Do College Professors Have Enough Time to Push Their Liberal Ideology?

Apparently college professors don’t get enough time to indoctrinate their students…

Philadelphia, PA – Do college professors have enough time to push their liberal ideology? Yes, we’re being snarky here. However, the answer to this question is no. Some professors are pushing for more time and are pretty open and brazen about it.

We will get to the latest development in the liberal indoctrination at universities saga in a moment. Before that, and because it was a stretch to write an entire article about this, we want to shed some light on the cancel culture’s craziness. Last week a University of Southern California (USC) Business Communications professor was suspended for using the Chinese word “nega.” “Nega” in Chinese means something akin to “That” and is used a lot in their dialect.

Now, if you say “Nega” out loud, it may sound like a racial slur to African Americans. If you’re reading this article at work, don’t try this. Here is the context of the situation from Reason:

Greg Patton is a professor of clinical business communication at the University of Southern California. During a recent virtual classroom session, he was discussing public speaking patterns and the filler words that people use to space out their ideas: umer, etc. Patton mentioned that the Chinese often use a word that is pronounced like nega…“In China the common word is ‘that, that that that,’ so in China it might be ‘nega, nega, nega, nega,'” Patton explained to his class. “So there’s different words you’ll hear in different cultures, but they’re vocal disfluencies.”

ROBBY SOAVE, USC Suspended a Communications Professor for Saying a Chinese Word That Sounds Like a Racial Slur, Reason, September 3, 2020

Do college professors have enough time to push their liberal ideology?

This sounds pretty innocent to us and considering this is a class on business communications, and China is a fellow economic powerhouse – this may be important. Well, Patton was suspended because some students felt offended because of what the word “Nega” sounds like.

Reason quoting Campus Reform:

On Tuesday evening, the USC Marshall School of Business provided Campus Reform with a statement, confirming that Patton is no longer teaching his course…”Recently, a USC faculty member during class used a Chinese word that sounds similar to a racial slur in English. We acknowledge the historical, cultural and harmful impact of racist language,” the statement read…Patton “agreed to take a short term pause while we are reviewing to better understand the situation and to take any appropriate next steps.”…Another instructor is temporarily teaching the class…USC is now “offering supportive measures to any student, faculty, or staff member who requests assistance.” The school is “committed to building a culture of respect and dignity where all members of our community can feel safe, supported, and can thrive.”

ROBBY SOAVE, USC Suspended a Communications Professor for Saying a Chinese Word That Sounds Like a Racial Slur, Reason, September 3, 2020

Are you kidding? How much snowflakery is going on at USC? We’ve covered a lot of crazy stuff happening on college campuses, but this one has to rank near the top. These two words have no related meaning, and this was an on-topic lecture with no malicious intent. We are offended that some that these students were offended by this. Also, USC’s response was egregious, and don’t get us started on the “supportive measures” for people who need “assistance” part.

The liberals have indoctrinated students to the point where any false sense of being offended is accommodated. Clearly, this has gone too far, and we need to reel in all of this non-sense. However, liberal professors would disagree – they would claim they don’t have enough time for their indoctrination. That’s why they scheduled a walkout from classes.

Do college professors have enough time to push their liberal ideology?

The walkout is being called the “Scholar Strike.” It all grew out of a tween from one professor of Africana studies at the University of Pennsylvania. From CNN:

Based on a well-received, one-sentence tweet, a University of Pennsylvania professor is preparing to lead a direct-action, walkout-style event over two days for educators and students to address racial violence and unjust policing…Those in higher education plan to pause classes and administrative duties on September 8 and 9 for the Scholar Strike, a teach-in about racial violence, policing and community organizing. Some 600 professors have committed across multiple universities, and #ScholarStrike has taken off as a hashtag.

Skylar Mitchell, What you need to know about the #ScholarStrike and what it means to protest during a pandemic, CNN, September 1, 2020

So, more Black Lives Matter Marxist indoctrination. In fact, it will be a whole two days of it. What about the other one-hundred percent of the teaching days by these professors? Isn’t THAT enough for their liberal indoctrination? Apparently not, and they’re making this into a movement:

Professors also plan to recast direct action in the pandemic environment. With classes online for many US colleges, this will not be a walkout in a traditional sense but rather a hybrid model of protest that doesn’t stop at pausing lecture for a day, said Butler, an associate professor of religious studies and Africana studies…”For the main piece of #ScholarStrike, I’m building out a website. We’ll have a YouTube channel where we’re going to post 10 minute lessons about injustice in America and talk about policing and organizing,” she said. Kevin Gannon, a history professor at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa, is the co-facilitator.

Skylar Mitchell, What you need to know about the #ScholarStrike and what it means to protest during a pandemic, CNN, September 1, 2020

What inspired this “Scholar Strike”? Well, Butler said she was inspired by the boycott, or what we would call non-sanctioned days off, by professional athletes. We wrote about this last week when NBA players took two days off from the playoffs to protest racial injustice (as they saw it). We pointed out that this is another step in professional athletes alienating their fans.

Butler also doesn’t like to be challenged, like most liberal academics. here is a screenshot of her Twitter page:

Right wing disinformation machine? What is inaccurate about their story?

Maybe these Scholar Strike people should look closer to home to solving their own racial injustice problems. Like discriminatory admissions practices by elite Ivy League schools. Or how the University of Colorado at Boulder wants to defund the campus police and put the money towards only students of color programs. This is blatant discrimination in itself.

The real question is why we, as parents paying for this are? Also, as college costs skyrocket, should students take out crippling debt to pay for this stuff? Higher education is long overdue for some reform. Step one is to highlight some of the craziness in these institutions of “higher” learning. We will continue to do this at the Citizens Press.

Do college professors have enough time to push their liberal ideology? What do you think? Has the culture at colleges and universities gotten out of control? Should these professors be suspended for taking unauthorized days off of work? Has the snowflake culture gone too far when they can’t handle certain foreign words with innocent meaning? Write your comments below and on social media.

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