ROFL: This Billboard With Joe Biden Eating Ice Cream Has Me In Stitches

Wilmington, NC — This ingenious billboard design with President Joe Biden eating ice cream from Wilmington, North Carolina, has me in stitches.

Honestly, it’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen all week. Kudos to the brilliant human who put this masterpiece together to troll the Democrats.

It truly captures the magnitude of incompetence displayed by the Biden administration in our current geopolitical crisis in Afghanistan.

Now, behold!

Yes, that is Biden chowing down on an ice cream cone with Afghanistan in the background. The billboard perfectly captures Biden in his own personal “Saigon” moment, wouldn’t you say?

The local Democrat party put out a statement regarding the billboard. Needless to say, they were furious.

“This is not a laughing matter, this is a very sensitive issue, and it’s not to be made fun of,” a representative for the Hanover County Democratic Party said.

I think the local party lacks a sense of humor when it comes to the Blunderer in Chief, but if they choose to be outraged at a billboard instead of Biden’s disastrous handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, that’s their problem.

The billboard spot was reportedly purchased by an individual from Tedder Outdoor Media.

Now, check out the digital billboard in action!

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16 thoughts on “ROFL: This Billboard With Joe Biden Eating Ice Cream Has Me In Stitches

  1. Funny and True,…. Cho bai din was eating ice cream, while Kabul fell, Kumalot hairass was busy flat-backing, nasty peeloser was changing her depends, hunter was hunting ho’s while harfing the crackbowl

    1. Now You know Prissie Bidet has no security guards . Use correct words as in he does have nurses , caregivers and babysitters at all times . he is not allowed out without supervision because he might spill the beans on the theft of everything he has done . Come on man .

  2. While nothing that Biden does at the bidding of wealthy extremist Progressives is in any way funny, that billboard does depict just how badly we need an actual president.

  3. I’ve been around since Herbert Hoover so I’ve seen a lot and what troubles me the most is how the Democrats have knuckled under to these splinter activist groups such as Ocasio Cortez and her squad, Cori Bush and her group, Socialist Bernie Sanders, and Rep. Omar. These despicable people know nothing about American history, and have no idea how the Founding Fathers got it right the first time and gave them the right to mouth off without penalty. Go live in Russia or China or North Korea and run your mouth. See how far you can go. I’ll make it easy for you. PRISON or DEATH ROW. Pelosi, borrow a pair of balls from your husband and shut these pieces of sh-t down,

  4. Wel, it seems JoeBama, Haryas, his Admin, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler and the rest of the Ds in Congress are eat’nchit now instead of Ice cream.

  5. Nancy Powerpants can’t do anything about her cohorts—-they all answer to the same D.S. Board of Directors and their pockets are very well lined by their 9 “mentors”.

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