Taxpayers Likely Covering Cuomo’s $2.5 Million Legal Fees for Nursing Home Scandal

New York City, NY — Taxpayers are likely covering the $2.5 million in legal fees for Governor Andrew Cuomo’s defense in the nursing home scandal.

Cuomo is under federal investigation after his administration hid thousands of COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes from the public.

The Hill reports:

State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli’s office has approved a contract with Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello, a Manhattan firm, for $2.5 million where partner Elkan Abramowitz will get paid over $900 an hour, according to the AP. Others in the contract will be paid over $600 an hour.

From The Hill

So, if you pay taxes in New York, your tax dollars are helping to foot the bill to defend Cuomo for his coverup of an allegedly deadly executive order.

It is not clear at this time if taxpayers are also on the hook to pay for Cuomo’s legal defense over multiple sexual assault allegations.

Both Republicans and Democrats have called on Cuomo to step down in response to the mounting scandals and investigations. Despite these calls, Cuomo has stated that he has no plans to resign.

Of course, it’s hard to resign when taxpayers are on the hook to cover millions of dollars in legal expenses. After all, Cuomo can’t be expected to fork over any of the $5 million he made on his book about leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic [sarcasm].

Considering Cuomo’s blatant failure during the pandemic and his profiteering off the suffering of New York residents, it’s unlikely New York taxpayers support funding his legal defense.

Unfortunately, that’s just how it works in American politics — even when the investigation involves the deaths of thousands of nursing home residents.

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8 thoughts on “Taxpayers Likely Covering Cuomo’s $2.5 Million Legal Fees for Nursing Home Scandal

  1. The taxpayers should not have to foot his legal bills he not the State did these ILLEGAL and IGNORANT things.

  2. Cuomo is the prototype Democrat. No matter how badly they screw up – it is ALWAYS someone else’s fault……And someone else has to pay. There is absolutely no accountability with these people. Same is going on in California Newsom was ordered to pay legal fees to his victims and the state is paying them.

  3. A majority of voters in New York cast ballots for Cuomo and I can’t feel sorry for them. This situation shows the truth in the adage that you must be careful of what you ask for because you might get it. They are getting it now.

  4. I live in California. Our overwhelming taxes are used indiscriminately to pay for whatever our two-bit, corrupt and totally self indulged Govenor wishes. He has absolutely no concern for the tax payer. He considers taxes to be our duty to provide him with the means to buy future votes with no concern for the safety or well being of Californians. We in California understand what New York has to shoulder all too well. Perhaps, that is why businesses and workers are jumping ship like never before. Yet, problem keep electing these losers again and again.

  5. I think it’s time for Cuomo to pay his own bad habits. He a lied, he cheated,, defraud the government out of billions of our tax money. He put millions lives at stake when he put sick people into nursing facilities. When the hospital ship was in the harbor. He should be charged with crimes against humanity.
    He makes the money. Pay your own dam bills or have your brother Chris pay for you.

  6. That should have never abuse taxpayer funds hell! President Trump’s supporters help pay for both bogus impeachment trials, can we the People sue muller, nadlert, shift Pelsoi !? Don’t forget the anti-American democrats abuse taxpayers fund for to pay for their defense for being caught having affairs with underaged minors, same sex with anyone!

  7. If you’re stupid enough to live in that rat infested sh*t hole and vote for these treasonous bstrds, you deserve to have to pay.

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