of the requirements have been met in any way, we are not at war, so China is in no way our enemy, and the General did not try to overthrow the established Government, Miley did exactly what is expected of our top military leaders if a wrongful order is presented to them. Now our top military talks with the top military in every country we have relation with, and this is not a new thing it has been going on for over 100 years, and has just increased lately.

    1. What illegal order did General Miley receive? I have never seen one published in any of the articles that I have read. He did issue some illegal orders though. That is sufficient for him to face a court-martial.
      We may not have formally declared war with China but if you look at their actions, they are at war with us. That makes them our enemy. Miley’s action at bypassing the President (his commander-in-chief) is also sufficient for a court-martial.
      The man is clearly a threat to the government of the United States of America. What he did was essentially the first step of a coup. No matter how much you hate Donald J. Trump, it does not justify what Miley did.

    2. You must of escaped from a mental ward right? The do nit come any dumber then you, you got to be a democrat no one normal can be as stupid as you. No member of the military can warn our enemies of a possible attack honestly Christ your a idiot.

    3. We may not be at war with China, but China has been at war with us for decades and Biden and those of his ilk have very profitably been aiding them in their efforts.

    4. You keep telling you and your sheeple that, half wit. You really that stupid? Hunter tell you “China good?” Or Stumblefuck Joe tell you and your’s that?

  2. Well, Biden’s track record regarding making decisions is pretty well known I would just chalk this decision to support this general is not very smart. Biden is wrong again. We need good generals and admirals. Not “woke” military men and women.

  3. Of course China Joe is gonna back the treasonous bastard. He probably advised Milley to make the call. The whole damn bunch are nothing but NWO scumbags.


  5. If it is true about General Milley, then he needs to retire or be fired. How in the world can a Four Star General tell an enemy/foreign power that he will tell them in advance if we are planning an attack?
    It is not his call and he certainly knows that. He is very naive and can’t be trusted. How the hell did he ever become a General and a four star one at that? Is our military that incompetent? He is not fit to be in the military with that kind of mindset!

    1. Milley with his lying gossiping tongue could have gotten the USA nuked by the Chinese CCP with a pre=emptive attack. The CCP is no friend of the USA–They produce Fentynl by the metric ton and ship it into Mexico to be sold in the USA–They sent a deadly virus around the world to see what the results of Gene and DNA splicing in a virus would do as a way of dispatching all folks of non Asian birth.. They wish for a world populated only by the Chinese CCP. Milley has sold out the USA just as he did with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Milley is a QUISLING TRAITOR.

      1. Google “Nazi Saboteurs and George Dasch”. The article describes the landing of eight Nazi saboteurs in New York and Florida.

        Fortunately, this was before the FBI became a corrupt arm of the Demotraitor party, and the Nazis were all apprehended before any saboteur committed a single act of sabotage. Six were tried and sentenced to death before their execution a few days later. The remaining two were jailed.

        What consequences will be born by the saboteurs in the Biden administration, including Saboteur-in-Chief Biden himself, the fake media, and the tech social censorship monopolies for the immense damage they have loosed on the nation?

  6. Of course he has faith in Milley. He does what Mr bidens tells him too. You know, like some of the wehrmact generals did with Hitler. Of course, when they became aware of his drug induced mental decline and his acute danger to Germany, other generals tried to assassinate him. That took some ten years, Mr biden will have been committed to a mental institution or dead from old age by then but the lessen bears keeping in mind.

  7. If Joe Bidumb backs Milley whom is by definition a person whom committed several serious crimes then doesn’t that make him on the record an aiding & abetting criminal also? Milley has no defense for his actions, other than his own opinion of a situation which he contrived on his own maybe with the help of a couple of left wing politicians . We all know who they are. As an independent voter the last 4 years of left wing media manipulation of the facts, constitutional rights depletion, and selective prosecution has driven me to the far right. I don’t conspire with criminals like Joe Bidumb or Pelosi that have serious mental issues. They are running our country into the dirt .

    1. You are absolutely right and I respect your thoughts and opinions. But the reason they keep doing all the evil they ( Democrats) do is we the people who are sick and tired of all this is because we are not standing up as 1 and fighting these lowlifes. United we stand. Semper Fi. I’m willing to sacrifice it all to stop these traitors. If we will stand together and stay together we can beat them. Just my thoughts

