Tancredo: “Picking The Lesser Of Two Evils”

By: Tom Tancredo

Super Bowl LVI was a great football game, but sandwiched between its two compelling halves was the most insulting display of in-your-face racism, black privilege, and Woke Mob supremacy to disgrace the Super Bowl stage since Super Bowl L’s halftime paean to the Black Panthers. 

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s latest politically correct travesty “starred” Calvin “Snoop Dogg” Broadus, Doctor Dre, and Token White Boy Eminem, among other “entertainers” (well, Mary J. Blige is awesome) apparently picked by Goodell to appease the cancel culture mob that attacks en masse on Twitter whenever someone offends their delicate sensibilities.

Goodell’s racist woke-fest echoes the mainstream media landscape, of course. Anyone who watches essentially any show on network television has no doubt noticed that “diversity” now means “no white men.” Few if any commercials or even shows feature white people at all – and if they do, it’s as a buffoon or a criminal. Seriously, go ahead and count the number of white males in any commercial you see today, for any product (well, maybe not pickup trucks).  

But while “diversity and inclusion” is the mantra chanted loudly by almost every schoolteacher and politician in America, those obnoxious voices are silent over Super Bowl LVI’s profound lack of said diversity and inclusion.

Of the 100+ performers, almost all were black or brown. Only TWB Eminem was featured among the main performers. It was just like watching a network TV commercial: No white males unless they are idiots – as TWB was when he kneeled in dishonorable solidarity with Colin Kaepernick, the racist communist former quarterback who dishonored the national anthem and, in his own words, the country and its fallen heroes as well when he kneeled before a 2016 NFL game and afterward said: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”

There was jawing back and forth about whether TWB kneeled with or without the NFL’s blessing, but nobody said anything about the fact that Broadus just released the cop-hating rap song “Police.” Here’s the intro:

“All you niggas out there

Take your guns that you using to shoot each other

And start shooting these bitch ass motherfucking police

That’ll impress a motherfucking nigga like me”

Lovely sentiments – and so eloquently expressed (not!). Is this Goodall’s idea of diversity and inclusion? I wonder what the hundreds of cops protecting his sorry butt and his sacred showcase think of his choice? We’ll never know, of course, because any cop who dared to criticize the rampant racism and cop-hating of the halftime show would be unemployed faster than Kamala can cackle. 

Any Trump supporter who called for the murder of people he didn’t like would not just be kicked out of the show; he’d be arrested and held without bail in solitary confinement (on second thought, the Woke Mob enforcers did that to Trump supporters who trespassed in the Capitol, so in summary, execution is probably more likely in this case).

If Goodell didn’t know of Broadus’ cop-hating song, he should be fired for incompetence. If he did know, and let that thug perform anyway, he should be fired and maybe even charged with aiding and abetting violence against the police. More than 300 cops were shot in 2021, 58 or more of whom died. As of this writing, 15 police officers have been shot so far in 2022, several of whom died.

That is the mentality now leading the National Football League and it presents me with a dilemma. I am a die-hard Broncos fan, and a longtime lover of American football, but if I continue to support the NFL with my time and viewership, do I not also tacitly aid and abet its support of cop-hating racists and the Woke Mob that empowers them?

At the same time, the Woke Mob hates the NFL almost as much as it loathes itself (and that is saying something!), so maybe I need to stick with our now-flawed but still much-loved national pastime not just for the pleasure it brings me but to thwart the Woke Mob’s attack on what it calls “toxic masculinity.”

I guess I’ll pick the lesser of two evils… and keep watching NFL football. Go Broncos!

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One thought on “Tancredo: “Picking The Lesser Of Two Evils”

  1. Dear Tom,
    Giving them your money is nfl is after.
    Give me money and you can say anything , just so the check don’t bounce,

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