Generals and Political Class both Responsible for Military Failures

Washington, DC – Congress continues to grill top-ranking Generals following a handful of alleged failures in command over the last several years.  While it’s justifiable for members of Congress to dig into what happened in Afghanistan or communications with other foreign countries, we doubt we’ll see “leadership” from the highest-ranking military class or elected officials who should be seeking solutions to the problems. By all counts, it looks like they will continue to cast blame instead.

The United States military has long been a critical factor in what makes American great. Our armed service members’ training, skill, and commitment combined with the best technological advances are what separates the United States Military from the rest of the world. 

Let’s take a surface view of what is happening. The first problem is evident. We spent twenty-plus years in a war only to evacuate horribly. Second, we have Generals acting like politicians, jumping to the front of the press line to cast blame. The political class talks tough, pretending they grasp military diplomacy when they don’t. 

As the proverbial shots are fired back and forth, Americans are treated like pawns when both sides call a daily cease-fire only to push their latest book deal. This is not leadership, and the young men and women in uniform deserve better. 

The United States military remains the best in the world.  How long depends on whether or not our political class and the high-ranking military brass will regain the mantle of good leadership. Without solutions, the dissentient among Americans is only going to grow. When folks in these positions refuse to lead, the only solution is replacing them with folks who will.

34 thoughts on “Generals and Political Class both Responsible for Military Failures

  1. A sad day to find out our Senior General thinks in the way he does. Some where along his long military career, he acquired some strange thoughts on how an officer thinks in a civilian controlled military. The action he took without the knowledge and permission of President Donald Trump is treason , as I under stand it. Even more disturbing is his denial that his actions were with in his authority as Chairman of the joint chiefs. At the very least he should be immediately relieved of all military duties, detained in some form and investigated to determine if the charges made against him are true.

    1. Milley deserves NO LESS than a rope about his neck, OR facing down twelve rifle barrels! The ego-maniacal idiot committed TREASON, knowing full-well what his actions were, and how they would be perceived. If I get to him first, I will execute him personally. WE R COMING!

  2. There is a shameful lack of personal responsibility and situational awareness from these “Generals who would be politicians” !! They should all be removed from post and replaced by Military people !!

      1. It likely goes back to WWII. remember many think General Patton was murdered. Paton was in a moderate care wreck and allegedly broke his neck but the fracture is the same type as one would receive from a marine breaking a neck.

      2. Obama made sure that any generals that disagreed with him retired or they would be forcibly rifted out. Anyone who disagreed that climate was not the main war we needed to fight was removed.

    1. Don, you sir are correct. We live in dangerous times when a man can be elected president from his basement! Most of our good generals quit during Obama’s reign of lies.

    2. I served in the US Navy for nearly 27 years active duty 1957 to 1984, and I am so glad that the service was somewhat different then. I hate to see how our top Admirals and Generals are so far off base on so many ways.

  3. Get rid of all of the top brass!!!! A commoner could do better than any of the idiots who are there now!!!! They are not going to take the blame for anything. Of course who what is sitting as commander in chief…… I wouldn’t either. Let him take the fall since he spends most of his time in the basement or checking to see if it is his nap time!

  4. I made a comment a few days ago on another site concerning this issue. Biden doesn’t know and doesn’t care to lead. The politicians are more concerned about dividing us as a nation than unifying us as Americans. When we unite we won’t put up with the massive money being wasted, the power grabs by special interest and politicians and the abuse of our constitutional rights. We need new leaders on all positions, starting locally, state and especially federal. Feds have to be stopped from abusing states rights. We are a republic and for good reason. Clear the decks and keys let leaders that are for America more than self interest. Term limits must be put in place quickly. Reduce the amount of lawyers in government and vote in blue collar Americans that work for a living, not take from the taxpayers and never accomplish anything of substance. Congress should lose a equal percentage of their pay for every percentage that extend our budget. Also, no increase in budget and stop printing money. Money should stay in our country, then if any left over can help a few deserving allies. It’s our money folks, not the governments.

  5. There has always been a chain of command in the military. That chain starts at the top and doesn’t go any further up or down. There is one leader in the combat field and he reports to his superior who reports to the President the commander in chief. The President will take under advisement all the facts and political aspects and make a decision for the military and take it down the chain. If the field commander doesn’t agree with the decision he has the right to disagree to the chain of command and he has the right to quit his position and resign. He has no right to violate the chain of command and embarrass the chain for any reason. Personal opinions have no place in the military.
    Congress is a different matter, though somehow it should have some kind of honorable and non partisan manners in their speech patterns to the public, or the speaker of the house and senate should have the authority to approve any public forum before letting news out and criticisms in. News media should have no access to anyone other than field command personnel and access to HQ is up to HQ. Today media has too much access to everyone without consideration to what is confidential and what should be.

