TANCREDO: The Left’s Great Advantage — An Ignorant Electorate

By: Tom Tancredo

As I was unfolding the Sunday paper, which we still get because I enjoy the New York and Los Angeles Times crosswords, I noticed a front-page column with a headline suggesting we were seeing a resurgence of right-wing extremism that should frighten all of us. Right-wing extremism?! Oh yeah, I forgot all those cities torched by the hordes of Klansmen and the thousands of statues torn down by enraged Proud Boys and cops assassinated by people driven to mayhem by watching Fox News.

Well, of course, there are millions who buy into this rot. After all, a huge part of PINO ( President in Name Only) Biden’s voters have the political wisdom of the walking brain dead. Now certainly, many of his voters are committed socialists and communists and “intellectual” left-wingers who completely understand and support his agenda. However, no one knows if the PINO believes the things he says or if he simply reads what is put before him by his handlers. It is, however, the millions of others of his voters who, apparently being completely ignorant of the nature of our Republic and duties of a President, who cast their vote for Biden because Trump tweeted too much and was too nasty to his opponents.

These are the folks who wear their masks while driving alone in their cars. They are the people who go, “oh, I see now” when they hear something on CNN. They are the people who bought it when, in his lie fest called the State of the Union Address, Biden said that he had traveled 17,000 miles with China’s XiJinping or better yet when he claimed that the Capitol riot on Jan 6th, ‘was the worst attack on democracy since the Civil War.’ Or they believe the White House that “there is no crisis at the border, there is no gas shortage, and massive unemployment benefits have nothing to do with the labor shortage.”

These supporters will buy anything the PINO is selling because he is selling it nicely. The fact that Trump created a booming economy, hardened the border, stopped the winless wars, achieved record low unemployment, gained the respect of friends and foe alike around the globe apparently meant nothing because in accomplishing these goals, he did not suffer fools or the attacks of political opponents in a pleasant enough manner. You can only conclude by this that millions of Biden’s (and it goes without saying, Democrat) voters were/are totally ignorant of the role of the President and lacked a basic understanding of American government.

I wonder if they would refuse the needed care of a gifted brain surgeon because of an off-putting bedside manner and opt for a charlatan with good hair and a soft voice?

This is so damn dangerous. A republic relies on an educated electorate who understand the importance of a Constitution that holds government in check and the fact that there is no freedom from “microaggressions” in the Bill of Rights. They need a basic understanding of economics so that the socialist siren song of “free stuff” won’t drive the ship of state into the shoals. An ignorant electorate proves the efficacy of George Bernard Shaw’s observation that “if you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul’s vote.”

So what is needed is a “Civics Literacy Test” as a requirement to vote. Though the 14th Amendment may be seen as an impediment to such a mandate, apparently, it does not prevent us from making it a requirement for those immigrants seeking citizenship in the U.S. As a matter of fact, it should be the same test! After all, If we can expect someone from another country and not schooled in our history to jump this hurdle, why not someone who has lived here since birth? Lest you think we are too tough on prospective citizens, please do not worry. I’ve seen the test. I’d like to say a third-grader could pass it, but we are talking about the products of miseducation in our government schools. But who knows, if such test were required of all seeking to vote, perhaps the curriculum and the teachers charged with implementing it would have to bone up on the basics of American government.

I know if we had such a requirement, liberals would work to degrade the test or cheat on the results but wouldn’t it be fun to hear them argue against the proposal? Let them clamor against imparting knowledge of the system in which we live. Let them try and make the case that ignorance of our system is bliss. We could hope that even some of the blissfully ignorant Democrats would see the light and vote for the requirement.

You know, the first thing they would allege is that such a scheme is racist. I guess this is based on liberal’s racist belief that black or brown Americans are too dumb to pass such a test. The reality is there are just as many white folks who would fail miserably. Anyone watch Watter’s World when he goes out and poses the simplest question about American history to millennials? Or better yet, try that yourself. Then when you see a bumper sticker that says, “If you can read this, thank a teacher,” remember that most teachers today probably could not pass a civics literacy test.

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9 thoughts on “TANCREDO: The Left’s Great Advantage — An Ignorant Electorate

  1. There is a difference between an ignorant electorate, one that honestly doesn’t know what is going on, and a biased electorate, one that deliberately chooses to believe something while ignoring objective facts that contradict it. Unfortunately I know of way too many of the latter.

  2. This has been true fore decades. I remember all the women who voted for JFK because of his hairdo.

  3. When the press or media say verbatim that someone (usually Trump) “lied” about something, that should mean that they can show why it’s untrue and that the speaker knew it was untrue. Now the AP just drops the word “lied” in the middle of a sentence like it’s been proven already. It’s the writer’s opinion presented as fact. One of those subjects is “The Big Lie” that Trump thinks that there was election fraud in 2020. As is now being proven in court, this may be FACT, not a lie. Media should pay for these lies presented to the public as facts.

  4. I don’t think I’m too keen on a civics literacy test. It seems we’re too busy scooping the dead fish out of the river rather than go upstream and find out what is killing them.
    I agree with the reason the electorate is illiterate is because of what our government public education system has become. It took 50 years for the left to propose that mathematics is racist and there are no wrong answers. There’s no way on Earth a civics class based on our founding principles could be taught within the current system. What’s needed is to go upstream and remove the poison. Take control away from the leftists and start educating the future electorate.

  5. Several “bromides” come to mind. “There are none so bind than those who refuse to see”. “Those who fail to learn from history, are condemned to repeat it” (George Santayana).

  6. I remember Jay Leno asking people on the street basic questions like “Who’s the Vice President?” Many struggled with that and similar questions. Funny stuff, but very scary. The faces that Jay made when some of these people were so sure they had the right answer (when they were wrong) made it even more amusing. Very sad.
    Great article Tom.

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