By: Tom Tancredo

“Our patience is wearing thin,” said President In Name Only Biden on September 9, 2021, as he announced his mandatory Covid jab diktat to the country. The diktat will force hundreds of thousands of Americans to either submit to being injected with the still-experimental gene treatment or lose their jobs.

PINO apparently issued this diktat because too many Americans are doing their own research and thus not buying the propaganda they should without hesitation or investigation submit to being injected with a “vaccine” that:

  1. does not give you immunity from Covid;
  2. does not prevent you from spreading Covid to others; 
  3. the CDC itself says has killed more Americans already than all other real vaccines combined for the past 31 years; and
  4. has not yet been tested for any medium- or long-term side effects.

So PINO announces his diktat to force compliance by anyone who dares to learn the actual science and who does not yet suffer from Covid Derangement Syndrome.

Well, PINO, guess what? Our patience is wearing thin, too.  

Our patience is wearing thin as we watch a corrupt and cognitively challenged reprobate waste American lives and treasure by changing our Afghan withdrawal date so he could get a grand photo op on 9/11 — and then not even have the cojones to say a word after it all blew up in his face… not even to first responders in attendance around him. 

Our patience is wearing thin as we think about how a disinterested sociopath “honored” the soldiers killed by his incompetence and treason: Checking his watch repeatedly as he waited on the Delaware tarmac for their bodies to come home — then talking to the families of the fallen not about their loss but the death-by-cancer of his own son.

Our patience is wearing thin as we reflect on the manner in which this mumbling, bumbling disaster has so co-opted and corrupted the leadership of the greatest fighting force on the planet into that it forced our brave men and women to run like rabbits from guys in sandals — and leave behind billions of dollars worth of We the People’s weapons in the process. 

Our patience is wearing thin as we ponder the connections between PINO’s son and businesses that stand to gain in Afghanistan because of the chaos and confusion created by The Big Guy (we wonder what The Big Guy’s cut of the Afghan deal is, don’t you?)

Our patience is wearing thin as we see the military and national consequences of woke generals (including the recently retired general who is now Secretary of Defense) who obviously read more Ibram X. Kendi than Sun-Tzu and who spends more time hunting their own soldiers who are awake instead of woke than they do hunting the terrorists who want to kill all of us, regardless of wokeness, gender identity, or race.

Our patience is wearing thin as we learn more and more about our southern border, which was largely secure on January 6th — but which is now not just abandoned to cartels and criminal aliens but actually vandalized by our own government! Whole sections have been cut out of the Wall That Trump Built in the most tactically advantageous spots — for the cartels, that is. And so, what had been a trickle of illegal entrants under President Trump is now a tsunami of unvaccinated, unvetted, utterly dependent gate crashers under President In Name Only Biden. (The only people PINO won’t let in are Cubans trying to flee the communist nation that he wants to emulate). 

Our patience is wearing thin as we realize the scope of PINO’s monumental dereliction of duty and desecration of the presidential oath of office. In eight short months, he turned America from an energy-exporting nation under President Trump’s leadership into an energy beggar under his ugly boot.

Our patience is wearing thin as he makes good on his campaign assertion that he doesn’t work for us — and his April Fools declaration before Congress that “We the People” means his government. It’s getting so bad his minions have started leaking sordid details about him and his Vice President In Name Only. (Where has she been lately? She got awfully quiet after the Afghan she boasted about being such a big part of went bad.. Good job, Kommie.)

Our patience is wearing thin when we see you grasp a rosary to your heart for a photo op — and then promise to do everything in your power to make sure killing babies unborn and born alike is a “right.”

Our patience is wearing thin as we look at a lazy, fawning, propagandizing media hide your crimes and incompetence — and how they would have reacted had President Trump issued such an illegal, reckless, unAmerican diktat. (On the other hand, I guess we should be grateful PINO didn’t send out his diktat as a tweet.)

Our patience is wearing thin as we watch this sad, silly, self-absorbed, wannabe dictator. Despite this, we still include you in our prayers, as we also pray for the nation the Founders put together, the nation that has survived civil wars, depressions, world wars, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Whether or not we continue to survive, however, is an open question and one we never thought we would face in our lifetime. But here we are, standing at the edge of the abyss, wondering how it went so bad so fast.

