Fauci Wants to Ban Unvaccinated from Traveling by Plane

Washington, D.C. — White House medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci wants to ban unvaccinated people from traveling by airplane.

Fauci was recently asked in an interview if he supported a vaccine mandate for people to fly.

“I would support that if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people that you should be vaccinated,” Fauci said.

Just listen to this guy.

Fauci will eliminate your rights without hesitation, folks.

This is medical tyranny — along with a whole host of other problems.

A mandate requiring people to get vaccinated to fly on an airplane is outright government interference in the free market. The unvaccinated are not terrorists who need to be stopped and arrested at TSA checkpoints.

It also creates a class system in which only the vaccinated have access to certain means of transportation (in this case, public air travel).

Perhaps most egregious, any ban on an unvaccinated person’s right to interstate travel violates their fundamental rights protected by the Constitution.

Both the U.S. Constitution and the Supreme Court recognize American citizen’s right to interstate travel. They also recognize all citizen’s right to privacy when they travel, which would be violated by a government mandate requiring them to get a vaccine.

Private companies arguably hold the power to institute a ban on unvaccinated people from using their services, but the federal government does not.

However, that does not matter to Medical Overlord Fauci. All that matters to him is keeping little people like you and me in our place.

Fauci only cares about the power he gained during the COVID-19 pandemic, and he will stop at nothing to ensure he keeps it.

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53 thoughts on “Fauci Wants to Ban Unvaccinated from Traveling by Plane

  1. Some one should ask Dr. Fauci what he thinks about the unvaccinated coming through the southern border. It seems the Dr. wants to play politics with Covid just like the other politicians. It seems the many hundreds of illegals have more rights that those of us who are American citizens

    1. Agreed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why listen to someone who is directly responsible for seeing to it that the virus was engineered. He should be in jail period !!! Why is it that Democrats and all who are connected to them closely are never convicted for their crimes ???

  2. First Fauci shuld be in prison, at a minimum. He conducted illegal research and the law is letting him od it. I hear alot of jaw flapping but no arrest. All of these politicians need to be arrested. Biden is getting away with murder, in truth and reality. There is no law any more so this is good to know for our response… jsut sayin

  3. Fcan’t post because say dup comment wich it isn’t so this is either a bogus ssite just collecting info on people or they are truely f..ked up

  4. Well I would like Fauci to be going to prison so if I don’t get him in prison he should be able to lock me up any longer.

  5. Why don’t we take Facui’s U.S. citizenship away from him and send him to China. He blathers about science, but I doubt he’s every studied it. He has no right to tell people what they can or can’t.

  6. Vaccinated passengers should not have to fly with unvaccinated others unless those others have strong antibodies. Let the unvaccinated fly only with other unvaccinated passengers and flight crew. How stupid can you get? Your rights don’t give you the right to infect the rest of us. You don’t get to drive without a license. You didn’t get to go to school without certain vaccinations. Get off your stupid high horse. Go ahead. Mingle with others who are not vaccinated and get COVID and be eliminated from the gene pool. Problem solved.

    1. You dumb so b You vaccinated creep can give me covid easier then I can give it to you !! That is a know fact. If the vacination is so good you should not be worried about getting the virus from me !! So the way I look at it you are making it more likely that you will give someone who is not vaccinated covid then the other way around !!!

      1. Obviously you went to the same unscientific school as Fauci. I got vaccinated but if I get it from someone who is unvaccinated why did I get the vaccine

    2. Hey brain dead? I had the 24 hr. virus 2 times. Took of a total of 4 days. Unlike the left’s deadly disease. I was not among the .90% fatality rate you fucking morons are told immediate death. Pull you and your heads out of Nancy’s and Joe’s ass and live a normal life idiots. Talk to the rest of we unvaxed when you’re dropping like flies because you were soooo stupid to fall for a make believe virus made up just to rig elections now and for the near future. I.e. Hellhole California’s recall crap. 75% ofthe population were told they voted already. Which they did not. So much honesty happening. but none from the leftwits.

  7. The CDC finally admitted the vaccinated people are spreading the virus, not the unvaxxed. Regardless this IS the United States of America, not communist China.

  8. This lying.communist loving, traitous OLD man needs to 1) resign or be fired,
    2) be prosecuted, for lying to Congress and American people. He has been wrong many more times than right. I can not remember a “right”. His wife is not without fault in her job as well. Get rid of them!!!

  9. Fakeci keeps being caught in lie after lie. He needs to be replaced with someone who has not been involved in the release of this Chinese virus

  10. Fucki – you are drunk on power!!! Know what happens to idiots like that??? You’re a traitor to our country, a medical disaster, a wanna be dicktator, and a horrid person!!!! You WILL be visiting a very warm place when you die. Just hope it’s sooner than later!!!!! And – by the way – my spelling is spot on!!!!!


