Tancredo: Joe Biden, Meet Typhoid Mary

By: Tom Tancredo

Out in the south Texas town of La Joya, a restaurant manager recently called the police about a maskless family that was coughing and sneezing so much that other patrons were leaving. 

When confronted by the police, they readily admitted to being illegal immigrants from Mexico who had been picked up a few days earlier by the Border Patrol, then transported to La Joya and put up at the local hotel. They also informed the police that they had tested positive for the CCP (Communist Chinese Party) virus — and it was later determined that the entire hotel had been filled with illegals, all of whom had tested positive for the virus. Yet, no one had informed local officials – much less local citizens – of the situation. 

More than one million illegal immigrants have poured over our border and been “processed” by the Border Patrol since President In Name Only Biden took office. God only knows how many more have entered the country through our now mostly open southern border. God is also the only one who knows for sure how many hundreds of thousands of them are infected with the CCP virus when they illegally step foot on American soil.

The Biden regime, aided and abetted by Catholic Charities, Lutheran Refugee Services, and a host of other “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs), is secretly moving tens of thousands of infected illegal immigrants all over the U.S. — especially into red states. In other words, PINO Biden is waging biological warfare against his domestic political adversaries… his fellow Americans.

He tries to mask what he and his henchmen are doing by claiming they are implementing the Trump policy referred to as Title 42, which was used to turn all migrants away at the border to help stop the spread of the CCP virus. The thing is, Mexico said to hell with that because they themselves are overwhelmed. So just a few days ago, the regime made a big deal out of saying it would extend the Title 42 practice. Left unsaid is the fact that PINO Biden ordered it to be implemented only for single adults caught at the border and only if those single adults don’t claim asylum. 

No families are being turned back, no matter how sick they are. They are either being taken to bus stations or airports and sent who knows where, or they are turned over to NGOs for resettlement — again, who knows where. The transport occurs mainly in the dark of night, and no local warning is given to the communities. PINO and his accomplices are literally using illegal immigrants to spread the CCP virus all over the USA. And We the People get to pay for it! These NGOs are raking in hundreds of millions of tax dollars to pay for the food, lodging, and transportation for these tens of thousands of Covid-infected criminal aliens. 

Catholic Charities and Lutheran Refugee Services have literally taken in billions over the last few years. More recently, Endeavor, a San Antonio nonprofit tied to the Biden administration, was given $617 million of our tax money to feed, clothe, and house illegal aliens. 

On top of that, the Border Patrol does not administer CCP virus screening; that critical responsibility is also turned over to NGOs. They then send the infected to what are termed “Covid Hotels” like the one in La Joya. No one outside of the Biden biological warfare community knows exactly how many have been so identified and then ensconced in these facilities because the NGOs won’t give out that information. 

And remember, this monstrous assault on America is just the people we catch at the border. Tens of thousands of “getaways,” as they are called by the Border Patrol, are also wandering around, spreading the virus throughout the country. BP agents have told us that the Mexican health care system is on the verge of collapse, so infected Mexicans are being turned away from their hospitals — thus forcing them to join the hundreds of thousands of Central Americans who have flooded the border since PINO was installed as chief executive. 

We do know this is happening, not because the Biden regime is telling us the truth, but because we see it in the medical statistics. CCP virus rates start spiking in city after city within days of infected illegals descending upon them like diseased locusts. Border agents themselves have been especially hard hit, with more than 70 agents testing positive in just the Rio Grande Valley sector alone. 

Now, these infected illegals are being resettled into the U.S. — as are thousands of children being smuggled in by child sex traffickers posing as their “family.” So PINO is literally not just waging biological warfare against the people of the United States; he is also aiding and abetting the international child sex slavery trade.

Recently, a Texas congressman called the attempt to hide accurate information about the origin of the CCP virus “the greatest coverup of all time.” Well, it may indeed be the biggest coverup, but it is certainly no surprise. After all, anyone but a Democrat expects China to be doing whatever it can to weaken the United States, and only a Democrat does not know that the media is the primary driver of that coverup. 

Let me suggest something, though: What PINO is doing at the border rivals and possibly surpasses the CCP virus coverup in deviousness and bald-faced evil. We already know Angel of Death 2.0 Fauci was involved with its creation. We already know the communists in Beijing will do anything — anything — to weaken and destroy their greatest adversary. But I must admit even I find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that our own government is deliberately spreading the CCP virus all over this great land — and even more deliberately targeting those Americans who oppose its actions. 

PINO Biden may have the “dementia defense” for not understanding the science that would make it clear how and where the CCP virus actually originated. But even in his most demented moments, PINO understands that it is criminal to demand more masks, more “vaccines,” more shutdowns — and thus more tyranny — without first completely closing the border to the literal millions of unvaccinated, untested, and unmasked virus carriers entering our country. 

But that’s no surprise, either. PINO Biden has a long history of acting in a criminal manner for personal and political gain. Waging biological warfare against the American people is just his latest crime.

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15 thoughts on “Tancredo: Joe Biden, Meet Typhoid Mary

  1. This criminal must be stopped,one way or another. Americans will burn DC to the ground if this continues. They won’t have to depend on blm or antifa. PATRIOTS WILL DO IT! AMERICA,” LETS ROLL”

  2. The Democrat Party’s formula is simple:
    American tax-dollars* + Open-borders** – Voter-ID = Illegal-votes = Political-power.
    * American tax-payer be damned.
    ** American security be damned.

