Medical Tyranny: U.S. Surgeon General Wants More ‘Vaccine Requirements’

Washington, D.C. — In yet another instance of now commonplace medical tyranny, the U.S. Surgeon General wants more “vaccine requirements.”

Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy recently went on CNN to talk about the FDA approving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

Murthy, who (like CNN) believes medical tyranny is a great tool to force citizens to fall into line, said he hoped that FDA approval would help encourage people to get vaccinated. However, encouraging people to get vaccinated for COVID-19 isn’t enough for Murthy.

He wants to see widespread “vaccine requirements” for businesses and universities.

There are myriad problems with vaccine requirements, of course. Here are a few of the worst issues:

  • Not all people are able to take a COVID-19 vaccine for medical reasons
  • It is a discriminatory policy
  • Vaccine requirements violate human rights

Vaccine requirements discriminate against multiple groups and violate people’s right to make decisions about their medical care.

Some colleges are already kicking out students who refuse to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Other businesses are attempting to fire employees for not complying with arguably illegal “vaccine requirements.”

But hey, who cares about basic human rights when the tyranny is for the greater good, right?

You can watch the clip of the surgeon general making the statements below.

The vaccine debate is just heating up, and many, many people are going to be hurt by “vaccine requirements” if something is not done.

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22 thoughts on “Medical Tyranny: U.S. Surgeon General Wants More ‘Vaccine Requirements’

  1. Perhaps mr Murthy needs to return to his ancestral homeland, where men reign supreme, dictators rule, and he could have his way?? And get out of the way of Americans’ freedom, out of our lives, and out of our business! GO HOME AND GO AWAY, MURTHY!! 🙁

  2. Why is this wayward man trying to play God? Let the human body do its thing and get out of the way. Politicians like him are only aggravating the situation and provoking those who don’t trust the government.

    1. True! If Biden, Harris, that whole administration, and Dr. Fauci are pushing it, I don’t want ANY part of it. They sold out everyone in Afghanistan and handed over American equipment (not by accident) and sold out America. Do you really trust them!? Why aren’t they offering medicines to treat Covid as an optuon? The meds are out there and they work! Because they don’t want you to get better, they want you to bow to them and be controlled.

  3. I fear we are heading in the same direction as Australia. Civil rights and common sense has all but been suspended indefinitely Down Under. It’s incredible!

  4. Something is definitely going on with these vaccines other than having to do with the Wuhan virus. With the extreme Progressive actions taking place worldwide, it would not be surprising if anti-fertility drugs were being added to vaccines in order to control world population on a massive scale. Progressives have been attempting to control populations for over a century now. Progressives were behind the eugenics programs that Adolf Hitler adopted for his population control programs and Progressives have always been behind abortions as a means of controlling population. If Progressives can force the majority of citizens to be given anti-fertility drugs hidden in vaccines, they can achieve the most massive population control ever devised. I wonder how many Progressive elites have actually had the same vaccines that all other citizens are being pressured to get? What a wonderful world it would be for Progressives to be the only ones procreating in a world where the remaining unwashed masses would be forced to provide for them. Not being one of the chosen few elites, I’m not fond of such a plan.

  5. So now that the Phizer vax is FDA approved (rush job),will the indemnity protections for manufacturers,suppliers,and dispensers be lifted if people are injured? Will list of side effects be handed out before receiving vax to allow “informed consent”? PROBABLY NOT ! So it’s just as dangerous as before and your still the trial subjects.


  7. I’m wondering ,will ppl that are not a candidate for the vaccine be able to sue different business’s for keeping us from entering and shopping and going to the gym or to a movie????? This is so wrong, ppl that got the shot are supposed to be protected or why get the shot. So ppl like me shouldn’t be a threat to them and this is only going to further divide us. 😪

  8. Just how much damage to the United States does Biden and his people have to do before he gets impeached? If we can impeach President Trump on made-up charges (to which he was found innocent), then certainly we can impeach Biden on charges that the whole world has seen! This may be the only way that we, as a country, can get our credibility back! I charge Nancy Pelosi and all our representatives to get off their collective butts and start the process. If they choose not to, then I can say with all sincerity, their time in Washington is over. How could the American people possibly reelect any of them?

  9. I think that it is normally 5 years to test a vaccine, but these clowns think that it should be immediately tested on citizens and ignoring the fact that people are dying after getting the vaccine, but that seems to be the goal, population reduction followed by a huge influx of cheap labor, that is not getting the vaccine, why not?

  10. I hate to disappoint Dr. Murthy, but this is still the United States and “We the People” still have rights. If we want the vaccine we will get it, BUT if we do not want the vaccine for personal reasons we will not get it. “We hold these truths that all people are created equal and are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The doctor should try reading the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence in order to learn what this country was founded on.

  11. I have stood all i can stand, and i can’t stand no more. Its Time to Rise up and take our Country back and that includes Force if necessary. The way it is now we can’t Win at the Voting Booth, Congress, and the Supreme Curse want listen to Logic about the cheating going on at the voting places. Our Government has turned into a Liberal Hell Hole and it is looking like there is only one way out of it.

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