Tancredo: Afghanistan Has Fallen. Is America Next?

By: Tom Tancredo

So Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban. Now it’s time to prepare for the beheadings, rapes, massacre of women and children, and the enslavement of whoever is left. Let me suggest that the violence and bloodlust that will once again envelop that ancient land will not be contained within its borders. Surrounding nations are already girding for incursions and acts of terrorism that will inevitably occur — and so is the U.S. On Sunday, as the Taliban entered Kabul, Joint Chiefs Chair General Marc “Woke” Milley told congressional leaders that the “threat level” timetable for when terrorist groups re-emerge there “would get moved up.”

For once, I agree with him, though it appears he should have spent less time reading Critical Race Theory essays and more time reading intelligence reports from Afghanistan. Regardless, Taliban-controlled Afghanistan was in 2001 the launchpad for the 9/11 attacks on our country. And yes, we killed Bin Laden (a decade later in another country), but that did not stop the “holy” war still being waged against the West. In fact, nothing will ever stop it.  

Years ago, when I was still in Congress, I was asked what I would do if I were President and terrorists set off a nuclear device in the U.S. I explained that after a nuclear device was detonated in the U.S., there was little to do but bury the dead who were not incinerated and make the affected area a no-go zone for the next couple hundred years or so, depending on how “dirty” the bomb was. 

When pressed by the reporter, I said that Sun Tzu’s admonition to “know your enemy” was extremely important to take to heart. We must understand the nature of the enemy that seeks to destroy western civilization. We must know what makes them tick and why they believe what they do. In the case of Islamic terrorists, the answer is Radical Islam. Ala Kyle Reese in The Terminator, I told him:

“Listen, and understand. Radical Islam is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”

Thus, I added, the only way to deal with Islamic terrorism is to be forever vigilant and do everything possible to fight it — to include nuking Islam’s holy sites if such a bomb was ever detonated in the U.S.  

Well, you would have thought I had actually bombed their holy sites. The reaction was, to say the least… explosive. Threats made on my life were legion, with the most serious one relayed to me in a call from the Joint Terrorism Task Force saying that two teams had been dispatched from Pakistan to kill me. But while the JTTF had my back, the Bush administration cowered behind disavowals and, in every possible way, ran as far away as possible from what I said.

So much for answering hypothetical questions. No matter how many times I reiterated that I had just answered a hypothetical question or that I did, in fact, have no desire to bomb anyone, the cacophony of hate was beyond deafening. 

At the same time, of course, we heard nothing but crickets when I also reiterated: “If my suggestion was so outrageous, then what about the ‘what if’ question that precipitated it?” I was, and still am, all ears about possible solutions, but, I say again, there is no good answer for what to do afterward when the nation and the world fall into economic and political devastation because Islamic terrorists detonated a nuclear device inside the U.S. There is no single nation to attack, there is no place to send the Marines, even if we had the will to do so. This means the only sane policy is preventing that kind of catastrophe. 

That brings me to the point of this column, which is to warn that the danger level for our Republic is escalating daily — and we are in this kind of danger due to the combination of three events, the latter two of which are a direct consequence of the first. 

And first is the “election” of President In Name Only Joe Biden. I mean, really: Does anyone out there (including the Taliban) believe he is anything but a senile puppet whose strings are pulled by who really knows? 

Second, The Puppet and his puppeteers have put our southern border “security” on a par with using a chain-link fence to keep out mosquitoes.

Third, given the fall of Afghanistan and its inevitable resurgence as a terrorist base of operations, the puppet in the White House, and the chain-link fence border he created, we probably should immediately go to at least DefCon 3: a prepared state of military readiness and a high level of caution; and maybe even DefCon 2: at the next step to war or dealing with a nuclear threat when intelligence findings indicate a risk for an impending attack.

Think about it. Mexico is essentially a failed narco-state with neither the ability nor desire to be our back-door policeman. Among the tsunami of souls who have either sneaked into or have been transported throughout our country after crossing the border illegally, the number of OTM (Other Than Mexican) illegals has skyrocketed. They include many from the Tri-Border Area of South America, a lawless region where Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil meet. (For an in-depth analysis of this hell hole and the degree of Islamic terrorism emanating out of it, go here.) 

