These Six Republican Senators Voted to Proceed with the Impeachment Trial

Washington, D.C. — These are the six Republicans who voted to proceed with the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump.

  • Lisa Murkowski (AK)
  • Bill Cassidy (LA)
  • Susan Collins (ME)
  • Ben Sasse (NE)
  • Pat Toomey (PA)
  • Mitt Romney (UT)

Unlike the other five, Bill Cassidy changed his stance on whether or not the trial is constitutional.

Last month, Cassidy voted for Senator Rand Paul’s (R-KY) motion to declare the impeachment trial unconstitutional. He claimed that House Impeachment Managers had “much stronger constitutional arguments” than Trump’s team.

Despite the vote to proceed to a trial, it is unlikely there are enough votes to convict Trump. A supermajority (67 votes) is required to convict Trump on the single impeachment charge. Seeing as only 56 Senators even voted to proceed with the trial, a conviction is probably out of reach.

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5 thoughts on “These Six Republican Senators Voted to Proceed with the Impeachment Trial

  1. WTF??? What happen to the 10 Republicans that voted to continue on? I know for a fact that Liz Cheney was one of them! Who is writing this stuff for your organization? A liberal?
    Furthermore, the paragraph that starts out with, ” Unlike the other five”, and ” Last month”, makes ABSOLUTELY no sense! You need someone in your organization to proof-read before put it out there. Stop acting like liberals! Keep this up and I will be unsubscribing from your emails!
    This is sad!!!

    1. Hi Robert,

      Thanks for reading! We wrote about the 10 House Republicans who voted for the article of impeachment against Trump here:

      What we are referencing in this article are the five Senate Republicans who voted against Senator Rand Paul’s motion on Jan. 27 to declare an impeachment trial of Trump unconstitutional. Bill Cassidy (LA) did not vote for the motion then, but he did vote with those five GOP Senators to proceed with the trial on Monday. Hopefully that clarifies things a bit. We will do our best to make sure the timeline and who we are referencing is more clear in the future.

      I can assure you our writers are not liberals or in support of RINOs who are supporting this shameful impeachment trial. 🙂


      1. Thank you. You are the first website that I read about this fiasco, and it didn’t clarify. Henceforth, my frustration in my comment. Only after reading a different sites’ article did I figure it out. I refuse to watch ANY MSM on TV anymore, and gather my info from different websites. I work all day and get on my pc in the evening to find out what happen during the day.
        So, again, thank you for clearing that up.

  2. These 6 need to resign go back home and join the democratic party legally instead of cheating the Republican people by not representing the peoples wishes in the Senate.

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