This Afghan Vet Trashed MSNBC LIVE ON AIR

Washington, D.C. — An Afghanistan war veteran just trashed MSNBC live on air over their coverage of Biden’s speech about the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The MSNBC anchor led off with glowing praise for the speech Biden read from a teleprompter yesterday. In the speech, Biden took no responsibility for the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan. Instead he blamed everyone else and praised himself.

Former First Lieutenant Matt Zeller was having none of MSNBC’s bullshit.

“I feel like I watched a different speech than the rest of you guys. I was appalled,” Zeller said.

Zeller claimed that the Biden administration completely failed to evacuate people for months.

“We had all the people and equipment in place to save these people months ago,” Zeller countered. “We either take them now, or these people are going to die.”

This interview is a must-watch. It shows how completely out-of-touch with reality MSNBC is.


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12 thoughts on “This Afghan Vet Trashed MSNBC LIVE ON AIR

  1. When does the USA get a competent president again, not this CYA excuse laden, pudding eating and Teleprompter reading sleepy Joe Biden??

  2. I’m with the LT. These Gulf/Afghan vets need to speak out and not let any of the civil populace treat them the way we were because of Vietnam.

  3. Our Oval Office squatter cannot be expected to deliver any more than we’ve already seen. He’s mentally afflicted and only knows when he needs a nap. All the rest in his life is provided by professional handlers dedicated to overlaying the U.S. constitutional republic with a new communist government. It’ll operate just like the Taliban but without the Muslim twist. If good people continue to tolerate this overthrow, the U.S. will cease to exist and the planet will be ruled by China or Russia.

    1. We’re just about there, thanks to the well-laid plans of Obama Bin Laden and the efficient destructive devices he cemented in place. If anyone thought he was out of the picture, they just haven’t looked behind the big chair in the Oval Office.

  4. I’m thinking more & more people are getting REALLY TIRED of msm, these people that spew pure drivel every night, they are no more than propagandist POSING as reporter’s!!! Our country IS A MESS AND bid en & har ris are to blame, if not directly, through their appointees!!! Why it’s taking so long, is because the regime & msm are VERY GOOD AT LYING, DECEIVING, AND BLAMING PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!

  5. WOW! This man says it like it is, and that “journalist” claiming that Biden “owned” his speech couldn’t have been really watching and listening as that moronic statement was uttered. I hope a lot of Biden-lovers will see this and open their eyes to whom they have allowed to steal the leadership of this nation. He and his puppet-strung thieving cronies need to GO. NOW.

  6. Put me in charge of saving these Afghans that supported, and helped the troops.
    I could organize a airlift never seen before.
    Along with the airlift I would devastate the taliban in key locations, while the support team rescues whoever they can.
    It’s a horrible feeling to be stranded with no ammo, meds, backup, and those little bunker reorganizers.

  7. They want to lower the population on the earth. They do the opposite of what is good since they are disconnected from the real God and are playing god. They change the DNA of people/animal/plants as they play god and want to make this earth their playground minus 90% of the population. Now the Taliban are supplied with helicopters/weapons/vehicles.

  8. this man had eight year to learn but, by the way he has muttered and refused to tell the truth of his actions is ruining América. when will he be responsible for his actions?

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