Biden Demands ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban After Boulder Shooting

Washington, D.C. — President Joe Biden called for an “assault weapons” ban on Tuesday after the Boulder, Colorado shooting in King Soopers.

It’s no surprise that Biden and his Democrat cohorts at every level of government are calling for a so-called “assault weapons” ban. The recent shootings in Georgia and Boulder, Colorado, will be used for years to justify gun-control measures that infringe on the rights of American citizens.

While addressing the disgusting attack on innocent civilians, Biden said, “I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take common-sense steps and save lives in the future and to urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act. We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country once again.”

Biden urged Congress to “immediately pass” gun-control legislation that is currently under consideration in the Senate — legislation that criminalizes law-abiding gun owners and makes it more difficult for American citizens to defend themselves in the future. He concluded that they should “also ban assault weapons in the process.”

Many gun owners recognize that the term “assault weapon” is a misnomer for “scary black rifle.” The general public does not have access to automatic or military-grade firearms. “Assault weapon” is simply a term used by politicians and activists who seek to disarm people and increase their reliance on unreliable governments.

In his speech, Biden falsely claimed that the 1994 “assault weapons” ban he supported as a Senator saved lives.

Speaking about the ban, Biden said, “I got that done when I was a Senator. It passed. It was the law for the longest time, and it brought down these mass killings. We should do it again.”

The president is lying to the American people.

There is no evidence to suggest the 1994 “assault weapons” ban cut down on mass killings, especially those perpetrated with guns like the AR-15. An op-ed printed in the Los Angeles Times in 2018 uses cross-referenced data to debunk this false claim from Biden.

The only thing the 1994 “assault weapons” ban did was criminalize law-abiding gun owners and make it harder for citizens to protect themselves, their families, and their property. A new ban promises the same results.

You can watch a cropped video of Biden’s remarks from Politico below.

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36 thoughts on “Biden Demands ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban After Boulder Shooting

  1. My God Joe, can you be any more predictable? The REAL problem, which you refuse to see or acknowledge is that the shooters are crazy leftists. One was a young sex-addict. according to the shooter himself and the other is an anti-Trumper who coincidentally is a Muslim. If you just make it illegal for Democrats to own guns, you would see a quick reduction of gun violence, provided you disarm all the democrats. Leave the sane gun owners alone, and concentrate on the people showing violent and paranoia tendencies, like the ones who voted for you, Joe.

  2. Personally I don’t see Why the need for assault weapons for public purchases Unless you intend to harm mass number of people sometime!!

    1. Mr. Barr,
      An AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon; semi-automatic rifles and hand guns are not classified as assault weapons. Please don’t parrot the communist lefts propaganda. I have rifles and hand guns for sport, hunting, and self-defense from both criminals and the government as did our forefathers.

    2. “Assault Weapon” is just a scary word for ANY GUN. A black powder, muzzle loading single shot can be considered an “Assault Weapon”. Also Bow /Arrow, spears, rocks / slings, knives, sling shots, hammer, pipe, fence post, etc. It’s a democrap way to trying to scare people into submission.
      Now Commie Joe Panty Sniffer wants all guns that can hold “multiple bullets”. That’s EVERYTHING except a few single shots. The BS of assault weapons are more deadly than anything else is total BS. Assume you wanted to take a out a bunch of people, then a good pump shotgun that holds 6-12 rounds with 00 Buckshot will kill more people than a “Assault Weapon” It covers more area, cycles almost as fast and hits harder.
      Citizens give up guns and then China will move in and America no longer exists. My impression is that you know NOTHING about guns and want to be lead to a FEMA camp for your protection. Go Ahead!
      READ the HISTORY BOOKS of countries that went COMMIE, NAZI, FASCIST, and Venezuela, Cuba, China, North Korea. This where America is heading for the NEW WORLD ORDER. It NEVER ENDS WELL for the people. Millions terminated by slave labor or mass killings.

      America is in the fight of it’s life. All these people buying guns and ammo aren’t doing it just to spend money. They passed “Back Ground Checks” so they must be fairly sane. Your going to have to defend yourself or DIE! That’s all there is to it. Your Choice! I’m too OLD and bad health to be slave labor. So I’ll do the best I can until dead, if it means fighting for America, SO BE IT! Long Live the REPUBLIC! GOD BLESS and PRAY for America and Israel.