Some years ago, during a Congressional visit to South America, I was amazed at the level of Islamic influence in the region. Mosques were popping up everywhere, along with a commensurate amount of anti-American rhetoric. There are now hundreds of thousands of Islamists in Central and South America, and more than a few are intent on spreading terrorism throughout the region. They are funding their operations with millions of untraceable dollars from various types of illicit trade and money laundering. 

Thus do I return to Sun Tzu’s wise military advice, where he stressed the need to know the enemy because I didn’t include the whole passage. From the Samuel B. Griffith translation, Oxford Press 1963:

“Therefore I say: Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril.

“When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning and losing are equal.

“If ignorant of both the enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.”

Knowing ourselves is perhaps the most important question of all. After years of public-school and collegiate “education,” it is logical to ask. 

Do we know ourselves? Do we really know what it means to be an American? Do we have any idea anymore what is worth fighting for? If we don’t, then no amount of defense spending or puppet posturing will solve the security problem created by our inability to follow Sun-Tzu’s maxim because we cannot answer the question posed in the title of political scholar Samuel Huntington’s final book: Who Are We?

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20 thoughts on “Tancredo: Afghanistan Has Fallen. Is America Next?

  1. Biden administration continues to ignore the laws of our nation. The open border, and moving illegals all over our country is not lawful. Disease is spreading from infected illegal immigrants. Why isn’t anyone filing lawsuits against the administration? This administration cares nothing about the law and even thumbs it’s nose at the Supreme Court when told that what they are doing is not lawful.
    No one is doing anything to stop the destruction of our nation by this false administration. What is wrong with Conservatives? Why isn’t Biden and his administration being called on all the decisions that go against the law and our constitution?

    1. Everything you say you are right something has to be done the first thing is to shut the borders down because I am afraid of this,. Islamic terrorism is moving in through the borders there no doubt. Within a year are so many people are going to start dying in this country and if the Second Amendment is taken away how are we going to defend ourselves against this Evil coming across our borders it cannot be done many will die. What happened to the conservative politicians and the people in this country that said they love their country with all their heart what are they doing they’re not do anything they hardly say anything, they’re anti-American cowards as far as I’m concerned. And why does the far left have so much power they are doing this and that against the country and the so-called conservative Republicans we don’t hardly hear anything from them they’re not doing anything they’re not fighting back.,. All three branches of the military are not doing anything about this and not saying anything they need to step up if they have to take over the government and kick out every everybody that’s against this country and talking against the people of this country and doing things against this country they need to do it now not later before this country is destroyed. I predict within four years we’re going to have another 9/11 maybe worse maybe not as bad but it is going to happen soon. Mark these words. God help us.

    2. Where are the Leaders in the Republican Party ? Why is there NO pushback coming from the Republican Party ? Scalia is Gone , Rush is Gone , They have done EVERYTHING to try and destroy Trump . Is there not 1 Good man or woman left in America who can stop these Evil People destroying America ?

    3. Everyone in the Biden-Harris cabal should be prosecuted for TEASON! Incase you do not remember TREASON is defined as follows:

      The betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.

      The betrayal of someone’s trust or confidence.

      A betraying; treachery; breach of faith.

  2. This article will probably cause a number of people to once again horde toilet paper and water! That is the result of the Henny Penny syndrome, when in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout! Sounds like the left to me except the left has in recent years become much more dangerous and have both verbally and physically attacked and murdered people of the right and others who do not agree with the left. There are no signs of their quitting their insanity any time in the foreseeable future. All I will say is know your enemy, stay prepared and accept the fact that you will probably soon need to protect your family, yourself and your friends even to the point of killing your attackers!

  3. It just might be, next, look at all of the NON-AMERICANS here from other countries, that say they are AMERICAN, they are not they are here to fight for the left , and you know who brought them here, obama,clinton biden, harris,pelosi,schumer, the squat squad. that is who. The TRAITORS to the US,

    1. Clearly they are spineless for not stopping the devilcrats years ago. Now its a party of spineless kiss ass RINOS, GOD HELP US

  4. No Body really cares what generalisimo Woke Milley has to say about the Taliban, he already screwed THAT pooch, Now he has allowed A DHS alert about Trump supporters and Anti-vaxxers being Domestic terrorists, when in fact the Terrorists are demonRAT politicians, blems and Antifa, what I want to Know is what he going to do about the “Inbound” terrorists at the Borders, most especially the southern Border, And he better jump fast they work faster than our government and MILITARY Ever did.

