Cruz claims January 6 was a “violent terrorist attack”

Washington, D.C. – Texas Senator Ted Cruz is taking heat from conservatives after yesterday’s comments referring to the events of January 6, 2021, as a “violent terrorist attack.”

In doing so, Cruz sides with Rep. Liz Cheney and Vice President Kamala Harris who likened the day to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

The quote has not gone unnoticed in conservative circles which have lambasted Cruz for exaggerating last years’ events – with scathing criticisms coming from Fox host Tucker Carlson and former Trump White House attorney Jenna Ellis.

In other tweets, Ellis refers to Cruz as “Lyin’ Ted,” a moniker Trump gave him during the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary. 

Ellis also calls Ted Cruz the “Lindsay Graham of Mitt Romneys” as a way to highlight Cruz’s apparent shift towards the center-left. 

Ellis argues Cruz is doing this as a way to service his ambitions to run for President in 2024. Cruz is expected to run once again and believes he is the destined frontrunner on account of him coming in second to Trump in 2016.

Perhaps the most scathing response to Cruz came from Carlson, who brought the Texas Senator on to his show last night to defend his claim.

In the segment, Carlson wasted no time to go after Cruz saying:

“There are a lot of dumb people in Congress. You are not one of them. Smarter than I am. And you never use words carelessly. And yet you call this a terror attack when by no definition was it a terror attack. That was a lie. You told that lie on purpose and I’m wondering why you did.”

Cruz then claimed his statement was sloppy and he didn’t mean what he said, but Carlson wasn’t going to let him off the hook, pressing him further by saying:

“I don’t buy that. Well, well, while! I’ve known you a long time since before you went to Senate. You were a Supreme Court contender. You take words as seriously as anyone in the Senate. You repeated that phrase, I do not believe you use that accidentally. I just don’t.”

You can watch the segment in its entirety here:

 “How many people of been charged with terrorism on January 6th? Why did you use that word? You’re playing into the other side’s characterization, that is Joe can just explain, which allows them to define an entire population is foreign combatants. And you know that, so why did you do that?”

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6 thoughts on “Cruz claims January 6 was a “violent terrorist attack”

  1. Obama and Oprah did to stay out of the political world and go home
    Oprah you really lost my respect for you

  2. As they say, Ted, the cat’s out of the bag! You can’t take back what you said, we already know what’s behind the facade. I suggest you check out the letter to “James” in the bible — it says lots about the trouble that your tongue can get you into, it only takes a little rudder to steer a great ship, it only takes a spark to light a great fire, etc, etc… A difficult learning experience for you Ted?

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