Tucker Carlson Says the Biden Administration Is Spying on His Communications

New York City, NY — Tucker Carlson says that President Joe Biden’s administration is spying on his communications, including texts and emails.

Carlson alleged that a whistleblower told him the National Security Agency (NSA) was surveilling his electronic communications. The whistleblower reportedly proved this by sharing information that could only have been gathered from Carlson’s texts and emails.

The Fox News host also stated that they filed Freedom of Information Act requests for any information gathered about the show.

“Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the U.S. government who reached out to warn us that the NSA, the National Security Agency, is monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take this show off the air,” Carlson said.

“Now, that’s a shocking claim, and ordinarily, we’d be skeptical of it. It’s illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens,” Carlson continued. “It’s a crime. This isn’t a third-world country. Things like that shouldn’t happen here. But, unfortunately, they do — and in this case, they did.”

Carlson is alleging that the U.S. government is spying on him and his team in order to stop them from reporting the news. As Carlson said, this is a crime.

If the whistleblower is telling the truth about the government’s intentions, then this is also an assault on Carlson’s and his team’s First Amendment rights. If true, this is a government attempt to silence the press.

Carlson went on to address how his team was able to confirm the whistleblower was telling the truth about the surveillance of his team.

“The whistleblower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story we’re working on that could only have come directly from my texts and emails. There’s no other possible source for that information, period,” Carlson said. “The NSA captured it without our knowledge for political reasons. The Biden administration is spying on us. We’ve confirmed that.”

That is a high charge to make against any president’s administration — a charge Carlson surely would not make without evidence to back it up.

If the government is spying on mainstream media personalities, nothing is sacred anymore.

According to Tucker Carlson, the U.S., under the Biden administration, no longer respects the role of the press in protecting democracy.

“Spying on opposition journalists is incompatible with democracy. If they’re doing it to us — and again, they are definitely doing it to us — they’re almost certainly doing it to others. This is scary, and we need to stop it right away,
Carlson said.

Carlson also said that Congress needed to act immediately to create more transparency in U.S. intelligence organizations, because this is a threat to everyone.

Watch the video for yourself.

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12 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson Says the Biden Administration Is Spying on His Communications

  1. No way
    Has to be Racism or Climate change

    If Dems could get a job they wouldn’t be In politics, hating on those who can!

  2. Now it becomes who isn’t The Biden Administration and our corrupt government not spying on? I think they are spying on everyone that has a thought that is not from The nauseous Left!

  3. Theyve been doing this since 2016 with Trump effort alone
    Damn censorship etc by Biden WH to Big Tech

  4. Why is everyone so up-in-arms about this administration? They stole a national election folks! And they didn’t even bother to hide it well. Why should they? They have the news media, social media, all the federal agencies, the military, a great deal of the political power, (on both sides of the isle) and a huge chunk of the justice system in their pocket. And you’re surprised that they are violating every aspect of the US Constitution and American standard of governance? You just need to wake up. Though it may already be too late.

  5. The Biden administration is corrupt to the core, just like the rest of the Demokrat party.

    1. Pull your head out of your anus, Tom, you need some fresh air for your Democratoc brain to at least reach Kindergarten level.

  6. O’Biden is taking the country over the cliff … all hope for the USA as we knew it back in the 50s is gone… Trump tried, that is why they all hated him…

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