Is Critical Race Theory a threat to the culture of the United States?

Washington, D.C. — Is Critical Race Theory a threat to the culture of the United States?

It’s no secret that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is one of the most controversial topics in American politics these days.

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9 thoughts on “Is Critical Race Theory a threat to the culture of the United States?

  1. The ONLY reason the DemoRats don’t want the Cuban Refugees to come here is the Cuban voting block will NOT vote for DemoRat socialists.

  2. The greatest Problem, is the Corrupt Politicians, Democrat and RINOS! They have no morals, no shame and no decency!

  3. Term limits is what is needed now for congress. House is maximum of 6 years and the senate is 12 years. They receive no free medical, pension and must live by the laws they create

  4. Critical Race Theory is not new, but the “conservative” press has latched on to it because they can’t handle the actual TRUTH about America’s history. You want to gloss over anything which reflects the racist history of some of the founders of the United States who owned slaves. Your latest “boogeyman” is also designed to try to cover up your involvement in the Jan. 6th insurrection. Deflect and divert, keep feeding lies so often your people actually believe them.

    1. Yeah, critical race theory has been percolating in the shadows in swamps of the leftist liberal humanities and social “science“ For at least a couple decades it is Marxism dressed up with racism.
      Why is it being pushed so hard now?
      Well, because Donald J Trump add more popularity and got more votes from blacks in previous Republicans, and his policies objectively improved their life (more jobs hire pay, less unemployment).
      It’s new pseudoscience being pushed by the leftist to keep blacks and other minorities down, to perpetuate their power, and on your mind this country. It is an instrument of the devil.
      A black Harvard sociologist in1991 has been quoted as saying that The United States is the least racist society/country in the world. Only in leftists drug addled dreams has it become more racist since then.

    2. Deflect and divert—-AKA major smoke screen! If you make a loud enough bang over on the left hand, nobody will notice the nasty things the right hand is doing.

  5. It is true that critical race theory is a definite threat to our culture and teaches people to hate based on skin color. It hurts people on all sides and hurts everyone on the events that went on hundreds of years ago. This is pure propaganda and must be stopped. Children need to be taught that our country is exceptional and that while nothing is perfect, there is nothing like having the freedom to express oneself and work hard to get ahead. If Martin Luther King were alive today, he would be appalled at what is happening. He said that his children should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. And critical race theory does not teach that.

  6. I don’t get it/ “Progressives” say there is no such thing as race. Supposedly there us no difference between an Icelander and a Zulu. (Yeah, right…) Then they go and espouse a pseudo-theory that screams RACE, Race, Race to the heavens……

  7. CRT is just another of the handy tools used to further divide the American people put into use by the Obummer “administration”, and now amplified by the demented democrat and his wealthy cronies in the White House. (Hey, how come it’s still “White”? Didn’t Powerpants Pelosi outlaw anything that denoted any important differences like gender, color, size, mentality, etc.?) This dreadful “theory” is so against racial equality that young children will grow up never knowing that it’s absolutely OK to be recognized as the color you were born. No matter what color that is, they must be ashamed. How sad.

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