Tancredo: How do These People Sleep at Night?

Francis Hernandez, an undocumented immigrant convicted of killing two women and a three-year-old child in a drunk driving incident

By: Tom Tancredo

Imagine a city where a leftist mayor declares that any criminal who can make it inside the city limits without being caught by the police will be given safe haven and welfare benefits.

Imagine that, naturally, this influx of fugitive criminals causes crime to skyrocket.

Imagine that, of course, the local leftist media (I know, redundant) actively suppresses or passively refuses to report on the escalating crime rate because they support the mayor’s policy regardless of the damage it causes.

Now imagine that the leftist mayor responsible for this carnage was held legally, financially, and criminally responsible for it?

Gotcha, didn’t I? It’s easy to imagine the first four paragraphs and impossible to imagine the fifth because, well, we know politicians are never held accountable for policy crimes that result in death and destruction.

Moreover, we don’t have to imagine the first four paragraphs, either, because that is not only what a sanctuary city is, but it’s the sanctuary country President In Name Only (PINO) Biden is trying to create right now. Today. As you read this.

Now let me tell you another tale, a tale that, unfortunately, requires no imagination because it is true. Aurora, Colorado, 2008. Three-year-old Marten Kudlis went into a Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop so his mom could buy him some ice cream. As he waited, a drunken illegal alien named Francis Hernandez was driving 80+ mph in a 30 mph zone. He lost control of his vehicle, veered across traffic, and smashed into a pickup truck. The impact killed the two women inside and knocked their truck through the windows of the Baskin-Robbins store, killing Marten. 

Three-year-old Marten Kudlis

A terrible tragedy, made worse by the fact that Hernandez, the Mexican criminal driving drunk, had been arrested 16 times in five years without being turned over to immigration authorities even one time! He was never turned over to immigration because the city had become a sanctuary for illegals – and directly caused the death of three American citizens by someone who should never have been here in the first place. I became close to Marten’s family, and that is why this story and that little boy’s face haunts me to this day. By the way, the parents were legal immigrants to the U.S.

This is just one story of heartbreak caused by the actions of politicians who literally aid and abet murder, rape, robbery, burglary, and negligent homicide through their criminal policies that protect hardened criminals from the consequences of their crimes. There are literally thousands and thousands of Americans every day, week, and month who suffer at the hands of politicians who protect illegal aliens and their crimes instead of protecting the American citizens they swore an oath to serve and protect. 

Naturally, it’s hard to get accurate numbers because many jurisdictions will not provide the information – or even compile it – because to do so is not “woke.” But though the estimates vary wildly, President Trump was absolutely accurate to say there are “thousands” of such crimes. One key data point in support: right now, approximately 95 percent of the 40,000 foreign nationals held in federal prisons are illegal aliens. State facilities hold thousands more. Tens of thousands more are on the loose… and these are just the hardened criminals, not your everyday drunk driver or minor thief… or illegal worker taking jobs from American citizens.

A 2011 report by the Government Accounting Office (GAO) said that at least 12 Americans are killed every day by illegal aliens. The report met with widespread attacks by pro-illegal immigrant groups, most of whom are dedicated to the destruction of America. Regardless of the exact number of murders, rapes, and robberies committed every day in this country by these people, the fact is that none of them should even be here – and those that are should be hunted down and expelled from the country! 

What is PINO Biden doing about it? He is doubling down on aiding and abetting criminals aliens by rolling out the red carpet to ever-more illegal aliens (from COVID-infested countries, no less) to enter the country and then disappear until they re-emerge as criminals responsible for more death and destruction. Even more criminally, he is looking at giving amnesty and reparations to illegals deported by President Trump! PINO Biden & Company are culpable and should be held criminally responsible, along with every elected official who invites criminal aliens into our country and gives them a safe haven to destroy the lives, both literally and figuratively, of so many American citizens. 

I don’t know how these politicians can sleep at night.

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8 thoughts on “Tancredo: How do These People Sleep at Night?

  1. One supposes that those who “govern” these jurisdictions enjoy the protection offered by armed security not available to John Q. Public. Additionally, those who govern would deny John Q. Public protective arms. Strange isn’t it or is it?

  2. While my heart breaks for the family of that little boy I cannot help but wonder how many of these same victims voted in the very politicians aiding and abetting these criminals.

  3. In order to feel bad about your actions you need to have a conscience. These leftists have been ignoring their consciences for so long that they no longer work as a positive force in their lives. We ask these kinds of questions because we assume that leftists still have some humanity left. They do not. They have lots of self-righteousness and judgementalism and resentment, but they have no compassion, not really. They claim to care about the downtrodden, but their actions do much more harm to those they claim to care about than good. But either they cannot or they will not look at the ramifications of their actions because they NEVER EVER EVER admit that they are wrong or that they behaved badly, no matter how obvious it is to the rest of us. They sleep at night because they have lost the ability to feel shame or remorse about anything. They have set themselves up as God and consider themselves perfect. In their minds, they have nothing to be sorry for.

  4. When it is those who make the laws are the ones breaking those same laws who will have the guts to arrest and prosecute them? Perhaps we could get the only elected police officer to uphold the peoples laws? How about it sheriff you are elected the others are appointed how about arresting the leaders breaking our laws?

  5. Former Congressman Tancredo fails to realize the fact that 99.9% of elected officials do not possess one tenth the morals, ethics and patriotism that he possesses. Sans a conscience, these cretins sleep deeply, counting as they drift off, their citizens’ paid salaries and benefits and visualizing the future kickbacks they are accruing while in office.

  6. How do these people sleep at night? Because they beleive the destruction of America as we know it will ultimately lead to a better world. Once you understand that the goal is the destruction of America as we know it, leftist policies all make sense.

  7. YOU have effectively described

    seattle to a tee. the city council is communist, the county commissioners are fools following obummer and byden, if you need protection down town, you had better carry your own on your hip.

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