Child of Cuban Refugees Says ‘You don’t see Americans going to Cuba on a raft’

Washington, D.C. — A child of Cuban refugees demonstrating in Washington D.C. over the weekend said, “You don’t see Americans going to Cuba on a raft.”

Barbara, who spoke with Breitbart, decried communism and even put socialists like Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) on blast for their support of communist policies.

The video is worth a watch, and something you might even keep on hand for your liberal friends who believe the mainstream media when they say Cubans are protesting about not having enough COVID-19 vaccines. That notion is laughable — nobody cares about vaccines when they can’t put food on the table.

“That’s why we fight so hard. So that we don’t have communism [come] into this country,” said Barbara.

Barbara further explained that people are willing to risk not only their own lives but their children’s lives to escape the terrors of communism in Cuba.

“If communism was so great, wouldn’t it sustain itself? Wouldn’t it be just the perfect paradise to live in? Why are so many people sacrificing their lives, their children’s lives, in a raft — to come to freedom. And notice that the flag that they’re lifting is the American flag. No other flag you see there.”

The American flag. A symbol of freedom and liberty around the world.

There is a reason the American flag is flown by protesters around the world. The United States offers them liberties and opportunities that they do not have in their own countries.

In fact, the United States offers so much freedom that citizens living in the country are allowed to protest the very flag that brings the hope of freedom to millions of foreigners around the world.

“You don’t see Americans going to Cuba on a raft. You don’t see that. It’s the other way around,” said Barbara. “And anybody that believes their lies, I don’t even know what to say. I can’t even believe that we are in a situation where we are so close to communism in this country. It’s sad. It’s really, really sad.”

It is really sad.

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5 thoughts on “Child of Cuban Refugees Says ‘You don’t see Americans going to Cuba on a raft’

  1. Trinidad has a serious illegal immigration problem from Venezuela, even though they have a moat instead of a wall. You don’t see Trinidadians taking a raft to escape to Venezuela.

  2. we should start a go fund me for all of those who think communisum and socialism if the best form of government, offer to take them to Cuba, Venezuela, drop them 3 mile off shore, in sight of land. They will need to supply their own inner tube, food, blood for the trip, and hand over their passports. That would be their opportunity to show their conviction to that form of government, a time to put up or shut the f…. up. I am willing to bet 99.9% are just loud mouth hypocrites. Those who take up the offer will help settle their unrest with our Republic, start of solving a problem. No shooting at the inner tubs allowed, or.

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