Biden Extends Record for Not Holding Press Conference to 50 Days

Washington, D.C. — President Joe Biden extended the record he set for not holding a press conference in the early days of his presidency to 50 days.

Before Biden, not a single president in the last 100 years took more than 33 days to hold a press conference. In fact, the record 50 days is longer than both of the previous presidents combined.

Biden campaigned on a platform of transparency, yet he refuses to accept hard questions from the press. On Tuesday, the president’s aides ushered the press away from the president after he visited a small business owner in D.C., saying, “Come on, press, you gotta go.”

The only thing the press has “gotta” do is keep asking Biden hard questions until he comes forward with answers. This lack of accessibility to the press should concern every American.

Gas prices are rising, there is a worsening crisis at the southern border, and the Capitol is surrounded by a razor-wire fence and more than a thousand National Guard troops.

It is time for Biden to stop hiding from the American people.

At this point, Americans have to wonder why Biden refuses to hold a solo press conference. Is he slipping mentally, or is there another serious health issue the president is hiding?

On top of Biden’s lack of accountability, the 46th president has still not set a date for a State of the Union Address.

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18 thoughts on “Biden Extends Record for Not Holding Press Conference to 50 Days

  1. Is there an immigration and humanitarian crisis at the southern border of the United States?
    Why ask a double question? As far as an immigration problem,, YES ! This administration has thrown all the work done by the prior one out of HATE. We need to control the boarders NOW.

    The humanitarian question “IF they were not breaking the law, THEN NO! They are bringing the humanitarian problem on themselves.

  2. The only real reason why the RATS have us watching Joe, is because Comrade Harris is behind the seen. Just like a magician pulling off a trick. You watch this hand & the other one pulls off the trick.

  3. Creepy joe needs to be impeached for not protecting our southern border. He has allowed numerous aliens in with COVID. It’s so bad greyhound won’t let them on their buses. Doesn’t know how to put America first. He hasn’t upheld the Constitution.

    If crazy Nancy pushes the 25th amendment on creepy Biden then all of his EO’s should be null and void.

  4. It’s obvious to me that the Dems wanted to be the first party to have a woman president and knew she could not be elected and knew Biden could be, and they also knew Biden wouldn’t last long. Simple as that, Joe was used.


    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) have had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose instead to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action?

    I strongly urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP AND SENATORS in DC and DEMAND a COMPLETE AUDIT AND INVESTIGATION into the 2020 ELECTIONS and for the IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT OF BIDEN AND HARRIS.

    BIDEN is completely UNFIT FOR OFFICE! And they both (BIDEN & HARRIS) have family members putting them both in a CONCLICT of interest position advertising and promoting their businesses and using their VP and POTUS both as an advertising self-interest, self-promoting position and it is ILLEGAL!

    People should write these numbers down and use them frequently even if you don’t think your elected officials listen, they are required to note your comments for the permanent record in their caller database for anyone to see.

    Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


    One call per rep!

    Keep in mind: SILENCE = ACCEPTANCE

  6. China Joe Xiden is not presidential material and he never was !
    He is a puppet for the likes of George Soros and the New World Order !
    He was handed the Election on a platter of FRAUD !
    He bragged about the FRAUD back in October 2020 … here are his exact words :

    “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
    – Joe Biden, October 24, 2020

  7. What is Biden hiding? Everything that he’s doing. He doesn’t want US citizens to come to understand how destructive his actions are.

  8. They are dont going to let Biden speak without them being in control of what he has to say as he is noting but a Democrat flunky puppet controlled by Schumer and Pelosi and the rest of the Dem flunkies’ Need to just get rid them

  9. That team of his hiding behind the drapes, are socialist as is Biden, interested in making money but could care less what’s good for Americans, he has sold his soul to be a player in the pay for play game. Biden and his family will ever be know as traitors for personal financial enrichment. NOT MENTALLY FIT: Three Dozen House Dems Turn on Biden. (Big League Politics) – President-imposed Joe Biden is already being undermined by Democrats who want him out of the picture and replaced with an individual who does not have severe cognitive impairments. Three dozen House Democrats have signed a letter urging for the nuclear codes to be removed from Biden as they attempt to neuter the illegitimate Commander-in-Chief before his dementia leads to a potential disaster. In their letter, the disingenuous Democrats framed it as if Trump, who pulled troops out of many different countries, was the reason they were taking this order even though he was just ousted from office. “Vesting one person with this authority entails real risks,” states the letter, which was led by Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-CA). “Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment. “Joe Biden health condition is worse than ever before. And now Secret Service agents have accidentally leaked special information about Biden’s health. According to Populist Press, Former Secret Service And Conservative Commentator Dan Bongino says that sources close to the White House have confirmed to him that Joe Biden’s condition has gotten very, very serious. Dan Bongino Drops Biden Health Bombshell Former Secret Service Agent and Conservative Commentator Dan Bongino said that secret service agents are telling him just how bad Biden’s condition is. On Fox News with Sean Hannity, Bongino revealed the following news to viewers: “It gives me absolutely no joy in saying this… He is in real significant trouble. Everyone around him, everyone knows it.”

  10. Maybe because he is busy cleaning up the mess Trump left and he has a press secretary meeting daily with the media.

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