Tancredo: New Message for the Statue of Liberty

Nearly 15,000 lineup at America’s Southern border

By: Tom Tancredo

Irineo Mujica is a Mexican immigrant who became an American citizen but, in the true spirit of assimilation rejection, refused to surrender his Mexican citizenship. He is leading the latest caravan of some 60,000 Haitians on their way north to storm the gates of America.

Señor Mujica is not only El Jefe of the “caravan,” he is the director of some left-wing nut group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras  (People without Borders) and recently warned that he is preparing his caravan for war with the border patrol and Texas National Guard. Perhaps he hasn’t read the newspapers.

When he gets to the southern border, he will see that there are no gates to storm. Biden has pulled them down already. Most of these Haitians are feeling the devastation of an earthquake that occurred 22 years ago! 

They have been living in South America ever since but now see a road to an even bigger welfare state beckoning them. Study after study has shown that the number of immigrant households on welfare is almost twice as many as native households. 

I guess the message currently on the Statue of Liberty should be amended to read:

“Every night as give me your tired, your poor, a sizable number of child rapists and terrorists, your unvaccinated masses yearning to get free stuff. Send your assimilation-resistant future Democrat voters and pregnant moms to me. I lift beside the golden door the torch of free education, free medical care, subsidized housing, and $3600 per year for each child under six.

By the way, it should be noted that the Statue of Liberty gifted to America by France had zip, zero, nada to do with immigration.

It symbolized the friendship that existed between America and France, was modeled after the Roman goddess Libertas, and was originally named “Liberty Enlightening the World.” (Imagine that.) The poem about huddled masses yearning to be free was written by writer

Emma Lazarus for a statue fundraising competition and was added to the statute 17 years after Liberty Enlightening the World was erected in New York Harbor. Its focus was on liberty; immigration was not on the mind of the writer or the statue’s supporters. 

Now, I am not saying that today’s immigrants lack the “land of opportunity” ethos that prompted earlier immigrants to leave home and hearth to try their luck in America. I also think those earlier immigrants would have accepted government handouts, too, had they existed then. 

But they didn’t. If you came here in 1900 as a poor immigrant, you had three choices: Work, starve or go back home. Interestingly, the largest number of immigrants returning to their homeland at that time were Italians – but those who stayed wanted to assimilate, not live apart and separate from their new American neighbors. 

I’ll never forget our Sunday ritual. It started with Mass, then a ride to pick up my mom’s parents who had immigrated from Italy about 50 years earlier. Next, we would all go on a drive, usually to the suburbs.

In the summer, the ride was less comfortable, as our car had no air conditioning (whose did?). The ritual concluded with a Dairy Queen for chocolate-covered soft-serve cones. By that time, however, as the temperature in the car rose, so did tempers and ensuing arguments in the back seat. 

At a certain point of frustration, Grandfather, apparently not being able to defend his position well enough in English, would switch to Italian – to which Grandmother always responded (loudly), “speak American, damn it!”

Neither of my parents spoke more than a couple of words of Italian, as it was not allowed in either of their homes when they grew up in North Denver. That was because speaking “American” was needed to gain an economic step up and because it would show that the immigrant wanted to be an American. 

No one knew the word “assimilation” at the time, but everyone understood the need to show appreciation to the country that accepted them. My grandparents probably never know what “E Pluribus Unum” meant, either, but they knew they want to become ONE with the nation. 

Far too many of today’s immigrants would rather divide and conquer than assimilate and they are encouraged to do so by the leftists who hate America and want immigrants to declare war on it. In so doing, they are cheated by these leftists of the chance to understand how liberty underpins all that is great about America, and that she should be loved for the liberty that still lights the world, not despised for the mistakes of its past.

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4 thoughts on “Tancredo: New Message for the Statue of Liberty

  1. They will not assimilate. They come to change us to their liking. The man that tore down the statue of Paul Revere was shouting something in a foreign language. They don’t want us to have our heritage and history once they get here. They should be stopped form tearing down our history.

  2. How does Biden continually get free reign to unilaterally make these devistating decisions? He must be over-ruled before he can cause more destruction to our once great nation

  3. Beautifully put Tom! You and hundreds of thousands of others have similar memories of parents or grandparents immigrating to America, grateful to be here, and WANTING to be part of a great country. My paternal grandparents also came from Italy, or more correctly Sicily, in 1900, and my father was born here in that year. They even changed their name to try to make it sound more American, and learned the language. My grandfather was a farmer and worked hard to take care of his family. He apparently instilled in his eight children an abhorrence of anything that smacked of welfare or any kind of “handout”. Daddy saw such free money as sinful and would have died of shame if any of his children would have even collected unemployment, let alone accepted any kind of welfare payment which they hadn’t worked to earn. I can only hope and pray that people like you will eventually prevail and get our beautiful country back. Thanks for all your efforts to date!

  4. If you spend $1000 every day for 3,000 years you spend 1 Billion. George Soros amassed $24 B by almost destroying the economy of the UK (in 1990), then the economy of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia and more (in Finance). As a child he learned the Esperanto ideals from his father. That means no borders, no native languages. Later in the US he learned that drugs are no problem (from Ginzburg). As a rich man he learned he can do and get ANYTHING with money!
    He learned to establish many (over 100) NON-Profit organizations. He set out to control, to change the US and the World. The Obama Admin. even helped him, his non-profits with TAX Money!
    His non-profits have lots of money, they organized the several caravans from Honduras, El Salvador. Got them buses, trucks, food to get trough Mexico. They spread the ideas in Spanish that the US is OPEN, there are jobs here, or the Government will support you.
    Most anything (bad) that happens in the US, if you scratch it you will find “Soros money” and and his organization pushing it! Decriminalize ALL drugs, get leftist Attorney Generals and release many, many convicts (some are back in jail very fast).
    He is evil, and money talks!! He finds people doing his deeds!

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