Biden Forgot the Name of a World Leader During a Live Press Conference

Washington, D.C. — President Joe Biden forgot the name of a major world leader during a live press conference.

That’s right. Biden just had a massive brain fart during an international television.

While holding a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Biden appeared to completely forget Morrison’s name.

“I want to thank … uh … that fella Down Under. Thank you very much, pal,” Biden said, appearing to struggle to remember who he was talking to.

Watch for yourself.

Later in the video, Biden manages to correctly read Morrison’s name from a teleprompter because that’s what it takes to keep him on track these days.

The American people cannot ignore this anymore.

Grampy Biden is making a mockery of the United States. This senile old man cannot be trusted to go off script or remember the name of one of our closest allies, yet he is the most powerful man in the world.

Even if (and it’s a big if) Biden intentionally chose to use the very informal “that fella down under” to address Morrison, it made him look incompetent. It made him look weak.

The enemies of the United States are watching, and they see an old man who probably can’t even tie his own shoes, not a strong leader of the free world.

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20 thoughts on “Biden Forgot the Name of a World Leader During a Live Press Conference

  1. When is someone going to get Biden the mental help he needs. This is cruel tp put him in the position he is in and it is alarming for our country. Get Biden/Kamala out of our White House NOW!!! Then impeach Piglosy as soon as she takes oath and have a new honest election.

  2. What the heck is new about this? This man SLEEPS while talking with the President of Israel, he wanders around not knowing what planet he’s on. He’s really pathetic.

  3. Millions of illegals run over the southern border expecting free everything once here, as these scum bag in the executive branch cabinets love the easy way they found to destroy America… Honestly, whoever they are who is illegally running this republic unto the ground as Biden puppeteers.. First we must plan the arrest of Biden and easily charge him with endless acts of treason, and swift punishment, he will squeal on the real sneaky leaders running America, those that rigged the elections, and shoved the illegal alien invasion up our asses to get more votes. Now once again they are using the virus to continue rigged elections by using bull shit rules making cheating easier, again like last election.. They would kill our loved ones and sleep like babies for their absolute power illegally gained, these global communist must be arrested after the economy collapses. They must not be allowed to walk away laughing like Obama treasonous nitwits did. God protect us from this pure deadly evil running this nation.

    1. I agree. But we must arrest them before the economy collapse ‘s. The whole Biden administration needs to be IMPEACHED FOR TREASON they all BROKE THEIR OATH TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY. WE must not let any of them resign and keep their pensions and medical insurance. What are we waiting for, for Congress to pass all those billions of dollars crap laws Biden wants to pass. If Congress passes amnesty,, they’re saying 11 million which that was what 20 years ago, now i’m sure we have no less than 15 million illegal aliens already in this Country. Not all of them came under pretense of asylum. One interviewed illegal alien admitted he was here for the free stuff and a better life. I can tell him now this Country is no longer a place for a better life ,free stuff or not. We are being pushed out so illegal aliens will come in and vote for only democrat communists , AMERICA IS NO LONGER AMERICA THE GREAT. 😪😪😪😪😪

  4. Had a brain fart on international TV ?
    Joe Biden’s brain is nothing more than one giant Fart so why is any one surprised or shocked ? 47 years in DC politics and what is to show for it ? That is of benefit to the nation that is . America is now lead by the poster child for Stupidity , Idiocy , Insanity and Altzhimers . Lord Have Mercy !

  5. Proof that Biden is using an earpiece to help him get through meetings and podium appearances. He had no idea who PM Morrison was, and then was reminded by someone talking in his ear.

    1. Your article stated that he read the name off of a teleprompter. If it was on a teleprompter, then why didn’t he just look up at the prompter to get the name right the first time?

  6. How on earth is Biden still in office? He’s incompetent and that is evident by the fact that he has to have a teleprompter for any speech he makes, that is if he doesn’t want to look stupid. He screwed up our exit from Afghanistan and there are so many left there it breaks my heart. How much more can we take from this “President”?

    1. How on earth did Biden get in office in the first place??? It was total fraud that Biden himself told us was going to happen before election. This is why he stayed in his basement as he knew the fix was in for him.

      I still have the picture of Biden saying he had the most extensive fraud ever set up to win the election. How was he able to do that and still get elected? The set up fraud worked is the only way possible.

  7. Biden has craped up everything he gets close to. He has caused an ilegal invasion of the USA southern border. He interfeared with a state recall election in California. Biden should be impeached and sent to prison. Now.

  8. Seems to me Biden has a lot of Brain Farts. Maybe he should change his diet!!!!!!! Or. Leave office. The office he was Never Elected to without cheating

  9. Poor Mr. Biden farts into the mic every his handlers give it to him. I can smell the stench from here, 500 miles away. Sorry for the potty humor, but the title set me up, big time.

  10. The wife, family and politicians forcing this man to continue in front of Our Nations People and the World should All be ashamed of themselves for rest of their life. May your lack of compassion return personally in your own life!!

  11. Yes Kbar I agree , this is ELDER ABUSE at it’s best. Most of the time Biden knows not where he is . Give him an ice cream cone and IMPEACH him, he’ll be happy to go on his merry way. His family cares more about money than him. How sad.😪

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