These Clueless Students Want to Cancel Memorial Day

Washington, D.C. — These clueless students want to cancel Memorial Day, and it’s stunning how little they understand about America.

This video was put out by Campus Reform, a project from the Leadership Institute. Campus Reform fights to expose bias, abuse, and misconduct at universities. If you have not heard of them before, you should check out some of their other great work!

Thankfully, it seems that most people Campus Reform spoke with were unwilling to sign the obviously fake petition, but the woke students that did sign it had some very negative views of America.

Let’s take a look at these clueless brats who think celebrating the American military men and women (and we do mean men and women) who made the ultimate sacrifice is a bad idea.

One student stated, “I think it represents a lot of negative aspects of America and highlights something, you know, people shouldn’t necessarily be proud of.”

Um… what wackadoodle world must this student live in to believe we shouldn’t be proud of the men and women who fought and died so they could voice such an opinion? It’s astounding.

Another woke student signed the fake petition and had this to say about America.

When asked to elaborate on his opinions, one student said, “I didn’t really think of it this way until I got to college and took women’s and gender study classes, and that put me on this path where I’m like, yeah, like, f*** the U.S., like.”

We’re sure this ignorant boy’s professor was a sweet old lady and not a spiteful, Marxist witch (and we don’t mean witch).

You can’t make this stuff up, folks. Watch the video for yourself below, and please join us in remembering our fallen heroes this Memorial Day.

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31 thoughts on “These Clueless Students Want to Cancel Memorial Day

  1. Orwellian? How about H.G. Wellsian? These brain(washed)dead creatures are the forefront for the rise of the Eloi. Sound the siren so they can all go off to slaughter as they’ve been trained to do.

  2. Once again, America’s youth demonstrate the wisdom stuffed in them by our government propaganda mills. When they know precisely nothing, they rush to sign their names. Some day in the near future, they may deeply regret this video. I was amused but not surprised.

  3. Liberals are the most disgusting people on earth. Crap on what others have given for this country all while doing nothing but being perpetual victims.

  4. Seriously my comment that said nothing bad is under moderation?????????????????? You can shove it I will just unsubscribe much much easier!!

  5. Seriously my comment that said nothing bad is under moderation?????????????????? You can shove it I will just unsubscribe much much easier!! God what a bunch of losers you all must be.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      We do our best to approve every comment as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we have to run every comment by a moderator right now. That sometimes means a staff member is not available to review comments right away. Thank you for your patience and your interest in America’s Citizen Press!

      1. Thank you for explaining this. I’ve also wondered about the moderation advisory. However, I still don’t quite understand why our comments should be moderated, and wonder if they ever really do show up in the run-down. Most people are aware of the need to be considerate in the use of proper language and avoid vulgarity. The few who resort to that are to be pitied and ignored anyway.

      2. No moderation needed. This is America we have freedom of speech. Obviously that is coming to a end.thanks too liberal democrats!!

  6. The media and our schools are to blame here. They are only repeating the lies of the left!! It was established many years ago that the communists would use our schools and corrupt our media to spread their propaganda to America!!!! Our country has been dumbed down through these tratiors, YES tratiors! I can raise enough money to get them fare to any country they think is better. Most won”t go mostly because they love their coveted position and the money they can make here!! WHAT HYPOCRITES!!! The few that do leave get a ticket ONE WAY on the condition they NEVER come back. Of course most of them won’t go!! Much to cowardly to go to another country and criticize that government. Lets remember the real Americans that put a gun in their hands and their life on the line for freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. the idiot in the whitehouse and his communist advisers all need a trip to gitmo for a extended stay. the first thing he did was to reverse all the progress that Trump made.this was the start of the downward spiral into poverty for all but a few americans.

  8. some day these brain dead mouth breathers will be elected to office as a continuation of the liberal/socialist party. The divide in this country gets wider every year, as the long plan of the liberal/socialist indoctrination continues, at which point what will happen to this nation? This problem has been increasing in the last decade, as a continuing of obama’s change for America, still carried on by his disciple, and not many sheeple even care or notice.

  9. “American imperialism”, what the heck is that? I think “dude, like, needs yo go back to, like, grade school and, like, learn how to be, like, articulate. Just as not my president biden does, he’s just stringing a bunch of words together.
    Shame on the parents of this generation. You failed them!

  10. WOW, after seeing the video of these college students, all I can say is God help us. They have been totally indoctrinated in school. They remind me of the hippies of the ’60s. Since they dislike the US and the many who fought and died for their freedom, I recommend they spend a year (maybe it would only take a few months) in Venezuela, Cuba, most of South America, Russia, etc. Perhaps then they will see that the good ole US of A ain’t so bad!!!

  11. These People need to have their citizenship revoked. and given the chance to pick a country to reside. If they don’t. EXECUTE them on the spot. And these indoctrination centers need to be closed down. And these so called professors given the same option.

