U.S. House Passes Military Funding Bill with Gun Control

Late last week, the House of Representatives passed this year’s version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on a vote of 316 to 113.

The NDAA is a government funding bill that is supposed to be passed each year to fund the military, the Department of Defense, and any other defense-related expenditures. But much like any other major bill, Congress feels compelled to shoehorn in anything they feel is necessary. In this year’s version, Congress included a gun control provision.

In Section 529, the bill creates an “emergency protective order” program which allows military courts to order the confiscation of firearms of members of the military. In short, the House version of the NDAA creates a “Red Flag” gun confiscation policy.

Out of the 113 ‘NAY’ votes, 75 were Republicans, many of whom citing opposition to the Red Flag provision as the reason for their vote. 135 Republicans voted for the NDAA, regardless. Texas Republican, Rep. Dan Crenshaw was one of the 135 to vote for the NDAA.

He explained his vote for the bill by tweeting: “The problematic provision you are referring to as a ‘red flag’ law for active duty service members (it’s debatable whether or not it actually is, but that is beside the point) was already agreed to be struck from the bill before it becomes final in the House/Senate conference. Everyone voted for the defense bill knowing this ahead of time.”

The tweet is now deleted after many Twitter users pointed out the flaws in his thinking. Crenshaw is arguing that he had to vote to pass the bill – in order to change the bill to get rid of the Red Flag section. 

Gun rights activists were quick to point out this isn’t the first time Crenshaw has supported Red Flag laws. Rep. Crenshaw has been commonly referred to as “Red Flag Dan” after he came out in support of the policy in 2019. He later walked back his support after facing criticism from gun owners across the country.

The NDAA is now in the hands of the Senate, where there may be a chance the red flag section gets taken out. This same situation happened in last year’s NDAA, but with a new President in the White House and Democrat control of the Senate, there are no guarantees of any changes. 

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27 thoughts on “U.S. House Passes Military Funding Bill with Gun Control

  1. This isn’t the first time Crenshaw appears to have betrayed us, and always comes up with some excuse. Enough, stop supporting Red Flag Dan — he talks the talk, but can’t walk the walk!

    1. Lets see what the Senate takes out of the bbb bill when it goes back to Congress. This provision along with Naturalization of illegals need to be removed. Include funding to complete the border wall.

  2. And my POS self proclaimed conservative Representative voted for it. He’s retiring so his true colors come out.

  3. Can the Democrats ever pass a bill dealing with a single subject without loading it with leftist garbage?

  4. Military Court: Capt. Soa Andso due to Red Flag “emergency protective order” we hereby order the confiscation of your firearms, after collection you will return to regular flying duty, flying in your heavily armed A-10 tank killer aircraft.

    Military Court: Lt. Col. Justa Guy due to Red Flag “emergency protective order” we hereby order the confiscation of your firearms, after collection you will return to regular duty, directing your Battalion of Abrams Tanks.

    Military Court: Tech Sgt. Average Joe due to Red Flag “emergency protective order” we hereby order the confiscation of your firearms, after collection you will return to regular duty, with your M-16a2 automatic rifle at the Front Gate.
    Need I keep going? Nope… Cause you can’t fix Stupid!

  5. I am very disturbed by the Democrats who want to confiscate every one’s guns including military people. It’s a Communist takeover, because that’s what totalitarian governments do. The citizens then, cannot defend themselves and we see where it leads in every country, the newest being Australia. We are no longer a free country with our Constitution being trampled on. All senators and the President and Vice President took an oath to uphold it, but they have all broken it, most of whom are Democrats, but so-called Republicans have also. They should all be convicted of treason when they go against or around The Constitution and break the laws of this country, which has become so corrupt, the proof lies in the crumbling infrastructure, which is the last thing they care about. The only thing they want is their power, money and influence. They’ve taken away our 1st, and 2nd amendments. No one can disagree with them, just like China, who we are in bed with. They destroy our history, our monuments, they brain wash our children. No enemy is worse, they are just the same, wanting the same, to bring this country down, so they can rule us with an iron fist. The un-Constitutional Covid mandates are not based on science at all. This is an unproven and unknown vaccine that we don’t know the long term effects of and many have died from it directly. Others have been permanently damaged. The government knows all this, so one asks why they are doing it. The answer is simple, big Pharma is a huge donor to the Democrat Party and many Congress people have shares in them, which makes them millions of dollars, which should be declared a conflict of interest and therefore illegal. But as the courts have been packed with Socialist/Marxist judges, they will not be held accountable. They vote themselves pay raises and there are no term limits to rid ourselves of their thievery and other crimes against Americans, military, law enforcement, whoever stands in their way. The military, the intelligence agencies have all been bought/threatened and compromised. The Biden administration and their lackeys have knowingly done everything they can to dismantle the booming economy, educational choice, free markets with their lust for power. Re-writing history, not teaching the basics, forcing small businesses out and demanding everyone follow their orders. This is no longer America, this is Australia, China, Iran, Cuba, Socialist France, where people can’t even afford electricity to operate air conditioners or own cars, their taxes are so high. Now this abomination of an administration wants to raise taxes on everyone, so they can spend it as they please, including sending money to our enemies like the Taliban. Not to mention “green energy” which is a huge boondoggle and a scam. The only answer is to make sure elections are secure and vote them all out.

