Tancredo: The Mythical January 6 “Insurrection” Comes from the Same Desperate Democrats Who Invented the 2017 “Russiagate” Investigation and Two Desperate Trump Impeachments 

By: Tom Tancredo

After the embarrassing flop of the 2017-2018 Russiagate investigation and the two failed House Democrat impeachments, you would think Nancy Pelosi and conspirators CNN and MSNBC would be wary of another transparently partisan concoction to politically assassinate Donald Trump. But you would be wrong.  Here we are again. 

The Democrat Propaganda Machine — sometimes known as the corrupt corporate media establishment — is selling the Democrats’ a conspiracy theory nonstop. The Insurrection Myth requires that we believe the January 6 riot at the Capitol was not really a riot but a plot aimed at overturning the results of the November 3, 2020, presidential election. Selling this theory requires a continuous, coordinated media campaign of misinformation and outright lies and a level of partisan demagoguery unparalleled in recent American history. 

Democrat Party leaders like Speaker Pelosi and Attorney General Garland are not waiting for the results of the indictments and trials of the 700-plus individuals thus far arrested and prosecuted as participants in the January 6 riot. Nope. Instead, Pelosi has established a special House committee to investigate the riot, a committee which at its inception violated the House’s own rules in the appointment of committee members.

And so, here we are again, trapped in the quicksand of the Washington swamp. Over 700 Americans have been arrested by an army of over 200 federal investigators and prosecutors, and hundreds of them have been denied bail and have been sitting in jail for months awaiting a trial.  

Actually, this is not a mystery, and polls tell us the American public is increasingly suspicious of the new Pelosi circus. The obvious target of the transparently partisan congressional investigations and obsessive media propaganda is former President Donald Trump. Neither Speaker Pelosi, Attorney General Garland nor any CNN “news analyst” care one whit how many “rioters” are convicted. The only measure of success will be the successful political destruction and exile of Donald Trump.

Yes, there was a riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and individuals who actually committed assault or destroyed property ought to be prosecuted. Never mind that thousands of rioters who looted and burned buildings in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Denver, and a dozen other Democratic urban strongholds have yet to be prosecuted. A riot is a riot and the laws should be enforced. But a riot is not an insurrection, not even if it occurs at the Capitol.

Anyone who takes time to separate facts from contrived fictions will conclude the evidence clears then-President Donald Trump from both any incitement to riot and any plot to “subvert” the constitutional process for certifying the results of the Electoral College election of the President and Vice President. 

There is a sound legal theory behind Trump’s January 5th request to Vice President Pence to delay acceptance of the Electoral College Votes from three states where the state legislature was lawfully questioning the accuracy of the election totals. Trump requested only a brief delay in the vote, not a rejection. A formal vote by Congress would still be held prior to January 20, Inauguration Day. 

In fact, Democrats are now obliquely agreeing on the lawfulness of Trump’s request to Pence. Democrats are now proposing to amend the Electoral College Count Act of 1887 so that in the future, it cannot be used to allow state legislatures to reconsider and change its certification of the state’s Electoral College Vote — which is what was proposed to Vice President Pence. So, if that proposal to Vice President Pence by the President’s lawyer was lawful and not subversive, what is the legal basis for the  Democrats’ assertion of an attempted “insurrection”?

Even the facts emerging from the ongoing investigation of the Capitol riots do not support the theory of a planned “insurrection.” In fact, raise serious questions about the decisions and motivations of House Democrat leaders who decided to NOT call in the National Guard or additional security forces available from the DC Police.  

No evidence has been found of any protestor entering the Capitol carrying explosives or firearms. The only shots fired inside the Capitol that day were by Capitol police — against unarmed protestors. The only deaths that occurred at the Capitol on January 6 were the deaths of unarmed protestors.

  1. A woman protestor shot by a Capitol policeman near the House chamber was not armed and was not threatening him. He was cleared of any culpability in the death without an interview! 
  2. A second female protestor who was OUTSIDE the Capitol and threatening violence against no one was trampled and beaten to death by police, a scene caught on film.  
  3. Biden’s army of FBI sleuths has oddly been unable to identify the person who planted pipe bombs around the Capitol area the night before. 

What we are witnessing in Congress is nothing but an attempted third impeachment of Donald Trump. In the end, it will fail even more dramatically than the first two because it is even more transparently partisan and devoid of credible evidence.

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4 thoughts on “Tancredo: The Mythical January 6 “Insurrection” Comes from the Same Desperate Democrats Who Invented the 2017 “Russiagate” Investigation and Two Desperate Trump Impeachments 

  1. The same small group of Trump hating democrats that have always been dogging him from day one are responsible for this farce. I understand their role in this craziness but the most worrisome part is all the democrats who fall lockstep into the madness. I know there HAS to be at least a few who would step away from their party line and ask what the hell is going on. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe there is no hope for the democrats. Maybe they are all willing to take the road that leads to the destruction of the republic. But wait. I’m not laying all the blame on the poor deluded democrats. The wimpy Republicans are just too complacent as they sit back to watch the show. Oh, there’s a handful that do clamor on about the democrats’ lies and the apparent complicity of the MSM and FBI, but there’s no real pushback by the Republican Party. It seems like it’s all just theater. Let’s face it folks. We the people have no representation, and if we take things into our own hands, we are considered criminals and branded as terrorists. Our hands are tied. Voting is meaningless and any expressions of dissent is squashed by the government and it’s MSM minions. What to do? Beats hell out of me. I’d give my life for the cause ( I’m A Vietnam veteran) and would do it without regret, but it would be a useless sacrifice if the majority just sits back and watches.

  2. ALL for Power only & Control only
    Used real people for J6 vs Russia hoax Game
    Real persons in DC jail for J6

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