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18 thoughts on “Tancredo: OUR PATIENCE IS WEARING THIN TOO, JOE

  1. My concern is that Congress has done NOTHING about these problems. A few have given us lip service without entering at least a Notice to all of Congress tha they are aware of the problem. We the People will do something!!! Elections are coming we can kick the Commie bastards out of office. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

  2. We need to support the healthcare workers walking off the job because they don’t want to be immunized.
    When I was in New York the cops called in sick instead of going on Strike. They called it the blue flu. We need a national day when conservatives called in sick I believe October 1 would be up our choice let’s get this out and everybody stay home on that day: sick with Covid we could lie too

  3. Biden needs to be gone and gone now! Biden is destroying our country and we should not stand for it but react by getting Biden out of our White house and in jail/prison.

    While I don’t condone assassination I would not shed a ear if it happened to Biden/Kamala.

    1. You specified that you don’t condone assassination… but I wonder whether or not there will be a knock on your door by men in suits.

    2. I believe that many others feel that way also. The problem is the commiecrats would make him marty and christen him St. Brandon the 1st. That would be a gross insult to anyone who believes in God ( they did that to Kennedy that way back in the 60’s). Biden will go down in history, before the Kenyan fruit. cake as absolutely the worst PINO in history. Martin Van Buren was considered the worse before the Kenyan jhadist, now its Biden aka Brandon.

  4. The problem is that if Biden resigns we will be stuck with Kamala the Cackler who is just as unfit as Biden and if she is kicked out we are left with power mad Nancy and her Democrat cronies. The two only solutions are a complete audit in all states to find fraudulent voting showing Trump really won the election or we need to have a repeat election with NO electronic voting machines-paper ballots only and NO mail in ballots. All states need to require photo id’s for all registered voters.

  5. Time for America and it real people to start dealing with all these traitors, including Stumbleduck Joe, Nancy and the rest of the corrupt Libshits running amok between hellhole california to the biggest disgrace called New York. Start turning on their asses with jailing them the same way Nancy’s been jailing innocent Americans because she needs to sell her fake 1/6 crapola to her idiot sheeple..

  6. Yes, Joe Blow, our patience is also wearing thin. You have a thin list of accomplishments for 48 years in office and now you are posturing like a tinhorn dictator from a South American banana republic. Please abandon totalitarianism. It will not get you very far with us out in the Heartland, who ‘cling to our Bibles, guns and religion.’ Pray to that God (Roman Catholic or otherwise) you long ago forgot! .

  7. Once again Tom has hit many nails squarely on the head. How can any one person, well, with help from all his pals and puppeteers, have done so much damage in so little time, and we just sit on our hands allowing it? This entire administration should have long since been impeached and tried for treason, yet they sit there, absolutely untouched and untouchable. Makes one think we’re getting what we deserve, and the “woke” generation will reap the benefits and banes for generations to come, if indeed there ARE any future generations. Maybe they’ll all die out from the effects of our current attempts at genocide via manufactured disease and fake destructive vaccines. And, oh yes, an immoral, corrupt leadership determined to put the icing on the cake. And so it goes.


  9. I do not want to say what I think about Washington DC, biden or his cronies because I will get a visit from the Secret Service or the Capitol Police. Just know I am ready for them.

  10. Mark Milley ain’t no General! He was erected from a bronze statue and is now deteriorating from the false medals on his Democrat chest!

  11. Hey Joe whose pushing U on this, whose Patience is wearing thin Yours?
    Your handlers?
    ALL for Control then right Joe
    Your goofs since day on 1-20 havent helped any.
    Hell go hide in Del then 6 months OK we can get along OK

  12. my Patience wore Plumb out a while Back, It isnt thin,…. it is Gone, I wouldn’t condone harming the Idiot,…. and might even feel some sorrow for him,…. But the facts do represent themselves,….
    Commissar Cho Bai din IS AN IDIOT,…. Does represent anti-American policies, has been harmful to Our National sovereignty, has been Harmful to our National economy, Has been Harmful to our National security, has been harmful to foreign relations with our allies, has been a Divisive president, has shown a propensity for dereliction of Oath, has shown a propensity for dereliction of Office, has shown a propensity for dereliction of Enforcement of Law, has shown a propensity for Personal dereliction of Obedience of law, Has shown weakness in all he does and Is,

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