Elizabeth Warren Calls Filibuster Racist Despite Using Filibuster Against Black Senator Last Year

Washington, D.C. — Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Called the filibuster racist despite using it against a police reform bill put forward by a black senator last year.

The filibuster is a rule that requires 60 votes in the Senate to end debate on a bill. It effectively gives the minority a way to indefinitely postpone voting on legislation in order to stop it from becoming law, even if it has enough votes to pass.

In an interview with Axios, Warren claimed that “The filibuster has deep roots in racism, and it should not be permitted to serve that function, or to create a veto for the minority. In a democracy, it’s majority rules.”

First of all, the United States is not a democracy, so that the majority cannot rule over the minority, but we digress.

Back in June, Warren used the filibuster to stop a police reform bill introduced by Senator Tim Scott (R-SC). Senator Scott is a black man.

That’s right — Warren just called herself a racist. Thankfully, she is being called out for her hypocrisy.

Scott Jennings (a RINO who works with CNN) asked, “was it racist” when Warren used the filibuster against Sen. Scott’s bill in June.

Fox News contributor Ari Fleischer also pointed out that Warren often used the filibuster when she was in the minority, asking, “does that make her a racist?”

Well, by Warren’s definition, it does make her a racist. However, we doubt progressive cancel culture activists will turn on the socialist senator.

This is further proof that radical Democrats will lie, cheat, and rewrite history to take power away from minorities.

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15 thoughts on “Elizabeth Warren Calls Filibuster Racist Despite Using Filibuster Against Black Senator Last Year

  1. Democrat’s think its my way or nothing. A very wrong attitude these days, as they push us closer to Dictatorship or communism.

  2. Well, I’m from Massachusetts, so I look at it this way. Lizzie Warren lied her way up the ladder by claiming she was Cherokee. Is that racial arrogation, and if so, does that make her a racist? She taught law at Harvard, which affiliation implies something, and, apart from the fact that this is not a democracy she claims it to be, but rather a constitutional republic, is she racist because of her affiliation with Harvard ( Asian admissions and such )? Then, the coup de grace was her use of the filibuster against Tim Scott’s meritorious bill? Was she then doubly racist?

    Now, Lizzie said that the filibuster is racist because it started in the 1850’s and helped racist southerners maintain power and thus should not be used any longer. By dint of that logic, since King Cotton ruled southern plantations and was picked by slaves, does that mean cotton should be banned because it was the mainstay of slavery?

    P.S. I went to law school in Boston, any of the five other schools is better than Harvard. They didn’t breed imbeciles.

  3. Lie a watha is the most vile of racists. She has used someone else’s plight to advance herself, without any shame! She makes white people look bad.

  4. Elizabeth “Fauxahontas” Warren has it Bass Akward as usual. The Filibuster isn’t rooted in Racism, Racism became rooted in the Filibuster.
    The Filibuster Procedural Rule began in 1806. It wasn’t used by the DEMOCRATS (her party) to defeat antislavery/abolition legislation until the 1820’s and 1830’s. Thus the Filibuster existed for many years before DEMOCRATS used it to keep Slavery in place.

  5. The fake pocahontas is one of the many liberal/socialist, that are so mentally disturbed, if not elected by like minded voters would be locked away, with heavy meds. These “people” are the banner aberrations of what the liberal/socialist party is all about. These “people” are an indictment of where our society has dissolved to, may be the epitaph in our Republic’s tombstone. Through recorded time societies, fail between 200-250 yrs, we are at 244, slojoe bidet could be the one that wipes us out

  6. Tell that Senator that we are not a Democracy but a Republic. That is the problem when you elect a dumb head to lead the country. You get dumb solutions.

  7. PLEASE!!!, for Pete’s sake, remove that damn looped video of Joe & the Hoe!!! It makes me want to puke every time I see it! I can’t stand it! And then you put it up there MULTIPLE TIMES!!!! WHY??????

    I thought you were a conservative site……
    Why would you punish you readers like that????? And includes pics of the Halfrican!!!

  8. Warren is an overpaid Marxist racist apologist for the overthrow of our constitution and way of life…..pseudo Pocahontas……gender f…k endorser, and corrupt ideologue

  9. Look who’s being snarky now if it isn’t pocahontas herself wanting to call the filibuster racist after using it against Senator Scott last year, if your so afraid maybe you shouldn’t be in politics at all! Every time you fracking dumboRats don’t want anyone to have an opinion you call it racist or white supremacy get over your crap it’s neither we just don’t agree with you idiot losers!

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