Gallup: Nearly 70 Percent of Americans Say the Economy is Getting Worse, but Jobs are Available

Gallup Poll shows Americans’ economic confidence has dropped to -25 this month. According to Gallup, the most recent dip in confidence is largely owing to a five-point increase in the percentage of Americans saying the economy is getting worse, from 63% to 68%.

So why are Americans’ saying the job market is good while dissing the economy? Spoiler alert….Americans are sending mixed signals. Or, perhaps, Americans are reflecting the mixed signals constantly given by Congress and the mainstream media.

Recent news has centered on the political stalemate in Congress, supply chain stalemates at American seaports, rising inflation, and cost of goods. While simultaneously trying to build confidence in the hope of a near-future where COVID is under control. Mixed signals to say the least.

Based on the poll results, Americans say they think now is a good time to get a quality job. Sure, unemployment rates are low (4.8%). Almost as low as the unemployment rate (4.7%) under Trump’s administration pre-pandemic. 

But does the simplistic view of the law of supply and demand mean it’s a good time to get a “quality job?” Are “Help Wanted” signs and open positions a call for optimism for citizens can choose a great job? Well, it all depends on what the term “quality job” means.

Some might see a quality job as full-time, or more per hour than their current position. So might interpret it as a job that accommodates work-life balance (performance-based work, rather than hours).

Or how about this… What if, when Americans are answering Gallup’s job question, they are actually thinking about the quality job they can make for themselves?

According to a Harris Poll conducted for Zapier, more than 1 in 3 Americans had a side hustle in 2020. These poll results showed that almost half of Americans planned to start a side hustle this year – 2021. Drivers for starting a side hustle include diversifying income and saving up.

So it appears that Americans’ are turning within to find hope. Hoping in their own capabilities when describing opportunities for a quality job, while they are extremely concerned about America’s overall economic trajectory – which has continued to tank in the past 4 months. 

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4 thoughts on “Gallup: Nearly 70 Percent of Americans Say the Economy is Getting Worse, but Jobs are Available

  1. Supply Chain issues:
    o 100+ ships off CA, 3 days per ship to unload
    o Union drivers only
    o CCP China runs LA CA terminal
    o Trucks 2011+ can move cargo
    o Too few drivers
    From CA only

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