Greta Thunberg is Not Impressed by Biden, Calls U.S. a “Disgrace”

Washington, D.C. — Climate activist Greta Thunberg is not impressed by President Joe Biden’s climate action plan, calling the U.S. a “disgrace.”

Thunberg made the comment while testifying to a House oversight committee.

“If you compare the current so-called “climate policies” to the overall current best available science, you clearly see there is a huge gap.” Thunberg continued, “It is the year 2021. The fact that we are still having this discussion, and even more that we are still subsidizing fossil fuels directly or indirectly using taxpayer money, is a disgrace.”

Republican Strategist John Thomas responded saying, “It’s disappointing that the left is using her as a pawn to drive the left’s radical agenda because Greta’s agenda really is no different than that of AOC’s Green New Deal.”

He went on to say that, “If Greta had her way, she’d be outlawing cows and burgers.”

It seems laughable, but that is the agenda of the radical left and their pawn, Greta Thunberg.

Of course, Thunberg is not the only pawn in the left’s strategy of hiding behind children to advance their out-of-touch and unconstitutional policies.

Thunberg’s voice is being used to drive a radical climate agenda. Back in 2018, the same year Thunberg rose to notoriety, the left turned David Hogg into an anti-gun celebrity. Both of these young activists were children at the time the radical left and the liberal media used them as puppets to push their agenda.

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46 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg is Not Impressed by Biden, Calls U.S. a “Disgrace”

  1. Why is this clown here talking to our government. She’s so bent on cleaning up nature why isn’t she talking to Russia China the nations of Africa and Southeast Asia. Maybe because they wouldn’t put up with listening to all this crap. That’s not to say we should do what we can but I get tired of people barking at America.

    1. Because no one in her country will listen to her. They refuse to let children run their government and the USA should send her packing. She has no relevance here, period.

  2. The kid’s an ignorant pawn. She says when her generation writes the history of our bad environmental decisions . . . . wait, aren’t we all going to be dead in eight years according to her ilk?

  3. The disgrace is that anyone listens to Greta Thunberg. There is enough science to put this arrogant snot in her place. She needs to fix her own life before she can pontificate to the world.

  4. It’s a shame Greta Thunberg has become such an obnoxious activist for the leftists of the world! She knows nothing about climate change, only reads the scripts they give here. My advise Greta, shut up and go home ASAP! You have wasted your life and will live to regret it! Shame on your parents for allowing this charade to continue. It would be interesting to learn who pays for this endless campaign of climate change false propaganda ! Follow the money certainly applies here!
    And why the liberal democrats give her press coverage is very telling.
    God bless and save America from the liberal global warming insanity and from the
    democrats trying to destroy America!

  5. In her first utterances, I thought I might for the first time agree with this afflicted child. But she soon revealed her total inability to express real-world comprehension. She’s been indoctrinated so thoroughly her only ability is to simply parrot what she’s heard, without saying what she thinks. I’m wondering what qualifies her testimony to occupy even a smidgen of a House oversight committee’s time. I’m thinking nothing unless the committee is a middle school class.

  6. Greta Thinners if anybody is a disgrace it’s you stupid dumb turd your a worthless as them come take climate change and shovel it were the sun don’t shine you piece of hockey puck

  7. Why is anyone even listening to the little snit. She is a foreigner and has no business sticking her Pinocchio nose in US affairs when her own country is in need of children’s advice. Guess she wasn’t satisfied with her 15 minutes of self-perceived fame a year ago and now must extend it to 20 minutes in order to remain somewhat relevant. That little girl needs to stay home with her mommie another year or two.

  8. Thunberg is a USED arrsewhippe liberal child.
    Her parents should be prosecuted for destroying her childhood and life.

    But she is right about one thing… Biden is a disgrace.

    America’s Green Progress under Trump exceeded EVERY Paris Accord target and kept America energy independent,

    Facts matter.
    Impeach Biden…. mute Thurnberg.

  9. All that and more from a payed Soros lackey. My, my, my. what’s the matter Greta, no one paying enough attention to you? Have you lost the love of the lame stream media? Are you in need of a repose?

  10. LISTEN UP…EVEN with a GREEN NEW DEAL…the SUN is Scheduled to DESTROY ALL LIFE on EARTH. The EARTH will be CLEANSED… PURIFIED..SANITIZED from ALL SIN. GOD Arranged this Since the BEGINNING of TIME. From SamuraiQueen. 😄😄😄

  11. Greta needs a real long look at life … she is delusional and stupid !
    Wake up little girl and smell the roses … get a real life !

  12. We’re supposed to care what a 12 year old has to say about anything, why? I feel sorry for her but don’t give any credence to anything she has to say.

  13. You need to study WWII history. Without all the Americans giving their lives defeat the Nazis, you would be speaking German.
    BTW, ignorant john Kerry said that you climate change nazi’s want to eliminate CO2 entirely. With that goal in mind, you will insure the entire earth will look like the moon. It takes carbon for plants to produce oxygen for humanity and the animal kingdo.
    The ignorance of the climate nazis is beyond belief.