    1. In Vietnam, the White House micro-managed everything and you certainly remember what that got us along with liberal reporters essentially f===ing our service men over to the point they were spat on when they returned to the states..

  6. They all need to get them out, fire the whole bunch of them. They are all responsible for this whole mess and so is Biden. Everyone of them are corrupt and not working for the people in the this country. And all the lies they tell and Biden is the top liar.

  7. Follow the money trail to see just whom all the criminals really are.It appears that Our faulty (?) withdrawal from Afghanistan might just have given the multi-Billion Dollar AirPort to the Communist Chinese.

    1. You will get nowhere in impeaching Biden as long as Pelosi is in office. Obama’s third term is Biden. Pelosi has used bribery, intimidation, and blackmail her entire reign. Obama knows her expertise at this and is collaborating with her. The present administration is flooding illegals, quite illegally, into states and pushing banning IDs to vote. Does anyone else see this as massive voter fraud in the making?

  8. Milley deserves NO LESS than a rope about his neck, OR facing down twelve rifle barrels! The ego-maniacal idiot committed TREASON, knowing full-well what his actions were, and how they would be perceived. If I get to him first, I will execute him personally. WE R COMING!

  9. MAC2512-that is why they cheated in the election because they knew that they could lead him around by the nose. In my eyes that is elderly abuse. We need to be aware of what the Dems are doing. They want one world order and if they think they are going to be in the lead they better think again. China will be the leader unless we take heed and try to stop them, but with brain stem in office that will not happen because he is in their pants. This is all so sad and the reason we have freedom is because we fought for it. America is not perfect but is has been respected since the beginning of time. None of this would be happening if the election had been honest and Trump was president. Things might be different because of Covid(thanks China)but there would be no mandate for the “JAB” and people would still have their jobs and we would not have this big debt because the idiots in office(Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, AOC, etc. there would not printing money because the economy would be great! Go Trump!!

  10. On the eve of Veteran’s Day, I have never been more ashamed and disturbed. 20 year, three war vet who still stands by my oath as an officer.

    Milley is a traitor. He, Biden, and Austin all are required to face a UCMJ court martial, and if found guilty, hung by the neck until dead.

    There is no uniform justice.Two systems, one for Democrats and one for the rest of us.

    I’m now too old and busted up to take the offensive, but not too old to provide defense. Take me. I’ll serve. I have nothing to lose, but might help save our nation.

    1. You have expressed my sentiments. I am an old man of 77, still in relatively good shape. I served our country for three years as a young Army Officer right after college: One year in Virginia, one year in Viet Nam, and one year in command of a training company at Ft. Ord in California. It is sad to watch our country decline in its quality of leadership. We got out of Afghanistan in the same messy way we got out of Vietnam. How pathetic and weak we looked to the rest of the world in both instances. In those circumstances, if the cause is evaluated as a wasted effort, then make a decision to leave, BUT ONLY AFTER WE HAVE EVACUATED ALL AMERICAN PERSONNEL, BOTH CIVILIAN AND MILITARY. We left people behind without protection and that should never happen. WW II was the last war we fought where we actually tried to win and we did. It took an atomic bomb to break the will of our enemies. IF OUR COUNTRY IS GOING TO FIGHT, THEN FIGHT TO WIN. This strategy of “limited warfare” is ridiculous nonsense and is a waste of money and lives and time. If we are going to involve ourselves in the democratic freedom of another country to identify and fight for their “right to determine their own destiny” then lets do it. We’re not fighting or should not be fighting to please the industrial complex of the United States or satisfy the corporate fat cats of America. Why can’t we get this through the heads of our leaders? Either let other countries fight their own internal battles, or let’s support our allies and help them “fight to win.” Yes, there are costs involved, but either fight with purpose, or get our troops out and other refugees as well, who want to live under the banner of freedom and self-determination. I believe that is the honorable way to engage in war. Communism is oppressive and we should oppose it at every level. We should never apologize for opposing oppressive regimes and violation of all inherent civil rights for all people. Speak against it; write against it;
      and in some instances, “fight against it.” May God forgive us for mistakes we have made and may God bless America!

  11. While in the military these people should not get involved in politics.
    The intrusion of our military today of the woke agenda and politics
    is making our military weak and feckless. They are acting like whining
    little children and there is no place for that idiocy in our military. Wokeness,
    Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, none of these have a place in the
    military and those in command that embrace them need to be removed
    from their positions and commands before they do irreversible damage.

  12. Obama made sure that any generals that disagreed with him retired or they would be forcibly rifted out. Anyone who disagreed that climate was not the main war we needed to fight was removed.

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