  5. As Biden is barely able to read his script, it is obvious that he is unable to make decisions. Socialism and communism are simply masks for a totalitarian government supported by a well organized and controlled bureaucracy. After the people, in frustration with deteriorating standards of living, voted in Trump, as an alternative to Crooked Hillary, the elites and their supporters in the bureaucracy decided that free elections were too dangerous to allow in the future.
    China has now publicly stated that with the fall of Afghanistan that the US will impotently protest a Chinese invasion of Taiwan and the purges of all Taiwanese, who did not support the mainland’s policies, but do nothing of any danger to Chinese domination of Asia.
    China is already subverting governments in Africa and South America and will soon confront an isolated Europe, including Russia, as the US impotently watches, as FDR, the Democrat Socialist, did until Pearl Harbor.
    In reality, Biden’s cut and run from Afghanistan, will result in a nuclear war with China.

  6. Ever since Ol’ Mo shagged his last goat, he commanded the faithful to conquer by the sword and slay all who would not bend knee to Allah. Any who are not Muslim, are Infidels, and a Muslim can do anything to an Infidel, and there’s no consequences under Islamic Law.
    Accept this, because it’s right there in Ol’ Murderin’ Mo’s plan for World Conquest, the Quran. Those who try to paint a prettier picture of Islam are Liars.

    I’m a firm believer in live and let live, but any pseudo religion that thinks it’s OK to Lie To, Steal From, Rape, and Kill Me because I don’t believe their Barbaric Dogma is an enemy, not a neighbor, and definitely not a friend.
    I will tolerate a lot, but in this case, I will shoot first.

    1. I’m a very small, 86-year-old lady, but I’d be right there beside you with whatever I could get hold of to throw at them.

  7. Today each must renew his dedication to support our free society. That means financially, editorially and in person contacts.

  8. Only one problem. MOST American citizens over 40 or so will fight! Most Vietnam vets are in their 70s now. But still have the ability to pull a trigger. We can man heavy machineguns, mortars, artillery pieces, etc leaving the younger people to do the infantry thing. Never a tanker but I suspect the physical strain is not as bad so older vets can do this as well.
    Of course the media, PRAVDA, will scream bloody murder but this is our COUNTRY and we will not surrender it up to a foreign army, EVEN is our poliwhores tell us to.

  9. Good for Tom and his level-headed approach to the threats we certainly face. Pointing out the fallacy of the Biden “administration” border farce is pretty terrifying, but not so much as 3-1/2 more years of America being led down the path, not lined with primroses—only their thorns. I was not aware of just how close we are to Islamic influences, and the Biden-Harris-Obama trio of traitors (yes, there he is right behind the Oval Office chair praying to Allah for Sharia Law in the U.S.) is knowingly allowing the right conditions for them to flood straight through that chain link fence. Got that Lefties? Their bullets and bombs won’t recognize you as friends.

  10. It’s impossible to just walk into the United States and just take over. If the military backs down, so what… let-em hide.
    Just the citizens in the United States are like 400 to one when it comes to a fight with any country on the planet.
    I have news for the taliban try your luck here
    and see what happens, and the goes for any
    foreign invader.

  11. These events and other events are destined to happen. As it is written in the bible of wars and rumors of wars.

    More importantly, the Lord Jesus has said the day will come when every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord.

    It is sad to see our country and our world falling apart with the pawns of the devil such as in Joe Biden, but I can only take comfort that Jesus died on the Cross for my sins, and only because of that will I be able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

    You all must take heed and prepare for the end of times…

  12. Our foreign policy failed & we now have NO allies since we cant be trusted now
    Thanks Biden & he was there for 1975 too same MO then as Senator.
    Only+ ends Forever Wars??
    Cant redo Gulf War 1 with Iraq thats for sure

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