  12. I’m an Army veteran of the Vietnam era. I was even in a 200 years pageant sponsored by the Army commemorating our independence and learned a great deal of history about the revolutionary war and the war of 1812 which was the war that inspierd Francis Scott Keys to write the Star Spangled Banner poem which later became out National Anthem about what he saw at the battle of Fort Henry and why that flag never fell!!! It is not only the men and women of the Armed Forces we hold homage in memory but that symbol of freedom that so many died while keeping it flying so that our oppressors would know, we meant business and would all die for the concept and idea of freedom!!! It saddens me to know that citizenship, patriotism, and honor are no longer properly taught to our children!!!

  13. And there it is, The one guy said he was not this way until he went to college. College is run by nothing but leftest fools that are brainwashing and making our children hate America!!

  14. What is our great America turning into, way too much socialism, you people need to understand those veterans that went to war and died, did so for you, and that is so you could make your “STUPID UNAMERICAN REMARKS”. Our military is fighting for our freedom & it is young people like you that needs to get your facts straight about our country, you have been taught nothing but lies about America, “READ THE CONSTITUTION”

  15. These idiots are absolutely disgusting. And to know those who have fought and/or died for our country fought for this stupidity from these college students. And just why are these students so clueless? The freak in the green shirt revealed it when he said he took the women’s and gender studies classes, boy that sure make him qualified for working in the real world, and came to the realization of * the US. He had a Rutgers shirt on, parents. Where are you paying to send your kids? And it isn’t just Rutgers, with very few exceptions, I wouldn’t pay to send my kid to any of these anti American, pro communism institutions of indoctrination they call colleges and universities these days.

  16. The indoctrination of elementary school children began in the U. S. in 1955. Small groups of welthy college studentsprimarily at Berkley began a nation wide movement to ultimately redistribute wealth through changing the world views of children. They called themselves change agents and they have changed everything very successfully. For reasons I cannot comprehend they were not proud of their successful wealthy parents. they were not at all grateful to their parents nor to our wonderful form of government. They were ableto successfully convince my darling 16 year old sister to be bitter about the extreme poverty in which she and I grew up. I thought they wereall very confused and I was grateful for the opportunities open to meNow the children my sister and others indoctrinated are the news broadcasters, professors, actors, and TV and hollywood producers of today.Things look very bleak and hopeless.Socialism so called now dominates our once wonderful country.May God have mercy! !

  17. the classes that teach this crap should be outlawed and the teachers lose their right to teach we need to be teaching the real history about this nation, not this made-up crap that they are pushing on kids now

  18. This type of crap is what developed beginning with stopping the draft. “If you don’t have to fight for something it is not worth having so lets just trash it”. That seems to be the thoughts of those trying to gain recognition for doing nothing.

  19. Yes, and those ignorant brats will also expect to have their student loans waived because of course they DESERVE a free Communistic education. They make me gag! Never mind they’d be speaking German or Japanese if thousands of people hadn’t given up their lives to save their sorry butts and give them the right to say whatever stupid ideas are siphoned into their empty heads. I’m sick of this entire generation of gimmees. I’ll support any plan to send them all to third world countries to see how far they get with rewriting the history of their new homes and thumbing their snotty noses at those governments and their rightful citizens.

  20. No. these morons are not brain dead. One has to have a brain to be brain dead. These people do not qualify.

  21. I am furious watching these ignorant young people. First of all their parents are to blame. Second their teachers are to blame. I have never heard anything so ungrateful for all the people who have died to allow these people to walk down the street of this country. Their equals are running this country and I am very fearful of what is going to happen in the futures. That first guy made me sick. Then the woman who worked for the bank and had a holiday.

  22. “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” Vladimir Lenin.

    They are part of the 18 to 46 age group that didn’t study about history or civics in High School. At least not the way we did. That gap is getting wider each year. They are the result of many years of students in high school and college being taught, by socialist leaning teachers and professors, what to think and not how to think.

    I talked to some kids that graduated from high school last year. I was amazed at how many didn’t even know much about the atrocities caused by Hitler and Stalin against their own people. Even some Jewish kids didn’t know much about the Holocaust. Basic civics the way it should be taught is almost non-existent. They don’t seem to have any practical knowledge of how our government is structured and how the three branches work. That is why they are taking the Socialist rhetoric hook, line and sinker. Right out of the play-books of Cloward-Piven and Saul Alinsky.

    Many of us in the older generations are also to blame. We put our kids in front of that 19 inch baby sitter and didn’t pay attention to what they were watching. I wonder how many parents are paying attention to what their kids are doing on the computer. We blindly trusted the public education system and didn’t bother to really look into what the kids were being taught.

    We Americans have been too complacent for too long and did not notice all this gradually happening. This is what Khrushchev was talking about when he said that we will be defeated from within. History is being forgotten, ignored and erased. Unless we wake up this country will be condemned to repeat it. If Joseph McCarthy was still alive he would be saying “I TOLD
    YOU SO!”

  23. My last comment, like almost all others I submit is “Waiting Moderation”. Every time I see it it is never approved and I guess the last one and this one will not be either. Could be time to unsubscribe.

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