Rep Cori Bush Applauds Defunding St. Louis Police as City Sees 20 Shootings and 3 Deaths Over the Weekend

St. Louis, MO — United States Representative Cori Bush (D-MO) applauded defunding the St. Louis Police Department as the city saw 20 shootings and three deaths over the weekend.

Speaking in support of a recent move to defund police in St. Louis, Bush said, “Today’s decision to defund the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is historic. It marks a new future for our city.

Bush recently faced backlash from mothers and families across the country after calling mothers “birthing people” in a woke speech in Congress.

The plan takes $4 million from the police department’s budget for things like “affordable housing” and homeless services. It also eliminates 98 vacant officer positions.

Violent crime is on the rise in St. Louis, and the Democrats in control are actively working to defund the police.

Things are getting so bad that the 2020 homicide rate in St. Louis exceeded the previous 50 years by 30 percent. Still, now seems like the perfect time to cut funding and officer positions in the struggling city, right?

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16 thoughts on “Rep Cori Bush Applauds Defunding St. Louis Police as City Sees 20 Shootings and 3 Deaths Over the Weekend

  1. Seems to me St. Louis cops are defunding themselves. Staffing is down 10 percent and to overcome resistance to work there, the city is temporarily waiving the residence requirement. Did I mention that St. Louis has the 2nd highest violent crime rate in the nation? Amid all this peril, U.S. Rep. Cori Bush (democrat) would disarm her citizens if she could.

    Ask yourself, do you believe being disarmed makes you safer? What kind of political leader would disarm her people while howling about the peril they face? Due to state laws and the 2nd Amendment, her strongest argument is to howl about gun violence.

    Gun violence is the go-to-term for grabbers and confiscators. It’s brilliant for public relations and incendiary to owners of firearms. Nobody says, “that gun is violent.” Literate persons say, “That person is violent.” Violence is a quality that applies to people and actions, not objects. The term is wrong in many ways, but psychologically, it is powerful.

    Although use of the term is clever, democrats cannot grasp the fact that criminals don’t ask government’s permission to use or even possess a firearm. Nevertheless, “gun violence” has become a mainstay of the democrat flimflam because it narrows the focus to fit the objective. The objective of course is to disarm the American public. Think about it. Have you ever heard the term “gun gentleness” used by a politician or anyone else?

    No? Then ask yourself why the democrat party doesn’t focus on just violence instead of gun violence. Fact is they’re after guns, not violence. They couldn’t care less about the entire field of violence because it commingles criminals with peaceable, lawful citizens and deflects from their intended focus on peaceable, lawful citizens.

    Democrats hope to transform arms owners into dependents. Once they’re dependent on the government, democrats will choose which of them they’ll allow to own arms. Democrats want citizens to believe making the U.S. safer for criminals will make it safer for their victims.

  2. Well, let the killing begin! We can’t change their minds. Let it be the law of the strong survive, if that is what they wsnt.

  3. Citizens of St Louis should revolt and over throw your leaders and demand Bush expelled, punished for her actions!!! What a shame your good city has become!!

  4. Cory bush is a complete pos. Historic moment, I agree- you just gave control of the city to criminals. Bush should be in jail instead of Congress

  5. The Socialist Democrats have forgotten, or rejected, Hosea 8:7: “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Sadly, it’ll be law abiding hard working people who’ll pay the price.

  6. Cori Bush–some people are just so stupid that it surprises me they even know how to breath even though it is an automatic process.

    Defunding the police is insane. Then 20 shootings and 3 deaths and she still doesn’t even get it. You voters have elected a woman that does not care for you well being.

  7. “Birthing people”” what a dumb communist bitch I hope somebody breaks into her house and Beats her to death with a bag of pennies

  8. With violent crime rising in a city in which I lived and having to make a decision on how the situation should be handled, I would ask myself, “how would I do this if I were a fool?” My response would be that I would do exactly as the powers that be in St, Louis are doing – by getting rid of the police. We could then assume that everything would be lovey-dovey and St. Louis would be a paradise on Earth.
    Now, I am not a betting man but in that case I would lay odds it ain’t gonna happen.

    These Democrats seem to either to have never heard or never understood the adage that one can be silent and thought a fool or open their mouth and remove all doubt.

  9. So let’s see, the murder rate is going up and this idiot thinks getting rid of law enforcement is the way to handle this particular problem. This woman could, quite possibly be, the dumbest person on the face of the earth. Let us know how this works out for you! IDIOT!

  10. FYI Bush I’m a Mother not birthing person, and only a woman can give birth no men can get over yourself, I’ a WOMAN who gave birth, do not refer to real women that way again! If that’s how you feel about yourself so be it But do Not refer to US as birthing person again your being disrespectful!

  11. Bush should have ZERO police protection if Bush dares to go to St.Louis. Any Democrap who calls for defunding of Police should lose any and all Police Protection everywhere.

    1. Absolutely Correct… All those Anti-2A’s Gun Grabbers, they should Forfeit All Publicly Funded Protection… No Police, No Security Team… Nothing!!! The same she expects us second class citizen to do. We aren’t worthy of Any Security walking thru our streets or driving down the street why should they. Like that Mad Maxine Waters had to have Police, Capital Police AND Air Marshalls when she made that trip to Minneapolis Minnesota to stir up trouble on the George Floyd Murder Trail… They the Elites get Special Treatment.

  12. She is safe and protected so cares nothing about the murdering of her constituents in SL or anywhere else since her sick agenda is far more important even if it means more killing of black people and children. This is the new Democratic party of today.

  13. Defunding the police who protect you is not a very good idea.
    I am glad I don’t live in your city and feel sorry for those who do and for all those under the poor “leadership” of Cori Bush!
    May God protect you all b/c without him you are defenseless.
    Such a very sad scenario! 😢

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