Psaki Says People Should Be Banned from ALL Social Media for ‘Misinformation’

Washington, D.C. — White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says people should be banned from all social media for “misinformation.”

While talking about censoring users for misinformation on social media platforms, Psaki called for “robust enforcement strategies that bridge the properties and provide transparency about rules.”

“You shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others, uh if you, for, uh-uh providing misinformation out there,” Psaki continued.

Watch it for yourself.

As we’ve seen, so-called “misinformation” is not always false information. “Misinformation” is information that the radical left deems harmful to the liberal narrative.

You may recall that social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter were “fact-checking” articles and posts about COVID-19 originating in the Wuhan virology lab. While Donald Trump was President of the United States, those articles and posts were deemed “misinformation.”

Even President Joe Biden admitted that the virus might have originated in a Chinese lab after he won the election.

However, all that mattered when that information was deemed “misinformation” was that it advanced the liberal narrative. Numerous Republicans and conservatives were blocked or banned from posting on social media platforms due to information being arbitrarily deemed as “misinformation.”

This, in turn, helped Biden get elected.

Now, Psaki and the Biden White House want to be directly involved in the censorship of their enemies by creating the rules that designate what information counts as “misinformation.”

Any government that controls the information people have access to and what they are allowed to speak about is not the government of a free people.

The people that do not see the red flags that come with this authoritarian abuse of power deserve what is coming to them.

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39 thoughts on “Psaki Says People Should Be Banned from ALL Social Media for ‘Misinformation’

  1. well if we are banning misinformation everything out of biden’s, psaki.pelosi, schemer, AOC (what a joke she is, she is just dumber than a rock and I mean no harm to the rock), and well about any politician, media, big tech, the list goes on, should be banded. In fact the misonformation from all of the aforementioned people is really just plain old lies…just sayin

    1. Does this include all the misinformation and lies coming out of the White House? Circle back Psaki is a good loyal comrade.

    2. They the banning should start with her, biden, blinky, milley, schumer, swawell and all democrats they are all pathological liars.

  2. Most of the “misinformation” is coming from YOUR mouth, Mz Pzacki — yours and the mouths of the White House “Squatter’s” puppeteers. Or more likely just plain out and out lies. If others are to be banned for it (although most of the time they are telling the truth which y’all don’t want to hear), then so should you and they!! Let me hasten to add that you all sicken me as you attempt to destroy our Constitution and the freedoms and rights it ensures us. God help and save America — please!

    1. Well stated. It’s our gubbermint and all its alphabet agencies that are spreading LIES! THAT is what so called “misinformation” really is, is LIES! So-called “dr” faiXi is the WORST! Flips more that an IHOP pancake short order cook!!

      We can NOT believe ANYTHING coming out of the harryass/biden regime!

  3. Here’s something that you folks who want woke! Since day 1 misinformation has been part of all social media sites. Just because this Jacka– wants us to rat out everyone, doesn’t mean you are compelled to do so. If you would have read you history books, you would know Hitler did the same things this Administration is trying to pull off. Ole Joe and his press secretary has a lot gall telling us anything after all the lies and misinformation they have spread.

  4. Aye, there’s the rub: SOMEBODY gets to decide what information is ‘approvable’ and which classes of information are to be silenced as ‘misinformation.’ The ‘gentle, open-minded’ liberals are finally showing their true colors.

  5. Ban the Biden Admin & White House & all Govt from FB then.
    Make= & fair
    & ALL Big Tech platforms

  6. Psaki you and your mountain if misinformed puppets on the toll of Americans backs have been telling us lies from day 1 of this virus. You’ve lied about Jan 6th and you’ve just plain lied to all Americans about everything. What a bunch of hypocrites you’ll are. Stop suppressing the real truth. Psaki, have some honor and get away from there lies and the liars. Oh, I forgot you’re a puppet on a string.

  7. Show the federal government is banning themselves and the main stream media from social media. Sounds good to me.

  8. Your 100% correct ! Especially when America is living a Lie !
    A Certified Nurse watched the photo Ops of Biden + Pelosi & the rest,
    Being Vaccinated! Except none received the quote Vaccine! The needles used during their procedures were NOT for vaccines injections, they all were injected with a saline solution!
    The same goes with Creepy Joe Biden being filmed promoting Ford PUs Electric Trucks, he wasn’t driving, Cameras picked up a second Steering Wheel with A driver behind it ! How long can he & his cohorts fool Americans???