    3. Hey Ken, apparently you are one of those know nothing anti gun demonrats. Assault weapons are already banned for public and have been for many years. Now when most know nothing people talk of assault weapons they are usually talking about the AR15 which is not an assault weapon, the assault weapon is the M16, the difference is the M16 is an automatic rifle while the AR15 is only semi-automatic, a world of difference. Personally I don’t think there is a country in the world that uses semi- automatic weapons in their defense, not enough fire power.

  3. The most often used weapon in shootings is a pistol not an air cooled rifle AKA assault weapon. If someone had been armed with a pistol the perp could have been stopped.

  4. Biden is a MORON! Just take your 12 gauge& “fire it” & NOBODY will bother you! I fired a 12 gauge & RECOIL &”thought” that my shoulder would fall off! !magine “HIM” having a gun permit! Not only can he NOT walk “UP” steps, but I’m POSITIVE that he’d end up on his RUMP “if” he could only stand up straight, AIM & fire! a 12 gauge! “We’ve got rid of a lot of hunting guns in N.J. because of having to “register” them in N.J. A “lot” of our friends NOW have gun permits,, have “done” everything LEGALLY to “own” one & have taken the “course” so “they” can “own” &”use” them if necessary. BOY! “DO” I wish that I could have a gun & shoot straight! “I” do not have Pelosi’s ” guard”, razor wire, OR a “FENCE” around my house..Pelosi’s got a FENCE around “HER” house in San Fran & Washington, D.C.! SO! WHO IS SHE TRYING TO KEEP OUT! AMERICA & TRUMPSTERS! ” OUT “of “D.C.”! BUT ” she” cannot keep the “PEOLPLE” OUT of government! “WE” WILL “revolt” in the ballot box & HOPEFULLY “it” will be HONEST” So let’s get rid of the “machines” connected to the internet, those who are NOT registered o “vote” AND have a CLEAN ELECTION! for 2022. FAT CHANCE!


  5. Communist Bozo Biden can pass all the unconstitutional gun laws he wants, but no citizen that owns an AR-15 SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifle with high round capacity magazines will be turning them in or allowing them to be confiscated. The civil war will start.
    To inform Bozo Biden and his communist ilk like representative Jackson SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifles & handguns are not assault weapons. If I owned a fully automatic (machine gun) I would possess an assault weapon. These moronic politicians are absolutely clueless. Representative Jackson made the statement that an AR-15 weighs 50 Lbs and fires 50 caliber bullets which proves she is a complete idiot. A standard AR-15 with iron sights and fully loaded with 30 rounds weighs about 9 Lbs and shoots a .223 bullet not a .50 bullet. If legislators are going to dialogue on a subject and pass legislation they should be correctly informed. They need to know the difference between an assault weapon and a semi-automatic weapon. The need to go to a shooting range and fire both types of weapons to experience the huge difference. Ms. Jackson needs to fire an AR-15 .223 and then fire a Browning .50 machine gun and experience the difference, I guarantee you she will not get the two weapons confused again.


    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT!

    Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action? How much more damage needs to be done?

    I urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP AND SENATORS in DC and DEMAND IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT OF BIDEN AND HARRIS.


    Can you continue to tolerate gasoline prices, product prices all going up, the WH being run by Harris, Pelosi and Schumer? Literally destroying our country, allowing thousands upon thousands of illegals into our country bringing in God knows what diseases?

    Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


    Keep in mind: SILENCE = ACCEPTANCE

  7. Biden and entire agenda, or wish list, or mentally impaired thought list, is asinine. If he had an ounce of brains and since he doesn’t have a plan for anything he should just follow Trumps policies until he can come up with something workable.

    Which would be never for Biden.

  8. He is an idiot and always has been. When you get to decide what an assault weapon is then it becomes the gateway for destroying ALL constitutional rights. The AR15 is no such weapon and as a combat Marine in Vietnam I would never have used this, None of these or any look-alike imitations have any place in the military at any time of war. A man who recommended going outside and shoot a shotgun to scare off attackers has not only lost his marbles but the sack they came in. He has always been a liar and it caused him to lose his first bid as president. Now he is and was defended for his ineptness by social media and far left media since they can control what he does to their marxist and counter-culture agenda.

