New Year Still Plagued by Leftist Obsessions; Like, yes…Communism

By: Tom Tancredo

I have great respect for old adages, but with the end of 2021, it is hard to believe that “there is nothing new under the sun.” Not surprisingly, the American Left has again broken new ground since the arrival of President-In-Name-Only Joe Biden. 

Biden is the first occupant of the White House since at least Franklin Roosevelt to nominate an actual communist to head a federal agency–Saul Omarova, nominated by Biden to be the Treasury Department’s Comptroller of the Currency.

Fortunately, the nomination was withdrawn after a few–very few–Senate Democrats expressed opposition. Perhaps someone had doubts about public acceptance of Marx, Vladimir and Fidel replacing Washington, Lincoln and Hamilton on our currency. 

But truth be told, it was and is hard for President-In-Name-Only Biden to top the cultural and political breakthroughs achieved by President Obama; this includes at his first White House Christmas Party in December 2009.  The decorations of the 2009 White House Christmas Tree were enhanced with ornaments featuring a picture of Chairman Mao Zedong, the celebrated butcher of up to 50 million of his Chinese countrymen, including millions of Christians. 

Sadly, and outrageously, the fact that Mao and his Chinese Communist Party were responsible for crushing Christianity and virtually all religious freedom in China was not a disqualification for being honored inside Barack Obama’s progressive White House. 

Am I making too much of one White House incident far back in 2009? I wish that were the case, and I wish the mockery of Christmas and Christianity itself were confined to Christmas tree ornaments.

Unfortunately, mockery and cultural condescension are but one feature of an accelerating campaign over the past decade by leaders of the United States Democratic Party to undermine and belittle our country’s Christian heritage and Christianity’s very positive role in the unparalleled achievements of American society. 

Educated Americans know that the Communist party’s attack on Christianity did not begin with Chairman Mao, nor with Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, or any 20th Century communist tyrant. It began with Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto of 1848 and is as basic to Communist thinking as cocoa is to the making of Chocolate ice cream. 

One short generation ago, before the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War in 1990, there was an American public consensus that Communism was an abhorrent ideology that served only to enslave hundreds of millions of people.

Yet, strangely, ironically, and wholly unexpectedly, the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the threat of “thermonuclear mutual annihilation” served to liberate communism, not bury it.  No longer burdened with the impossible task of defending brutal repressive regimes, communists were free to preach and celebrate pseudo-utopian goals rooted in a simplistic criticism of “capitalist inequality.” 

And, behold: Kazaam! After the fall of the Communist Party dictatorship in the USSR, “Neo-Marxism” and Communism miraculously blossomed anew in Western universities, and Marxist dictators gained new life in South America and Africa.  Commerce and trade mushroomed with repressive, genocidal Communist regimes in China and Vietnam, and literally millions of foreign students from Communist regimes are welcomed into American universities.

In 2020, an avowed Marxist founded and led the Black Lives Matter organization, while it took in tens of millions of dollars in donations from “Progressive” business corporations and philanthropists, and the United States, while the pro-communist “anti-fascist” Antifa urban warfare group wrecks havoc on civic order and peaceful assemblies from Portland to Minneapolis. 

For the first time in memory, an elected U.S. Senator, Democrat Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, the former Attorney General of that state, not only attended an anniversary celebration of the American Communist Party but reportedly gave out awards! 

On reflection, these ominous developments on the political scene should not be so surprising. Are they not the predictable consequence of the political and economic and orthodoxies now being taught as mainstream “social justice” doctrines all across our educational landscape?

When a nation’s cultural institutions become corrupted by Marxist “critical theory,” political and economic failures will not be far behind. Our deeply Christian cultural heritage is only one target of our Woke Totalitarians. Our Constitutional liberties are also in their crosshairs. And, oh yes, other ornaments that adorned the Obama tree were that noted transvestite, Hedda Lettuce; an anatomically correct gingerbread man; and a stone that shows Obama”s head being added to Mt. Rushmore! 

Happy New Year!

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5 thoughts on “New Year Still Plagued by Leftist Obsessions; Like, yes…Communism

  1. Israel neither needs nor wants Communists on its land! Karl Marx got it all wrong in his attempt to create a communist country and there hasn’t been such a thing since! I doubt that any intelligent people will be accepting any such attempt here in Israel and one can only hope that these communists stay well away from the country! They know where they’re accepted and it’s in those places that they will very likely stay!

  2. I really like Tom Tancredo’s articles, but the ‘advertising’ that I have to scroll down through is grotesque and disgusting and makes me want to stop reading them. Are these ads necessary.

  3. I’m not sure why the author is questioning Solomon’s adage of “there is nothing new under the sun.” After making that comment, the author goes on to say how Socialist values and Communist minded people once again show up in the U.S. government. Names may change and the items we use may change, but in the long run, nothing that was done prior to Solomon’s claim that “there is nothing new under the sun.”, is any different at its base level. This is why it is so important to teach our history as accurately and as truthfully as possible, so we can learn from our mistakes and benefit from things we’ve done right. Unfortunately, the Universe is a constant struggle between dark and light forces, Yin and Yang, good and evil. Evil will always attempt to distort our past so that we cannot learn from it.

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