Not Entertainment: The Oscars and Colin Kaepernick

The entertainment industry bows-down to the PC Culture.

Hollywood, CA – Not entertainment: The Oscars and Colin Kaepernick. The politically correct cancel culture has invaded all aspects of life. You can’t say anything that may offend someone without being eviscerated on social media. Conservatives are always the target, except when some liberals get caught as well, like Ellen Degeneres.

Hollywood and the sub-par anti-family morass that it puts out is leading the charge on left-wing propaganda for decades. When was the last time you saw a really good conservative movie? When was the last time you were willing to spend your hard-earned cash on going to a movie theater and plopping down over $20 just for tickets for you and your significant other? You can get off my lawn with your responses.

The quality of the Hollywood product is already questionable. Now the Hollywood liberal-elites are adopting rules to make it even harder to produce an “Oscar” worthy movie. Hollywood has created its own Affirmative Action Standard to qualify for the industry coveted Best Picture Award at the Oscars (The Academy Awards).

Not entertainment: The Oscars and Colin Kaepernick.

From Deadline:

In its most dramatic swing toward true diversity, Oscar is laying down significant requirements in order to be eligible for Hollywood’s most sought-after prize: Best Picture…Having at least one Asian, Hispanic/Latinx, Black/African American, Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native, Middle Eastern/North African, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander or unspecified other underrepresented race or ethnicity as a “lead or significant supporting actor” is a potential requirement under the new guidelines, with those ethnicities also mentioned for prominent production and marketing jobs. Additionally, employing women, LGBTQ+, members of a racial or ethnic group, and people with cognitive or physical disabilities or who are deaf or hard of hearing might be required for at least 30% of actors in secondary and more minor roles; having a storyline centered on an underrepresented group; hiring creative leadership and department heads; maintaining least 30% crew composition; paid internships; and representation in marketing and distribution also are potential areas in order to be a Best Picture contender. Producers don’t have to meet all of the requirements of the new doctrine, just half.

Pete Hammond, Oscar Shakes Up Best Picture Eligibility Standards; Strict New Diversity Requirements Take Full Effect In 2024, Deadline, September 8, 2020

Hollywood scriptwriters will be taking substantial creative licenses if they want to remake older movies (as is the current trend). This new standard will severely limit what Hollywood can produce. Simultaneously, an actual Best Picture film that doesn’t meet these criteria will be excluded. Best Picture will need a big asterisk next to in future years.

Not entertainment: The Oscars and Colin Kaepernick.

Aside from the overkill of political correctness, Affirmative Action, and quotas, there is a numbers problem. With hundreds if not thousands involved in the production of a movie, where will they find enough people from these minority groups? There isn’t enough talent from these groups to hit their quotas. Best Picture will be more about checking boxes versus making a quality movie. Good riddance, Hollywood!

Not to be outdone in the entertainment field is EA Sports. EA Sports, for decades, makes one of the most popular video games on the planet _ Madden Football. Madden Football attempts to make the video game as real as possible. Player’s abilities are adjusted to real-life stats, and just about everyone from a current NFL roster is available to play.

Well, everyone on a current roster was available as a rule until now. Now you don’t have to be on an NFL roster to be included in the game. Untalented “Social Justice” agitator Colin Kaepernick is now included in the most recent Madden. Kaepernick hasn’t been on an NFL roster since 2016. His low talent level and penchant for being a “cancer” in the locker room is why no one will sign Kaepernick. If you believe the lamestream media, Kaepernick hasn’t made an NFL roster because of is protesting during the National Anthem. That simply isn’t true.

What is sad is how EA Sports has made an exception to someone who is un-exceptional. This is all in the name of Political Correctness and making political statements. If your son or daughter asks for the new Madden for a birthday or Christmas present, just say no.

Not entertainment: The Oscars and Colin Kaepernick. What do you think? Is this another day in the entertainment industry being run by the left? If you still watch the Oscars, will you boycott it now? Did Kaepernick deserve to be included in Madden? Write your comments below and on social media.

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