Fauci Says if You’re Attacking Him, ‘you’re attacking science’

Washington, D.C. — In a recent MSNBC interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci said if you’re attacking him, “you’re attacking science.”

“You’re really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re attacking science,” Fauci said.

Ah, the science buzzword.

If you did not already know, whenever a Democrat or an unelected bureaucrat (like Fauci) uses the word “science,” you are not allowed to question what they are saying. Invoking the word “science” is akin to invoking the word of God.

Questioning Fauci is blasphemy.

Or so Fauci would like everyone to believe — because people are supposed to follow him without question. He saved the world from the Rona, after all. He deserves undying gratitude, not completely valid questions about why he lied about funding gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Fauci is in hot water because a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request proved that he lied to and misled the American people throughout the pandemic.

That doesn’t matter, though, because if you attack Fauci, “you’re attacking science.”

Check out Fauci’s response for yourself.

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25 thoughts on “Fauci Says if You’re Attacking Him, ‘you’re attacking science’

  1. Dr Fauci. From day one I have done exactly the opposite of what you said and I am perfectly fine. It is my hopes that all the ones who lost loved ones sue you personally for all the lies you have told.

    1. Amen Brother , I to have done the opposite of everything he has said . I have been all through the state’s that were supposed to be so bad . I never had a cough or a sniffle. I did not ware a mask but I sure hope PEEELOUSI keeps Waring her can you find her a bigger one please. That face would stop a 10 day click. Despicable and they let that lose in public.

    1. How stupid is this guy? he says we’re attacking science—no fauci you are being attacked because of your lies and your constant flip flopping. You are one of the worst as your science stinks.

  2. The CCP is in a cold war with us. Ever sense Trump stopped the free money in trade with the CCP. Margret Thatcher said ” Socialism works till you run out of other people’s money” Communism steels money from every body to work. Bribes people who know it.

    Why isn’t the author of the corruption of the biden family being sued for slander ?
    Why is the media using CCP talking points about Trump ?

  3. Fauci doesn’t know anything about science or he wouldn’t change his mind (if he’s got one) constantly.

  4. So Fauxi is science. I’ll be darned. And here I was, thinking that he’s just an overpaid bureaucrat that let his 15 minutes of Fame go to his head. Maybe he should try a different science, like maybe meteorology. We sorta expect the weather guy to be wrong about 80% of the time, but when you’re the lead guy in an emergency, we kinda need you to be at least as accurate as the weather guy. Fauxi fails the test.

  5. I can’t believe after all the emails that came out not a single media outlet has covered it….oh wait no I am not. Wake up Sheeple, this whole thing is a scam.

  6. I guess Dr. Fauci is the only source for “science”. Then why do we employ thousands of scientists?

  7. Science is often wrong because they push theories and results to garner more funding for experimentation. They suppress cures and always say they are “close to a cure!”
    It’s all a con game run by the Pharmaceutical companies and the AMA.
    They’ve turned science into a political weapon and population control directed by the Bilderberg Society and the multiple secret societies.
    The heads of each of these societies is using Satan’s plan to control the entire earth trough false narratives like; “Climate Change, Overpopulation, Faux Pandemics, Gun Control, Politically Correct Speech, etc!

    This is a SPIRITUAL WAR and millions are falling into the ‘Trojan Horse’ trap because they do not recognize who the real enemy is!

  8. Fauci could have saved the lives of everyone who died from Covid by using hydroxychlorophine!! Instead, he blocked its use so he could make millions by investing in the patents for Remdiscivir, a drug made by the pharmaceutical company his wife works for!!!!! He is a fraud and evil and should be prosecuted for hundred of thousands of deaths!!!!

  9. There is legitimate science and then there’s dark science. The science it appears Dr. Fraud has been involved with is from the dark side. The 20th century had it’s share of evil governments employing dark science to kill millions of people; are we seeing the first such crime of the 21st century against mankind evolving via the “pandemic” and it’s response?

  10. Fauci’s right, if what he has been dribbling out of his mouth is science, then I am attacking science.

  11. Fauci what you created was a non truth narrative to keep Americans prisoners! But to many of us didn’t believe you and I Thank God every day I was one of them, I went to WORK every day to pay my bills, put food on the table for my family and live my life I did not listen to you dribble I paid attention to the real science and my Doctors, your a fear monger, nothing better oh yeah your a dumborat like your lying cheating boss! We did not follow your rules and survived this pandemic your kind used to close down America, if you were a real dr you would have told Americans to keep fighting don’t give up we can beat this, BUT you never did!

  12. Fauci I put you right up their with your bad science dribble with the likes of chicken little the Sky is falling, Fraud Knows Nothing about Climate Change czar Kerry, and idiot AOC with her fake green deal fraud plan!

  13. Science doesn’t flip flop every other day like Fauci. I don’t think he knows how to tell the truth.

  14. Fauci also said wear a mask then two masks but the science says that the masks on the market do NOT protect against viruses as the mesh is too large. Cannot have it both ways dude.

  15. Fauci wouldn’t know science if it hit him up side the head. He has no clue but does a good job of not telling the truth. Do not ever, ever vote for a democrat. They will do and say anything to get or stay in power. They love to control the lives of others.

  16. How long are American citizens going to waste time listening to or arguing about the disinformation this puppet of the illegal administration is dispensing? He’s just another distraction to keep Americans distracted and occupied while the takeover of this republic continues. How long is this charade going to continue before some reputable chemist or biologist lays out the real facts in a clear and understandable form so Americans can understand exactly what’s been going on and how seriously we’re being deceived

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