  9. To Beijing Briben the fact that neither shooting was done with a so called “assault weapon “ or that fbi statistics show that the previous assault weapon ban did absolutely nothing to prevent gun deaths in this country. Dimokraps never let the facts get in the way of a good crisis!

  10. I say one thing to all who think the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban did anything, and that’s “COLUMBINE!”

  11. When Bill Clinton was in office we had a Military assault weapon ban and had almost no firearms attacks using these types of weapons.
    When the Order was due for extension, G. W. Bush and the Republican Congress desired to side with the Firearms industry and the NRA not to extend it.
    After the ban was lifted a increase in violent Firearms attacks using these Military grade offensive weapons have skyrocket.
    These are NOT Sporting weapons and the ammunition can completely destroy any game making it useless.
    These Military aggressive “Assault” weapons are designed for only one purpose. That purpose is to hunt and destroy people.
    Military aggressive “Assault” weapons should remain in the hands of Well Trained and regulated Military personnel.
    We have see all to often what has happened when these weapons are in the hands of parley trained and Unregulated people.
    If you want to play with this type of weaponry, Follow the 2nd Amendment and become a member of a well trained Military type organization..

  12. What idiot joe should be doing is BANNING RADICAL MUSLIMS and deporting them, or holding them in GITMO until their executions. The FEW muslims that come to our country and actually assimilate, are fine- – it’s the RADICAL element we need to eliminate.

  13. What shooting, we all know there was no real shooting. No one even claims to have seen a shooter or a gun of any kind, they just heard sounds of shots. It’s just oh so convenient that every time the libs want to push gun control laws there is a convenient mass shooting or 2 and frankly we are all getting really sick of the fake crap.

  14. When the zealous anti-gun wacko Democrats can identify HOW any legislation they propose will actually end or decrease gun violence, then we should listen. Until then, Democrats, Buzz Off!

  15. Ar-15s don’t shoot people in grocery stores. Muslims however do. Therefore what we need is a Muslim ban

  16. Sir why isn’t U.S.A. Christian leaders demanding ,U.S.A. Fed..State leaders/courts stop pro Kenite no laws to stop rape and murder??? U.S.A. IS HEADED FOR ONLY PRO KENITE WORLD,WHY????

  17. When ever the assocrats are in power ( so we think ) shootings rise dramatically.
    Coincidence or not ?

  18. The Delaware Dunce is a coprolitic imbecile barely able to read a teleprompter. Certainly, he’s not sufficiently lucid to know that killers don’t obey laws. This poor afflicted incompetent doesn’t realize gun laws enable killers and imperil those he’s supposed to protect. What kind of idiot would disarm the people while howling about the peril they face? The operative question is who are those behind the objective to disarm the nation?

    Currently, a small cabal of billionaires is using an army of marionettists who serve as buffers to deflect blame as well as manipulate the strings of a chosen marionette. Their choice of course is the Delaware Dunce. He’s the perfect choice because he’s vulnerable to the cabal. He can be prosecuted at any moment because he participated in the biggest crime in U.S. history, the 2020 election fraud, also orchestrated by the cabal. And his son Hunter is frosting on the prosecutorial cake.

  19. I wonder what the Military will use for weapons if BIDEN gets his ban passed ? The Military is the only people that have ASSAULT WEAPONS ! For a fire arm to be classified an ASSAULT WEAPON it has to have at least one or both of the following capabilities. #1 three shot burst fire or #2 full automatic fire. Civilian owned weapons EG. The AR 15 does not have these capabilities it is SEMI AUTOMATIC FIRE ONLY meaning the TRIGGER HAS TO BE PRESSED EACH TIME A CARTRIDGE IS FIRED RELEASED THEN PRESSED AGAIN TO FIRE ANOTHER ROUND.! The designation AR 15 Stands for ARMALITE RIFLE MODLE 15 NOT AUTOMATIC RIFLE 15 !

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