  12. Right. Let us now empower the New Medical Left to divide us all into a Vaccine-centered caste system, where those who are unvaccinated (for whatever valid reason: allergy, auto-immune compromise, antibody-immune, whatever) are the new Shudras, comparable to the Untouchables of old India. Remember what Nasty Pelovsky once said into a mic: ‘We ALL belong to the Government.’ If this does not make your blood boil, you are part of America’s greatest problem.

  13. Unvaccinated people should not be a threat to the vaccinated! This isn’t science, it isn’t even common sense! If you take a vaccine, you should be unscathed by unvaccinated people! Any third grader can tell you that!
    They wonder why people don’t trust them?
    Facebook allows Democrats to say whatever they want, but not Republicans! Our Presidential Election was rigged by Soros, and Obama! Joe Biden is a false storefront for Obama’s 3rd term! Obama is running this Country, he, and HRC, in 2016 rigged their own party’s Presidential Nomination Election, stealing it from Bernie Sanders, they thought she was a better opponent for Trump, HRC if elected would have been what Joe Biden is today, a puppet for Soros and Obama! The American people are wise enough to know when they smell a rat, it’s coming from the DNC and their unelected leader, Soros!

    1. Had the so called “DEADLY” virus twice. Was laid up a total of 4 days. Dr. Fuckyouci listed me as fully immunned from he and his pet bats virus. His only the Republicans will be inffected in order to win a mail in election. Need to squeeze the shit out of his bats on top of his head and just see what Dr. Fuckyougosee actually developed. Hell serve it to Stumblefuck Joe as tea.

  14. America is our homeland and it has been taken over by Communists, George Soros could very well be the anti-Christ, a Jewish Atheist, is like a black leader of the KKK! It is not difficult to see what’s going on, we are in the end stage of a coup to take over America!

  15. My 1st Amendment right to free speech is being suppressed, this site will not allow me to post my thoughts! The Constitution backs my right to say what I feel, and along with a high priced attorney, I will see this sight owner in court!

  16. Dr. FAUCI,
    This is still America, Land of the Free”
    This is not the CCCP China/America The reason many people who are Reluctant to get the Shot is because we were never told the ‘TRUTH”.
    I believe if this Administration and Medical advisors would have told the truth then this program and not face the Resistance toward the program.
    I also believe that Executive Orders will not fly because this is America. It is time to revamp and tell the people the truth. We have the “Right to make the Choice. The American People does not believe anything that comes from Washington.

  17. Yeah and I’d like to slap the living s**t out of fauci and all of satans pathetic little minions hellbent on America’s demise.

  18. Please God Bless me with the opportunity to be on a plane with this asshole and his bats. Nothing else, I’ll squeeze the living guts out of these look alike bats on top of this Chinese tiny dick licking Democrat “Biden” to this kill every liberal swamp sucking creature out there.

  19. This is total BS. Why do the Dumocrats not get charged for any crimes but are allowed to tear apart this great country? They are the the biggest crooks . I guess the old saying “Money talks, bullshit walks” is true. Never though we would have such a corrupt country.

  20. Unbelievable…..unvaccinated people pouring across our border and this man flip flops around and tells one thing one minute and another the next time. I have no respect for his opinions.

  21. Fauci unleashed diabolical disease on us and he should be held accountable. Shackled and put in a dungeon for the rest of life.

  22. With long term clinical studies not to be completed until May of 2023, red flags relative to vaccine safety are already surfacing. Forcing these experimental vaccines on world populations is a crime against humanity. People need to wake up, before this nation is completely under communist control with the government into every aspect of lives. We are rapidly becoming the Communist States of America.

  23. I would like to ban Dr. Falsie from DEFECATING. I realize he’s already full of it, but that way he will stink to high heaven and terminally constipated, he won’t last much longer.

  24. The more government entities force US into submission to have drugs injected into our bodies, the more suspect we become of just exactly what those drugs are doing. Since many who have been vaccinated have contracted the Wuhan virus after having been vaccinated, and those who are vaccinated are still required to wear face masks, can we really trust that COVID vaccination is the only drug in those needles? I don’t! Not for one second would I put it past the Progressives in control of the nation to put anti-fertility drugs, or worse, in those needles that we are being forced to allow to be injected into our bodies. It’s not like government has not done medical experimentation on American citizens before, and just recently the U.N. is being called out for having anti-fertility drugs put into tetanus vaccines given to Kenyans.
    No, I don’t trust Dr. Fascist or any of the Socialist minded politicians and government workers that have proven over and over again they want to destroy the U.S. as it is, have control over population through eugenics programs and turn the U.S. into just another state of an One World Socialist Order, most likely to be headed by Communist China.

  25. So does that mean he an not travel. Per someone that worked with him
    He still hasn’t got the vaccine. What’s his problem .Doesn’t trust it.

  26. Work in a hospital where those covid patients who died after getting the vaccines, are not allowed to be counted as those killed from the Chinese virus. Go fucking figure. Only those half-wits on the left would actually fall for this one. Stupid fucks.

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