  8. Biden has come to the grand conclusion that he is now the first King of the United States. How pompous and arrogant he has become. A man with dementia now has grand ideas that he is the all wise King. He now has the power to tell millions of free people to do his will!!!!!!!!! This is a mentally sick human being. I am sure there have been many mentally disturbed dictators in the history of this world. Mental illness is no respecter of persons. Some are just born into wealth and power. Biden’s case is more of others are telling him what to do because they are not strong enough to do it themselves. They are fearful cowards who hide behind the puppet they own and command to get their will done. We are to pity the wealthy. They are prisioners of their own making. Greed is the number one destroyer of humanity. The rich are not prideful and pompous because they have wealth. They know there are others who are richer than they are. They are prideful because they are richer than those below them who are not as they are. Wealthy means you live in your man made prison. Your special built homes and cars to protect you from other less fortunate people. Homes that are made earthquake proof, fire proof, burglar proof, water proof, wind proof. You live in a bubble that one day will burst and you will be as vunerable as those who are homeless unless your prison collapses in on you and swallows you up. You have become your own god. You are mortal just like everyone else. You will die just like everyone else. You can take nothing with you. You came into this world with nothing and you will leave with nothing. You think you are more important than anyone else but you are not. No matter what you do or who you are, we are all made in the image of GOD. We are not made like God. We are his image. Body, soul and spirit. Body will die and soul and spirit will live for eternity. And yet we grasp life with all we have like we will live our mortal lives forever. Our lives are so brief compared to time. Thousands of generations have come and gone since the beginning of the human race. So while we are here we must gather as much wealth(or inherit what we did nothing to earn but given because ofthe last name). Scriptures says the poor we will have with us always. The poor wish to be rich too not knowing that they too are in their own prison. The rich get richer and we still have the poor. Politicians are a special breed of people. Most are wealthy. They don’t need to work but they feel if they work in congress and make laws, pass bills and tell those who are the working class under them what they can and cannot do in their free country they doing good. Laws that they themselves are exempt from because now they have power. They do not work for the people. They work for the greedy government. America was built by people who wanted to get away from dictators and tyrants. People in those countries long for freedom and yet people here now want to be ruled by dictators and tyrants because they have never lived in a tyrant run society. Experience is the best teacher ever. Some people can watch others and learn f3om their mistakes but some have to live the experience to learn. They are arrogant and stiffnecked and slow learners so many others will be collateral damage in the wake of their destructiveness. People need to wake up to what has been growing in America by many years. We are eroding from the inside out. Our government is corrupt and had been for many, many years. Greed is a driving force. When it leads it destroys. Leaders of countries who are FOR THE PEOPLE are not tyrants or dictators. They are not trusted or respected. They create fear in their people. That is not leadership, that is tyranny. Tyranny creates hate and rebellion and chaos. Tyranny stifles. Tyranny smothers. Tyranny destroys. Please do not allow America to become a country lead by tyranny and greed. We will never find our way back to where we started. Fight for what we have even fighting for since it began, to be a free country not under government rule. We the people are the government. Remember that when voting.

  9. The treasonous son of a bitch should be tried and if convicted he should face a military firing squad. these crimes aren’t such that just a resignation will do. If he is guilty he must be shot

  10. If I were in Congress, I would immediately call for a Congressional investigation, and he should be immediately removed from his current position pending the result of that investigation. If the investigation proves he is in fact, guilty, he should be Court Marshalled under the U.S.M.J. The serious result of his actions is a direct threat to the security of the U.S. He can not be trusted to keep the defense of the U.S. a Top Secret war plan. If you reveal our secrets you place a threat to the defense of the U.S., which to me is an act of treason. Again, just me, the penalty would be, stripped of his rank, honors, all entitlements, and sentenced to Federal Prison. This may sound harsh for a military person with such high standing but, by virtue of his standing, he was charged with the defense of the United States of America and he has failed in that responsibility. I spent 22 years in the military, had proper clearance and access to classified information, my duties did not include treason.

  11. Of course Biden has confidence in Milley. The Biden/Harris Administration is, and has been, colluding with the CCP from the get go.

  12. The oath taken by every military officer, and repeated at every promotion ..
    I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
    If Milley is not a traitor (which, from his comment appears doubtful) is is certainly in violation of his oath, since we worked diligently in opposition to the president he had sworn to serve.

  13. Note: Hold lust a second! Even though I can testify that in my day officers like GEN Milley would not have made it past their first command, I submit in his defense that GEN Milley is the product of the personnel management program started many years ago during the Carter administration. Details presented below.

    RE: GEN Mark Milley; is a standing example of the DOD policy outlined below that has laid the foundation for the current crop of senior military officers.

    Special Announcement: The Secretary of Defense has announced that IAW the orders of President Biden the return to Defense Officers Personnel Management Administration (DOPMA) of a program first implemented during the Carter administration and only re-implemented during the Obama administration. Note: Each president (including Bill Clinton) between Carter and Obama downplayed, but allowed the program to proceed. Basically the program provides the following measures will be applied to each of the commissioned military officers in each category outlined below. Note: Appears the establishment in D.C. managed to keep the program a closely held secret during the Trump administration.

    1. Officers being selected for promotion to pay grade O-4 (army/marine/air force: majors and navy: lieutenant commanders) will be scheduled for a lobotomy to enhance regimented thinking.

    2. Officers being selected for promotion to pay grade O-6 (army/marine/air force: colonels and navy: captains) will be scheduled for a flapobotomy (see Bethesda Medical Center Surgical Procedures Manual for the procedure’s details) to enhance the officer’s ability to clearly see where he/she is going with his/her head up his/her rectum.

    3. Officers being selected for promotion to pay grade O-7 (army/marine/air force: brigadier generals and navy: rear admirals/lower half) would be scheduled for attendance at the Flag Officers Sailing Course at the U.S. Naval Academy which concentrates on providing the student officer with the ability to tack with equal levels of skill to both the starboard and/or the port.

    Soldier/Cop/Grunt, Retired

    PS Any of you civilians ever wonder why old soldiers and cops say things like:

    1). The American people are the most effectively lied to people in modern times thanks to American politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, and the media!

    2). The greatest threats to the American people are the incompetent/corrupt/witless/self-serving/cowards among their politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, and media!

    3). My guns were always turned in the wrong direction!

    4). It’s folks like Maxine, Nancy, Chuck, Mitch, etc. to cause many of us old Soldiers/Cops to admit that we have failed to protect the American people from all of their enemies, both foreign and most especially domestic!

    Soldier/Cop/Grunt, Retired

  14. Forget the Ted tap bring treason charges to Milley do not wait for Milley to resign he does deserve a retirement if he resigns

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