Kamala Harris’ Memorial Day Weekend Tweet an Embarrassment to Vice Presidency

Washington, D.C. — Vice President Kamala Harris’ Memorial Day weekend tweet is an embarrassment to the Vice Presidency.

Harris tweeted a photo of herself with the caption, “Enjoy the long weekend.”

Twitter users were understandably furious at the VP’s failure even to mention Memorial Day in the tweet.

It’s self-absorbed actions like this, along with a complete lack of remorse, that is plaguing President Joe Biden’s administration.

The out-of-touch behavior from both Biden and Harris regarding the U.S. military is a disgrace to the White House and the American people.

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9 thoughts on “Kamala Harris’ Memorial Day Weekend Tweet an Embarrassment to Vice Presidency

  1. This is new? The entire administration is an embarrassment. Was Creepy Joe or his ignorant VP out there saluting the Rolling to Remember AMVET motorcycle riders in DC? No, the military stood there the entire time SALUTING those hundreds of riders, but of course Beijing Joe doesn’t even salute our military. Maybe Nobama and Joe’s other keepers wouldn’t let him out of the basement after his nasty comment to the child of a veteran. The rest of the world must be rolling on the floor at what the UNTIED States of America has fallen down to.

  2. same comment as before, kartoe aka harris is just an other example of who the liberal/socialist are all about, them selves and screw the real citizens who actually pay taxes that support them, oour tax dollars which allows them to denigrate us. Their base pays little or no taxes but benefit the most from the tax dollars we are forced to pay, it supports their agenda, their slacker base while they laugh at us because we just keep supplying the funds so than can all so denigrate us, think about it, when will sheeple be tired of being used and abused. I would have though by now she would have pushed sloejoe bidet out of office so she could do her reign of terror on the public, at which point we all get screwed, just an observation, opinion of a free range senior citizen, will this make the cut?

  3. But they don’t care. You’re talking the president and vice-president of the United States. All I can say is that we better have our election system fixed before the next cycle.

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