Tancredo: The Democrat-Communist Insurrection Threatening America

By: Tom Tancredo

If a white Capitol police officer had cold-bloodedly executed an unarmed black BLM protester on January 6, 2021 (all recorded on video), he would have already been convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death or to life in prison and vilified a thousand times over as a racist. Instead, the black murderer of white Ashli Babbitt, Lieutenant Michael Byrd, was cleared of all wrongdoing without even meeting with “investigators” because he refused to talk with them.

If a white DC Metro police officer had viciously beaten to death an unarmed and unconscious black BLM protester on January 6, 2021 (all recorded on video), she would have already been convicted and sentenced to prison for second-degree murder or manslaughter and vilified a thousand times over as a racist. Instead, the black killer of white Rosanne Boyland, Officer Lila Morris, was not only cleared of all wrongdoing by an internal investigation but her actions were also characterized thusly by DC Metro Internal Affairs director Capt. David K. Augustine:

The use of force within this investigation was determined to be objectively reasonable. Officer Morris is still employed with the MPD and not facing criminal charges related to the use of force on January 6.

In the meantime, the hundreds of protesters arrested and held for months without bail or – in some cases – charges, have mostly been tried and sentenced or released pending trial, some still remain in custody (a few in solitary confinement) because the Department of Justice has deemed them to be too dangerous to release.

Contrast their treatment with the hundreds of BLM rioters all over the USA who were released without bail or charges after burning down whole neighborhoods, firebombing multiple federal buildings, killing or injuring hundreds of police officers and other citizens.

Yet the largely peaceful Capitol protest is described by corporatist media and Democrat-Communist politicians as “an insurrection that threatened the very existence of our democracy,” while the most violent BLM riots are described as “mostly peaceful protests.”

The real insurrection, of course, began with those 2020 street attacks on state and federal government buildings, and on the commercial infrastructure of multiple cities and towns.

It escalated beyond all imagination on November 3, 2020, when widespread organized cheating by Democrat Communists resulted in a politically unbelievable and mathematically impossible tally of 81 million votes for now-President In Name Only Joe Biden. 

The insurrection continued with the coverup of that cheating by the corporatist media’s full-court-press vilification of anyone who challenged those unbelievable impossible results as a delusional conspiracy theorist seduced by The Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen.

It escalated further on January 6, when the secret police of the Democrat Communists – the U.S. Capitol Police – used the widespread outrage and frustration over the stolen election to essentially create a false flag riot by literally removing barricades and opening doors to let protesters into the Capitol… protesters egged on and even enabled by outside agitators, some of which we know were Democrat Communist plants, and others we suspect of being undercover federal law enforcement.

The insurrection has continued with corporatist media and Big Tech suppression of any information about ongoing audits and investigations in multiple states about the 2020 election cheating. Without ignoring the state-sponsored propaganda and independently digging deep into real news sources, we would never know that these audits and investigations are uncovering more and more proof that the cheating did happen – and how it was done.

And now comes news that the PINO regime is energetically resisting efforts to release a report prepared by J. Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, that, according to the government motion to suppress it, analyzes “potential vulnerabilities in Dominion ImageCast X ballot marking devices.” Without a trace of irony, the PINO regime argues that releasing the report would, get this… “undermine election security.”

Bottom line: The corrupt Democrat Communist police and politicians who shout most loudly that the January 6 Capitol rioters they enabled were insurrectionists who sought to “destroy our democracy” are in provable fact the actual insurrectionists who are seeking to deliberately destroy our constitutional republic and extinguish the light of that shining city on the hill that is the United States of America.

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9 thoughts on “Tancredo: The Democrat-Communist Insurrection Threatening America

  1. There are very few instances where the democrats and their minions are held responsible for their actions. When I was in my 20s I believed their lies but in my 30s I learned about their history and delved into their many racist and unlawful actions, and most importantly, I learned that they don’t care about the Constitution and many times find it to be too constricting. Now that I am a senior citizen, I fear for this country and its march toward socialism under the guise of social justice. Wake up and learn who the democrats really are before it is too late.