  14. The real world observations:
    3000 years ago, there was the Minoan Warm period. Man did not emit much CO2, but it was warmer than now.
    Then 1000 years later, there was the Roman warm period. Man did not emit much CO2, but it was warmer than now.
    Then 1000 years later, there was the Medieval warm period. Man did not emit much CO2, but it was warmer than now.
    Then 1000 years later, came our current warm period. They claim whatever caused those earlier warm periods suddenly quit causing warm periods, only to be replaced by man’s CO2 emission, perfectly in time for the cycle of warmth every 1000 years stay on schedule. Not very believable unless you lack critical thinking abilities.
    The entire climate scam crumbles on this one observation because it shows there is nothing unusual about today’s temperature and ALL claims of unusual climate are based on claims of excess warmth caused by man’s CO2.

  15. Recognizing Reality is the key to reaching any successful goal. Thunberg creates her own reality which will only lead to disaster. Change doesn’t just happen. It takes time coupled with a realistic plan. She is only interested in her viewpoint with no well thought out plan to bring her desire to success. What she wants to accomplish can happen, but words alone and threats won’t accomplish it. Industry will bring about change when it is practical. Government can assist but not demand. It’s time to face reality first. When the world is ready for change, it will happen. Radical change almost always fails.

  16. Who died and made you king. You are a spoiled little kid with twisted view of the world. If they dont comply with your leftist radical agenda then they are the bad ones. Try this BS on Russia or India or China and see what that gets you.

  17. Everyone wants to know what is this rare miracle talent possessed by Hunter Biden which attracts world powers to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for these gifts of remarkable value? He must be a master of the Chinese languages, Ukrainian languages and of course Russian, and has financial skills held by no ordinary human. Hunter Biden is now the sole beneficial owner of Skaneateles LLC, according to Washington, D.C. corporate records obtained by the Daily Caller. “He has been working hard to unwind this huge investment gift?,” press secretary Jen Psaki said during a recent press conferences when asked about Hunter Biden’s stake in Bohai Harvest RST Shanghai Equity and Investment Fund under Management as BHR Partners .BHR manages the equivalent of $2.1 billion in assets and is co-owned by the Chinese state-controlled Bank of China. Hunter Biden’s lawyer, George Mesires, did not return numerous requests for comment asking to confirm if his client is in the process of offloading his stake in BHR and when he expects that process to be completed. Mesires said in an October 2019 statement that Hunter Biden had not received any return on his investment in BHR, but emails located on a copy of Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop show that he was told on multiple occasions by his business partner Eric Schwerin that he would begin receiving significant payments from the firm beginning in 2019, the Daily Caller News Foundation previously reported. May 20, 2017 “Don’t mention that Joe Biden is involved, it’s only when you are face to face, I know you know that but they are paranoid,” Gilliar instructed Bobulinksi in an encrypted WhatsApp message thread. My question is there now an opening for international bag man and money launder, is this an Treason. It must be great to be a Biden or better yet the Big Guy. I insist on saying the Biden’s did not sell our Country done the drain for money or did they?

  18. First of all Greta, I am sure most of us who are senior Americans would say to you, “GROW UP”. Get some experience behind yourself before condemning an entire country in a matter you really need some experience and education in. Second of all, not interested in what a child like you have to say, at all.

  19. If the United States are so deplorable and disgusting, GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR BUSINESS, and stay out. You should go back to where you came from and clean your own house before slinging mud in mine.

  20. Why would anyone care what little Greta numbnut thinks? Only those who are as stupid as she is I suppose.

  21. this little Bit0h needs her butt whipped and sent home and told to sit in the corner until she learns some common sense

  22. This uneducated child lecturing world leaders on the righteousness of UNSETTLED DISPUTED SCIENCE is hilarious. But the real scary thing is our brain dead president happily pledging to destroy our country. He has given the green light to our enemies to “come on in” and take over while we subsidize all of your actions!!!

  23. Well, we are a disgrace, but not by Greta’s standards. Both Greta and Biden are mere puppets of others with the same Socialist agenda. The main reason for all environMENTAList actions today is to bilk more money from citizens, through governments, to support more Socialist agendas.

  24. Can anyone tell us why the media is listening to this person? Her knowledge about our global climate is between nil and none. Climate change has been the normal cycles of this earth for millions of years. When you explore where our current deserts are and what was there in past ages it will not be the same. The same holds true for our frozen poles there was a time when there was no ice. When will these people understand that if the poles melt we will have an ice age due to ocean currents getting colder? When are the media idiots going to quit publishing garbage and allowing others like John Kerry getting rich from those lies?

  25. The real disgrace is that the left is using children to promote their agenda. Like most of their issues which are so greatly exaggerated , this is one of the worst. The United States alone has spent an outrageous amount of money on this issue, more that any other country and is vilified for it. STOP THIS FORM OF CHILD ABUSE NOW.

  26. To bad that people like Geta really do not have a clue as what she is recommending is not for the good of most people !! The world is not going to end because we do not stop using fossil fuels !!

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