  9. My Psaki has a hell of nerve. She is nothing but misinformation herself. To put it mildly, she is a ace when it comes to lying. She and her boss and his entire administration need to move to Cuba and/or Venezuela!

  10. If spreading “misinformation” is enough to get one banned, then the current President would be banned. Oh, sorry. I forgot that he and his associates believe that the definition of “misinformation” is disagreeing with them.

  11. I believe I have finally figured out what goes through a democrats mind as they stand there and bald-faced lie to everyone on the planet. As they start to ramble their 5th grader style speak in their head all they see is ME, ME, ME, ME, I’m talken bout ME. So whenever you see psaki talking I bet you money the democrats are doing just what she is talking about and she’s blaming it on climate change (which is liberal for Diaper change fast) while pointing at whoever they are pouting about that day I guess.

  12. Pissak should be banned from speaking at all, she lies continually and Obfuscates as badly as Berry O’dingle

  13. Psaki is the biggest source of misinformation daily, lies pure and unabridged from the White House on all their failures. Let’s personally ban then from our lives forever. Don’t need technology to do it beyond shutting it down.

  14. Misinformation is an incorrect word in this case. Different information that goes directly against other information is called free speech. In this case it is probably all correct which would mean t he information that comes from the WH or their medical advisors is either an outright lie or just flat wrong and I go for both. That’s my right off free speech and free thought. Based on factual data and science.

  15. The woman who said the words, “illegals don’t need to vaccinated because they aren’t planning on staying very long”, thinks we should be banned for disinformation?

  16. So we should start with banning Slow Joe!
    He asserted that the vaccine was unsafe, that we would stay in Afghanistan until all Americans were out, that he killed terrorist with a drone attack,that his tax increases would only affect the rich! And the list goes on and on. And didn’t Psaki publish all of these lies oh sorry misinformation

  17. This whole administration is full of disinformation and lies at every turn.
    They should all be banned from social media and news channels.

  18. If all people who spread or spew false information are banned from all social media then all democrats would be banned!

  19. Do away with Democrats and you do away with the (Pains of America) in Washington and the entire United States!


  20. I believe all Democrats should be executed as enemies of the people and enemies of peace and freedom. I am a Libertarian and believe in the constitution and all the amendments. It is time for removal of this corrupt government and replace it with ordinary citizens!

  21. Psaki wants people to be banned from what she calls misinformation, etc. She truly has an aversion to the truth and the truth is what she’s calling misinformation. She should be immediately fired because she’s nothing but a liar. Who is she to censor any of us. She supports and defends everything that Biden does even the slaughter of 13 of our military in Afghanistan and the blowing up of innocent children along abandoning Americans, Afghan interpreters who supported the US and were promised Protection by the US, in Afghanistan in harms way with no conscience at all. If it’s to the detriment of the US in the American people, which is the norm for Biden, Psaki supports it. Her elitist, condescending, arrogant and ignorant attitude is disgusting. If she’s the best at Biden hast to offer as a press secretary, he’s in a whole lot more trouble than what this nation in the entire world knows that he’s in already.

  22. Well CNN pursued without question the Russia collusion lie, fabricated by the corrupt dimocrats under Obama and Clinton, and it did so for more than three years. Like the Robert Mueller farce…er, I mean ‘investigation’, it never bothered investigating the originators of the lie, much less exposing them, and in their actions knowingly became co-conspirators in treason against the Office of the President. By the fascist dictator’s logic of the Biden Whitehouse, they should be silenced.

  23. There’s no doubt about it ,when Hitler no I mean Biden said we the people are the government this is exactly what he meant we the government will control everything over the people It truly is scary , we need to fight like hell to not allow this to happen we can’t stand back and allow this devils take our country away from us

  24. ban Psaki

    misinformation, disinformation, information should all be free to speak. All speech should be free to say. Prove it right, prove it wrong, but speak it freely.

  25. She should be banned from ever opening mouth again. She is a cheerleader for biden and his constant lying. Everything biden does turns to crap.Gas prices ridiculous, leaving our people in afagastan, food prices ridiculous, border crisis is a crisis. How could anybody want what biden is doing to the country. Worst president and cabinet ever. Bunch of lovers. Vice president Harris is lost to all she does is laugh. What a border czar she is. Totally worthless. The swamp needs to be cleaned out. These politicians do not work for people. A travesty what they are doing to this country.

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