  6. Red flag laws are no good when they deprive one of their RIGHT OF DUE PROSESS and it should not be one anonymous person …

  7. Given the conduct of the Biden administration, all legal immigration should be suspended until
    the illegal ones who have come into the US since the start of the Biden administration have been accounted for and deported

  8. Austin, have you read the portion of the Bill that refers to “Red Flag laws”? I dare say most haven’t done so. I admit it’s not easy slogging through, You know how pettifoggers love words (so do I).

    If you haven’t, please read HR 4350, SEC. 529, (a), “(a) and “(i) which explicitly outline DUE PROCESS procedures and the Rights of Victims (those potentially having their guns taken away).

    I’m sure you believe that ANY so-called “red flag” law should provide FULL Due Process protections of the Bill of Rights including the requirement that a warrant by a judge be issued upon probable cause, the right to a hearing with an attorney (court appointed if necessary), the right to know and confront accusers, if necessary a certified mental health profession testifying to a personal exam and diagnosis, and even a jury. the process is call adjudication.

    About all of those precautions are spelled out in the bill. My main concern is that they remain strong or stronger in any final version. In addition, I believe there should be serious penalties if accusers or police present false information, and I do mean serious penalties.

  9. This is disgusting news. The dimwit nitwits just can’t resist stomping on the constitution and our rights. They are the very reason we have a right to bear arms. Just look at the world and see the result of disarmed citizens. At the mercy of these want to be rulers!

  10. Now we have another reason to demand “Truth in advertising for candidates seeking election.” They are advertising and selling their word for votes. Should we not hold them to truth? We accept their word that they are for this or against that and we give them our vote based on those words. So, how about we also demand they follow that word or resign their office and they are subject fines just like the person selling fake stock.

  11. WAIT! DID I READ THAT RIGHT? Somebody wants to “degun” our military troops? The people who are charged with defending the country against attackers? What are they supposed to do—-throw sticks and rocks at our enemies? I can’t believe even the morons who were “voted” into office are that dumb! There must be about 38 past U.S. presidents spinning in their graves at this empirical news. Ah, but I guess I can see this since those unvoted people pretending to run the show are AFRAID of the military. Afraid those same guns might just be turned on THEM if people finally get up enough backbone to rebel against their megalomaniacal tyranny. Yeah. That makes a whole lot of sense. LET’S GO BRANDEN! F*JB!

  12. Crenshaw is one of those veterans who arrogantly believe that citizens should not have military type weapons because we haven’t been trained. In truth, general military weapons training and law enforcement training are bare minimum. With NRA instructor certification, I am better trained than most cops.

  13. It may be just me,,, but I’ll bet most of the Crenshaw haters are Democraps. The Bill has nothing to do with Civilian gun ownership. AND,, like he said, the Senate will scrub it out, like they did on the last attempt to regulate the Military and weapons. Nope, sorry, not buying this cwap.

  14. “The problematic provision you are referring to as a ‘red flag’ law for active duty service members was already agreed to be struck from the bill before it becomes final in the House/Senate conference. Everyone voted for the defense bill knowing this ahead of time.”

    The “LOGIC” is Astounding !!!

    I Think I’ll Break My Leg So I Can Watch It HEAL !!!

  15. Since this is pretty old, I’ll just repeat myself. I considered Crenshaw a safe representative because he’s a disabled SEAL Veteran, Texan and Republican. He lost my support and respect when he publicly favored red flag laws. At that point, I put him in the same latrine with the Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, also a Republican.

    For anyone new here, red flag laws have triggered the national movement for 2nd Amendment Sanctuary counties. Red flag laws were created to dilute power licensed to the psychiatric community. These laws transfer power to unqualified persons more obedient to democrats, e.g., local judges and crotchety old aunts. Due process requires reports from two psychiatrists, one from each side, legal representation, arraignment, indictment and trial by jury.

    Nobody wants criminals to have firearms but to be taken seriously, if the accused is a danger to himself or others, he should be legally arrested. In other words, take the man but leave the guns. Every state has laws that permit law enforcement to temporarily arrest anyone deemed a danger to himself or others. The line of inheritance codified in state laws determines the legal custodian of any property. They’re not permitted to take private property with a promise to return it if and when the government declares the owner is no longer a danger to himself or others.

    I’ve often wondered how the police, teacher, classmate or aunt would know the rightful owners of which firearms. Seems law enforcement would risk serious lawsuits if they err on that point. Currently, that point is being litigated in Lori Rodriguez v. City of San Jose, currently accepted by the Supreme Court for conference review.

    Also submitted for Supreme Court review are Pena v. Cid, Mance v. Barr, and Culp v. Madigan. However, the major cost of these laws is the loss of trust between peaceable, lawful citizens and their elected officials. Politicians on both sides who support this notion will regret the day they ever heard of red flag laws.

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