Another Ridiculous, Liberal Notion Sets America Back

In November of 2021, the Biden Administration chose to “reform” oil and gas drilling by increasing the prices of drilling in the US. As a result, gas is now being imported from other countries, making their prices sky-rocket. 

As the talk of reforms for climate change becomes more prevalent due to the liberal administration in power because they chose to focus on oil and gas due to its high carbon emission rates in the US. But is it really making any improvement at all on climate change the way they intended it to? Additionally, why then is CNBC calling this a reform on the gas and oil industry if it does not benefit?

Although the Biden Administration did not ban drilling in the US, they did make it extremely inconvenient. This caused many Americans to lose their jobs, as well as decrease the revenue coming from those companies. Thus, the economy was negatively affected by this policy.

Continually, instead of drilling in our own country, we are importing gas from other countries. This is driving the cost of gas up for Americans. But what does not make sense is if we are doing this all in the name of climate change, how come we are seeing no improvement?

The only difference this policy made is changing the location of drilling – while making the carbon emissions in the United States look better on paper. But the carbon emissions will still look the same globally, so this is not what they say it is and the American citizens are at a loss. Changing the location of the drilling will not change the carbon emissions, but it does remove jobs around the country while negatively impacting our economy.

The increased prices of gas are also depriving lower-income individuals to drive. Not everybody was able to afford the costs that come with a car in the first place, let alone now. Liberals claim they are concerned with helping out the “disadvantaged,” so why would they make their situation more difficult?

Biden decided to forsake the jobs of many Americans in order to look better on a piece of paper. He also took away the opportunity for people to drive if they cannot afford it. Americans are still buying gas, which is still contributing to carbon emissions, just not in the US. I cannot see how this achieves any of the policy’s goals.

So, Joe Biden, what’s the point?

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12 thoughts on “Another Ridiculous, Liberal Notion Sets America Back

  1. AND now we are importing oil and gas which increases the carbon footprint since it must be transported mostly by ships plus the rail and trucks from Canada and Mexico since Pipelines aren’t being built or being shutdown. We are trading one evil for a greater evil. No one is winning here except Biden and his cohorts look good on paper in theory…. Time for a change in the Administration and the Congress.

  2. It is as if the President is working to destroy middle class Americans and people living on fixed incomes by ruining our energy sector and making Communist Russia and Venezuela rich.

  3. No, this the first time I have seen the article about natural gas on this site. Why did you say I had posted that one sentence before. You must be for Biden, RIGHT?

  4. America’s Citizens Press,
    I made two comments, neither one would you post in the comments. So, I have unsubscribed from your emails. Do not send anymore.

  5. Biden and his so-called “Administration” are stupid, but so are his progressive and leftist constituency. The progressives and leftists seem to think that just because they want something done, by someone else, of course; that it can be done NOW. This is not the case with reducing fossil fuel use. We have used oil on a significant scale for about 150 years, and coal for at least 400 years. We will not be able to stop using fossil fuels overnight, no matter what anybody wants. Even if “climate change” (global warming) is a real problem, which is by no means certain, trying to solve it overnight will only backfire badly. Far better to let free markets come up with alternatives to fossil fuels, as much for national security as for “climate change” reasons, as the economics and technical advances dictate. Also, progressives and leftists better get used to a lot of “half a loaf” solutions in the next 40 to 50 years, such as using natural gas instead of coal in power plants; if they want accomplish anything at all. Natural gas emits about 60% of the carbon dioxide as most coal for the same energy output, with far less pollution than coal. Weaning ourselves off fossil fuels will be a “death by a thousand (small) cuts” over 80 to 100 years, not a quick “cold turkey” solution. As a chemical engineer, I know that this is the reality, accept it progressives, leftist, and snowflakes.

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