  2. Congress is now the Politburo. Binden is China Joe the Traitor in Chief. “Round Heels” Harris is clueless. Big Mike and Barry Obama were openly Socialist – Communist and divided this nation from the Oval Office. Yep – the democratic – communist party will never be overthrown because spineless RINOs squander any chance to take charge when in charge. America had a good run. I will miss it. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

  3. Both of those officers need to be charged with murder and executed for their crime. Their killings were not only unnecessary, but unwarranted and intentional. Just because they’re black officers killing white people, they are given special privileges. Maybe it’s time to take away the privileges of those who have allowed this to happen. It’s time to get rid of those in congress and the senate who refuse to uphold the constitution as written and remove the police department supervisors who allow willful murder of unarmed and or unconscious women. All those who have condoned these two officers should face the same charges as they should. Starting with First Degree Murder.

  4. Since comments await moderation, you are going to censor it or just delete it. Our comments are our truthful and honest thoughts and should never be moderated except maybe, and I do mean maybe for foul language.

    1. Yes sir! We believe that too! We just get a lot of spam comments from bots that we do not appreciate, so I will always approve a human’s comment within a day, but a bot I will throw in spam! Thank you for being patient and telling us how you feel. I appreciate you and your comments!

  5. The United States is so pathetic anymore and it’s all due to the IGNORANT democrats in DC and the White House. When is this stupidity going to stop? If they keep up the people will step up too and in my opinion, it’s not going to be very long from now. And the democRATS are wanting this to happen. I dont understand their reasoning for wanting civil war but that’s just like what they want. I think they’re ALL ignorant and I’m not afraid to say so. The stupidity must stop before this becomes a reality and innocent people get hurt or worst die. The democrats in DC and the White House are a disgrace pure and simple. Thats my opinion.

  6. If you are witness to someone being arrested or fined for exercising basic human rights, will you have the integrity to stand up?

    If you are witness to someone being denied their rights and another stands up for them, will you join them both in standing up? Even if it means going to jail? Even if it means being cancelled? Dying?

    It falls to us now to do what is necessary and expedient to fight this corruption. We who see and still care are called to unite in solidarity against the corruption of justice and the cancelling of Free Will.

    If you are not ready to wholeheartedly throw yourself against tyranny, you will be absorbed by it. You will be corrupted. Also, your legacy will be slavery.

    They are fast-tracking bills now in California which will create ultimate power and eliminate free discourse or movement without proof of vaxx status.

    We have DAYS to fight this, People. Do not turn your backs on the few who sit out on the frail limb now. Support them. Become them!

    United we will stand.

  7. There is no doubt that the U.S. has become way more Socialist in recent decades. Socialism and Communism have been eating away at the U.S. since the early Twentieth Century when Jewish refugees from Communist Russia immigrated to the U.S. Those immigrants did well under Communist rule in Russia when compared to how they were treated under Tzarist rule prior to Lenin’s installing Communism as that nation’s political style.
    When it became clear that Communism was not a good thing for the U.S., American Communists simply changed the name for themselves to be Progressives. Today’s Progressives are mostly Socialists who are inadvertently drawing the U.S. closer to Communism. Presidents Wilson, FDR and Obama propelled Socialism greatly during their time in office, and now we are at a breaking point.
    World organizations such as NATO and the U.N. are also Progressive tools used by Socialists to bring about a One World Socialist Order which at this time would most likely be headed by Communist China. Once such a One World Socialist Order would be established, there would be major conflicts between the far-Left Socialist nations and far-Right Islamic nations, continuing to keep the world at war while a few fascist elites in power from both sides prosper at the expense of the masses of subjects who will have lost all citizen rights. We will then have gone from good versus evil to having to choose from the least of two evils.

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