A Woman’s Response To The Inner Thoughts Pt. 2 Column

Abortion will be a forever debated topic. In December 2021, the Supreme Court witnessed both pro-choice and pro-life fighting for or against Mississippi’s decision to ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Some think it saves lives; others think it kills them. 

As Robinson wrote in his article, life starts when the sperm meets the egg. This is due to the metabolic processes occurring when the two cells intertwine. Thus, human life starts at conception. Science recognizes this as fact, and so should the rest of the population.

People need to understand that abortion is not okay. Life begins at conception, therefore abortion is murder. The baby may not be able to talk or breathe quite yet, but the baby is very much alive, and it is backed by the criteria of what science determines to be alive – not to mention it is the same science in which the left puts all its hope. Saying a fetus is not a living being is outrageous because life starts much earlier than that. Continually, everything has a beginning – though it may not always be perfect right from the start, it has to start somewhere and without the death of innocent babies. 

Many bad situations arise in this world such as rape or unplanned pregnancies, which cause and encourage women to get abortions. A woman who experienced rape could already be in a situation where she can barely support herself. How can that woman be expected to take care of another human being? Or take the unplanned/teen pregnancy. A high school student who messed around may not be able to go to college, and her household may not be able to take care of another child. 

The sad truth is that abortion is pushed onto both of these women. But, in choosing to exercise the choice of abortion, you are preventing another human from living. “Your choice” is removing the ability for the child to ever have a choice when there are many better alternative options like foster care and adoption if raising the child is not a possibility. 

The left likes to encourage abortions as a quick fix to what they see as an inconvenience. The narrative of “if having a child is an inconvenience, just kill it” is a ridiculous notion. That child has every right to live as you do. Disposing of life because of one unfortunate circumstance is still wrong. In other words, two wrongs do not make a right.

Going through a traumatic experience is difficult, especially if it is not your fault. If you have considered abortion, I would urge you not to. Instead, seek support from those around you. Being vulnerable and asking for help is better than choosing an abortion. Choosing to get an abortion in response to a traumatic experience will not fix the problem. The memory of that, and of the child, will live forever.

Though the left brainwashes women to think abortion is the only option, I believe that every life is important! I, like anybody, have to understand these evils could befall upon me. If I became pregnant, whether I was raped or made a poor decision, I would have to be willing to deal with those consequences because my circumstances should not excuse the death of an innocent human being. Therefore, I would!

The change is going to come in two ways: your vote and your support. Stopping the “Pro-Choice” movement is going to be the first step, and that all starts with your vote. Then, share your pro-life stance and encourage others to do the same. Additionally, we can support the mothers in the process of pregnancy in an effort to make it easier on them. Now is the time to fight. Now is the time to take down the institution of murder.

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One thought on “A Woman’s Response To The Inner Thoughts Pt. 2 Column

  1. I would hope that those that support abortion are aware that the abortion industry was started by a eugenicist that wanted to eliminate the “lesser” beings from existing in this world, and she was very good at generating all of the necessary logic for that sentiment, then we go to the part where the majority of abortions are of black babies to the tune of 10’s of thousands of them, and you begin to see Planned Parenthood and the eugenicist, Margaret Sanger have been quite successful in that regard. The percentage of the population that our black community represents has been in decline for years now and it is still declining, not just for that reason, but for many reasons, but that has been a big part of that decline. Government destruction of the family is another of those reasons, and that also has the greatest effect on the minority communities. It is a sad commentary of the state of this country and of the rest of the world that it has been allowed to happen right under our noses!

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