Biden Hits 58 Percent Dissaproval According to Rasmussen

Washington, DC – President Biden’s approval rating dropped to 40 percent, with 58 disapproving of his job performance according to the latest poll released by Rasmussen Reports

This is the most significant dip in approval since Biden took office and comes on the heels of the controversial exit in Afghanistan, a surge of immigrants crossing the southern border, and the ongoing debate over Covid-19 mandates. 

Experts on both sides agree these numbers are hardly indicative of how the president will perform in 2024. Still, it does show a potential advantage for Republican candidates in swing seats going into the 2022 off-year elections. 

History has proven it’s tough enough for the Majority Party in down-ticket races during the off-year. Still, the president’s declining numbers offer even more hope for Republicans going into 2022. 

The numbers aren’t better for the Democrat-controlled Congress where Real Clear Politics, a firm that tracks and averages polls across the country, report a 62.5 percent average disapproval rating. The numbers spell danger for Democrat leaders where they only hold a ten-seat advantage in the House, and Vice President Harris has the tiebreaking vote in the Senate. 

With those slim margins and redistricting taking shape in the next few months, both sides are working quickly and making the most informed guesses they can to recruit the best candidates to match districts. 

According to a Gallup report released in 2018,  presidents with job approval ratings below 50% lose 37 House seats, on average, in midterm elections. Republicans are counting on a red wave similar to shifts in power following the Clinton and Obama victories. 

Whether Democrats can overcome the low polling numbers or if Republicans will capitalize on the favorable environment, one thing is clear the, 2022 cycle will be one to watch. 

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8 thoughts on “Biden Hits 58 Percent Dissaproval According to Rasmussen

  1. Joe Biden And Kamala Harris With Obama are Destroyng The USA OF AMERICA , They Will Be Judge By God Almighty . If They Do Not repent Of Their Sinful Ways Hell Will Be Waiting On Them …

  2. Only 58% ??? It should be 99% disapproval . Do we have 42% that approve?? What on earth could anyone approve of that Biden is responsible for?? I can’t find one thing I approve of that Biden has done. I would approve is he was impeached or just quit.

  3. The government party (democrats) earned the job by cheating and now must face the consequences. Problem is they may have destroyed the U.S. while seeking wealth and power. Every voter now knows what to do and where the government party (democrats) must go. It was the party of slavery for more than a century before it pulled off its most famous flimflams.

    With media support, it shrugged off the shame of Dred Scott, hid the fact that Republicans enacted the 13th Amendment, created Jim Crow laws, opposed Republican legislation that gave former slaves “40 acres and a mule,” opposing President Eisenhower’s proposal “to use whatever authority exists in the office of the president to end segregation, held the longest filibuster in U.S. history trying to kill the Civil Rights Act, celebrated Ku Klux Klan Exalted Cyclops and Kleagle Robert Byrd, eulogized arch segregationist Strom Thurmond and on and on.

    It may be too late to save the government party (democrats) from becoming a colossal puff of smoke and permanent invisibility. Only the most deluded will cling to the party of those who seek nothing more than wealth and power. The big question will be what’s such a party worth to cling-ons when it’s worth nothing to the nation.

  4. The only fear the republicans have is the democrat cheating. They can’t win anything fairly. All eyes will be on the ballot counters and mail in ballots drop boxes next time for sure. Hidden cameras are a necessity.

  5. Biden’s 40% “approval” is about in line with the total and partial welfare class in America. Those on the dole always support Democrats, even though they mostly lie about increased benefits.

  6. Pelosi will never let her puppet Biden be impeached. At least as long as there are dissenters in her own party. She uses bribery and blackmail to keep most of them in line. We’ll have to see about Manchin, he might be holding out for a big enough bribe.

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