Biden Debuts $6 Trillion Dollar Budget Proposal

Washington, D.C. — President Biden released his proposal for a $6 Trillion federal budget, the largest proposal in U.S. History.

The proposal includes what is essentially a wish-list of Biden’s campaign promises. This includes tax hikes, “climate change” spending, and loosening abortion restrictions.

If Biden gets his way, the nation’s corporate tax will increase by $2 Trillion over the next decade. The proposal also includes tax hikes on individuals, increasing the top marginal income tax rate and almost doubling the capital gains tax rates.

Even with the tax hikes, this budget proposal does not balance and forecasts the national debt to be at around 117% of GDP by the year 2031. The national debt is currently around $28 Trillion (which has grown more than $15 Trillion in the last ten years).

Biden’s budget also predicts that inflation will not rise significantly, despite recent evidence to the contrary.

As he indicated on the campaign trail, Biden’s proposal does not include the Hyde Amendment, which has been in place since 1976. The Hyde Amendment prohibited taxpayer dollars from funding abortion services. With the amendment in place, the federal government would have more flexibility to pay for abortions and fund their providers, such as Planned Parenthood.

The budget also includes $36 Billion to “fight climate change,” investing significantly more money in green energy sources and further limiting oil and gas production.

Gun control spending is also a part of the package. It gives $2 billion to the Department of Justice to “address gun violence.” While giving no particulars as to what that means, this has included funding state-level gun control initiatives in the past.

Biden’s budget proposal is merely that, a proposal.

The Constitution requires the House of Representatives to create all budgets. That said, the House, under Nancy Pelosi’s leadership, will likely take the Biden Administration’s guidelines and adopt many of them into their bill.

With the U.S. Senate split 50-50, many of these items (particularly the removal of the Hyde amendment) are just wishful thinking by the Biden Administration. Any of these line items can be modified or gutted entirely if just one Democrat Senator doesn’t agree.

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8 thoughts on “Biden Debuts $6 Trillion Dollar Budget Proposal

  1. Sorry to say, and with all due respect, Mr Biden is showing the world that America is weak. He does not appear to be strong against our enemies. He is slowly destroying America as he ignores those looking to hurt her……Autonomous zones are a joke, and he lets them get away with it. Why? Close them down, this is America, No one has a right to take over streets to run their own community…….and start to concern himself with America, and Americans, First & Foremost, instead of constantly worrying about Undocumented Aliens and Illegals , my opinion

    1. Biden is not a legitimate President, so all that comes from this fact is expected, America was warned. All who support the new Democratic-socialist-Communist ways, the MSM, the people that are appointed by Biden, DR Fauci’s lying are to blame.
      WE have lost a country because of American Indifference towards the Truth. Now there’s only one way to solve this and that would mean a civil war, Much bloodshed. Nobody sees this coming yet they tolerate the BLM, Antifa, a corrupt Justice Dept, FBI. WE are seeing the beginning and still our Congress sits and watches with arms folded. Their job is to serve the people and have not showed up for the work of serving the people. They serve themselves only.

  2. Every day, I look at the news and wonder how much longer our leaders will tolerate this socialist insanity. Everyone with a three-digit intelligence quotient knows the current White House occupant is an afflicted, imbecilic marionette under the control of a billionaire cabal.

    They hope to transform our constitutional republic form of government into a body more collaborative to government control of production, employment and pricing. If this overthrow continues unchecked, individual dreams and goals will be shattered and revolt will become commonplace. I wonder if our real leaders are the cabal and our elected officials already have sold our freedoms.

  3. Biden and the Democrats are hell bent on destroying the greatest country on Earth. This budget proposal is proof positive they have completely lost their minds. Every action the Democrats take is contrary to the best interest of most Americans. Because the anti-American, democracy hating, socialist politicians are screaming so loudly, Biden actually believes most of us support what that small group stands for. I have news for him … we don’t.

    I am afraid that if American voters don’t wake up and see how the Democrats are destroying the very things that has made this country great, within four years conditions will have deteriorated to a point at which we will not be able to recover. We can make a start on preventing this from happening by electing sane politicians in the 2022 mid-term elections.

    Think before you vote.

  4. The American DREAM is dead. Under the Biden administration it will soon be the American NIGHTMARE!!! Democrat states are suffering highest crime, highest taxes, highest covid restrictions, poorest quality education, highest influx of illegals, the most restrictions on police along with drastic cuts in their budget, the release of thousands of hardened criminals from prison, the highest number of homeless individuals and families in the history of our country, an overwhelming increase in crime and drug use, historical increase in hate crimes against Asians and Jews, major increase in child porn and child sex trade and the list goes on and on and on. The free America that believed in God and Country along with a government that represented the best interests of the people is going, going, GONE!!! Wait!! It is just beginning.

  5. I would love to know what the bright ideas are out of the GOP to fix the deficit. Trump didn’t help the deficit, gave corporations ridiculous tax cuts, and wages are now further out of whack. Do people understand that wealthy just keep getting wealthier and poor keep getting poorer? I’m not for complete handouts to everyone, but someone needs to present a realistic solution. We can’t isolate ourselves from the world. Trump claimed he had a solution to healthcare. It was always “a couple weeks away”. We never saw it. No one wants to address a population of people that here illegally. If you could snap your fingers and they would be magically deported, our economic system would practically collapse. Again, not a single realistic solution or compromise from the GOP.

    1. IF Trump were not cheated out of a second term we would be flying high. THAT”S a fact!
      The election was the work of the Dems, Big Tech, Dark money, and several other means of stealing the election. ANYONE who thinks Biden was not Installed is a fool. Biden does what he is told to do by people who want this country destroyed. “Fundamentally Transformed”

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