    1. Kudos: So well said.. I hope that the NGOs settle several hundred thousand of the families with many children in Delaware to drive Joe and Dr Jill’s taxes through the turreted roofs of their many mansions.


  4. The only way to stop this monster from his cooperation with China to infect and ultimately murder Americans is to send this article to your congressman and senator with a strong note to get off of their butts and stop this deranged monster (Biden) or else they will be out of a job because there won’t be anyone left to represent.

  5. Sounds about right. I wouldn’t put anything past the Dems after what they did over the past 5 years. Criminal subversives is a correct term for the Dem hierarchy. the average Dem in the street is simply a foolish pawn.

  6. So the Grand Theme of the Democrat Badministration is to Welcome with Open arms Sick with Covid
    Illegals and house them in hotels without treatment or notification to Officials within towns, just ship those that are infected anywhere to avoid investigation of criminal activity all the while having Americans foot the bill for Democratic attempted murder by shipping these Virus Laden, Sick people all around the country at the risk of spreading the disease among the Americans that are being charged money to pay the Pretender’s army of shippers to break the Law! I’m Sorry, I didn’t get that, What COUNTRY DID YOU SAY THIS IS?

  7. I’m retired and constantly read political material. I’m jaded to the outrageous flimflam and harm inflicted by the democrat party. But this article shocked me beyond any shock I’ve experienced from mere reading material. Our Coprolite-in-Chief is killing conservatives without anyone realizing it.

    Clearly, it’s an organized war intended to exterminate everyone who opposes the socialist government now seizing control while the GOP sleeps. In days gone by, young men might be expected to rise up violently against the foreigners coughing, sneezing and boarding planes for conservative states.

    Perhaps our military aged men have been indoctrinated to the notion that conservatives should be eliminated. We know they’ve been subjected to the chant that guns, free enterprise and competition itself are bad. Please tell me it’s not true.

  8. It seems that everybody knows about Joe but nobody has offered any method to remove him and his fellow workers. This country has its priorities backwards. It will arrest a person (citizen) for not wearing a mask but allow the government to continue infecting and killing our citizens. Is there any officials with the guts to force action to remove these people who are not even legally in elected power.

  9. Do you suppose Dr Jill will stuff Joe and make believe he is still alive after he passes?. In the meantime the charade continues. The Demomarxists have power and it is pretty clear that Joe’s Masters the CCP. sent Covid 19 so that allowances would be made for the vote which enabled all of the cheating we are now finding belatedly. Joe has nearly already destroyed this Nation in less than 8 months. Why is it we have so many Communists in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Bernie and the Black Caucus..? In fact many of the the Black members are Communists Chuckie Schuman is also a Communist as is Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters. etc.. Your computer will name all of the Congressional and Senate communists. They want the power and when they get it and give enough cash, homes, cars, education, medical care to all of the illegals they have invited into the USA they will imprison or enslave or murder all conservatives and take the wealth.. We are now in a one party form of Political HARD COMMUNISM and we had all better wake up to that fact and do something about it.We need to get Trump back into the office he won and earned. Joe has done only the most evil treacherous things to American citizens who will foot the bill for his stupidity. He is evil to the core . He is a puppet of the Chinese CCP and on their PAYROLL the Big Guy Is he worth the 400 thousand dollars he will be paid year after year.?

  10. “Biden, please let us in” – WHY, and rhetorically, who bought those shirts?  Biden, please let America in!!  

  11. Biden and his partners in crime (I hate to call it the Biden Administration) aiding sex trafficers and pedophiles is disgusting and illegal. Also, why do I think that nobody is checking any of these illegal immigrants who are sick for other serious diseases like influenza, pneumonia, or tuberculosis?

  12. The daily propaganda would have us believe it is the unvaccinated conservative, the anti-vaxxer, Christians or the uneducated unenlightened who are causing the spike in Covid cases and hospitalizations. How many illegals are included in the daily counts?

  13. Spreading COVID-19 and it’s variants is exactly what Joe Biden and all of the other Democrats who believe they are in charge of our Nation wish to happen in order to make the Citizenry dependent upon the Government!!! I have started to believe that COVID-19 is the Spanish Flu released once again upon our Nation and the World.
    If it is true that the Doctor/Scientist’s have not yet isolated the COVID-19 Virus how have they created any kind of a Vaccine to curtail or fight it. Of course they already knew how to fight and control the Spanish Flu! The thing is that all of the Doctors and Survivors of the Spanish Flu have passed away since that was one hundred years ago so there is no one to recognize it’s return.
    You can not trust what the so called scientists and the government tell us because they have been like a pair of old rubber shoes, they flip-flop back and forth at every turn and at every new day. Now they wish us to allow them to place Citizens in COVID-19 Democrat run Concentration Camps if we choose not to take the fake Vaccines. No different than what the Nazi’s did to the Christians and the Jews prior to and throughout WWII! We also had Internment Camps but we did ot have the Gas Chambers and the Ovens.
    Think it through and see if you can get a good night’s rest thinking of what the Communist Traitor Joe Biden has done so far and what he intends to do in the very near future!
    I truly hope that the Vaccines are not as deadly as a very large segment of the population of our Nation and the world believe them to be. I would hate to witness up to 85% of the world’s population die off just to satisfy Bill Gates, the Democrats, Those of the Left, George Soros and Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci!!

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