Happy Mother’s… Oops… “Birthing People’s” Day!

Washington, D.C. Today is a special day for the billions of mothers out there, the ones who cared for us, fed us, and raised us. But we here at America’s Citizen Press would like to give a very special Happy Birthing People’s day to Democrat Congressperson Cori Bush (MO-1).

In case you missed it, Congressperson Cori Bush raised a few eyebrows the other day when she referred to people who have children as “birthing people” rather than the more traditional term, which I and everyone with half a brain would call them, Mothers.

Rep. Bush is a freshman in Congress and is the new, prominent member of The Squad,” which consists of the House of Representatives’ most radical socialist members.

Bush, true to the ‘woke’ agenda, continued on her quest to eliminate biology and gender by working to take the word Mother out of the dictionary. In doing so, Bush caused a frenzy of outrage on social media from conservatives, moderates, and even some Democrats, hereafter referred to as “normal people.”

Normal people rightly consider Bush’s Newspeak to be rather offensive and denigrating. Contrary to what the left and the Pro-abort crowd says, only women can become pregnant – sorry, not sorry.

But, simply put, that is the agenda the socialist left wants to create. A “utopia” where all are equal and genderless, deprived of all the differences that make us human.

In all seriousness, we wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms out there – we’d be nothing without you.

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8 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s… Oops… “Birthing People’s” Day!

  1. I find your article insulting and degrading towards mothers everywhere. I am not a “birthing person,” I am a WOMAN, who was made by God from Adam’s rib. Take your politically correct garbage (it is now well beyond insults) and stuff it where you think it will do you the most good. I am sick and tired of you politicos using your ELECTED positions to belittle people you obviously have no use for unless it is election time. I hope you LOSE your next election because it is obvious that the only votes that count are those from individuals with a tree swinging between their legs.

  2. Her mother must be sooo disappointed for bringing her into the world!! You Un -American ungrateful Un-Godly piece of human trash shall receive what you deserve out of life!!! If God decides to remove His Blessings from your life, it will be Justified by your own actions!!

  3. I thought this brain dead idiot was censured, does it represent real people, if so are they all brain dead idiots, or just ensuring their payments, they can not all be that stupid, but apparently they are to elect this…. I do not think this will see the light of day as it would offend too many for being frank

  4. Cori Bush’s terminology reminds me of a program in Nazi Germany where selected women were assigned to ‘entertain’ SS officers on leave from the military. If and when a child resulted from this entertainment, the child would be taken from its mother to be raised by the state. The mother would never see her child again and the father was never notified.

    It seems this is what some members of the Democrat Party, notably the ‘Squad’, want to see in America.

  5. I could say something terrible to her but will not since she is deeply disturbed. Instead I will simply laugh at anyone using this hideous term that marginalizes women and their children. What amazes me are the voters who would put this person to rule over their lives in our government. What is next, injecting people for fathers?

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