D.C. Had Nearly 3 Times More Murders Than COVID-19 Deaths in July

Washington, D.C. — Washington, D.C. had nearly three times more murders than COVID-19 deaths in July.

The city saw 21 homicides compared to eight COVID-19 deaths last month. That brought the total number of homicides in D.C. to 113 as of July 30.

D.C. is battling more than the coronavirus pandemic. Like many other cities around the country, D.C. is dealing with increases in violent crime.

However, that is not something Mayor Muriel Bowser seems to care about. At least, not as much as she cares about using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to abuse her power.

Bowser is facing intense scrutiny for issuing a mask mandate, then getting caught on camera MASKLESS both BEFORE and AFTER her order took effect.

Bowser’s entitlement is nearly unmatched amongst Democrat mayors in the country. She must believe her elite status as Mayor of Washington, D.C., means she is exempt from her own tyrannical rules.

Back when Bowser was helping Michael Bloomberg on his presidential campaign, she incurred $12,000 in security charges that were covered by taxpayers.

The hypocrisy here is evident — but we digress.

All of Bowser’s actions point to her caring more about maintaining her lavish lifestyle than the people in her city.

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12 thoughts on “D.C. Had Nearly 3 Times More Murders Than COVID-19 Deaths in July

  1. Now we can stop Covid, right? Call a Hollywood screen writer. Then use weapons they present daily and call 911 for a busy signal. Nancy has all the answers, call her perhaps. I think Mr. Trump and crew may have a golf outing! Check with Bezos and Zuckenberg for a solution! Jesus truly loves you but…c’mon. I’ll pray often but this is how I’m seeing things and it looks sad.

  2. The increase in homicides is not only in DC but also up in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore, Minneapolis, St. Louis, New York, New Jersey, and many other blue run cities! All these cities that have defunded their police and restricted them from doing their duty. Common sense will tell you if you decrease your police force, you’ll have an increase in crime, but apparently common sense has long flown out the window with these liberal democrat politicians and their supporters!

  3. Democrat sleepy Joe Biden, the Putz in Chief, reverses all the containment items put in place at the southern border by Republican President Donald Trump!

    The result is 180,000 per month illegal immigrants crossing into the USA, many sick with COVID 19 or other diseases!

    Then this Democrat Putz in Chief, sleepy Joe Biden, blames the Trump administration!

  4. NO sympathy from me. You stupid voters VOTED FOR these POS who care for nobody but themselves!

    SMARTEN UP voters, you are voting FOR your own destruction!

  5. No big surprise because DC is run by a Democrat who clearly could care less about the safety and security of her constituents. She’s true to form of the socialist/communist Anti-American Dems, including mayors, governors of cities that are run and controlled by Dems that are nothing but cesspools of violence, anarchy,, burning down businesses, looting, attacks and assault against innocent Americans and against police officers and murders, including innocent children, with no conscience at all. These are the same States snd cities in which the local prosecutors and state attorney generals refuse to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes but instead release him so that they can continue their crime wave. The thieves are blatantly looting stores in broad daylight caught on video and yet they aren’t even arrested they are just permitted to let the violence continue. These Democratic Mayors, Governors and local and state prosecutors are encouraging and choosing to victimize their constituents, business owners, innocent children with no conscience at all. Many businesses are closing and moving to other cities and states in which the laws are enforced and no one can blame them. Innocent people are being forced out of living in their homes and moving to other cities and states for their own security and rightfully so. It’s a national disgrace and blatant disregard for the security and safety of the citizens they were elected to, and are paid to, represent. Interesting that the Dems are trying to blame the Republicans in the whole world knows that the Dems that are perpetrating and encouraging this violence.

  6. I hate all these scum scraping, ball dragging Republicans who would vote against our 2nd Amendment! These are not patriots and they sure as hell do not care about our constitutional rights! Disgusting no good brainless fence sitting pussies! I’d love to sucker punch them all! They are not men, they are amoebas!

  7. Another Obama democrat disciple as head of a major city where murder and mayhem run rampant. They are all alike. They are the most evil people anywhere.

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