Cats and Dogs Next in Line for Vaccines

London, U.K. — The U.K. Labour Party is pushing for cats and dogs to be next in line for COVID-19 vaccines.

Yup, we’re going to be jabbing our pets soon because a bunch of bureaucrats with god complexes want to control every aspect of your life.

“A substantially different variant could be a problem in the future. The best way to deal with that might be vaccines,” said Sir Mark Hendrick (Labour Party).

To back up this super necessary call to vaccinate cats and dogs against COVID-19, the Mirror cited that a single cat tested positive last July.

Animal-to-human transmission is rare – but last July a cat tested positive in the UK after catching the virus from its owner.

Yup, one cat got COVID-19 in the U.K., and now we need to vaccinate the whole population.

But this is the U.S., not the U.K., you might say. The truth is it doesn’t matter.

The media will pick this up and run with it because it is great for the COVID-19 panic porn narrative. It does not matter that the CDC says it is highly unlikely pets are responsible for transmitting COVID-19.

Next thing you know, we will be issuing vaccine passports for cats and dogs. Heck, people will probably have to carry it with them to be allowed access to dog parks in San Francisco.

In a year or two, when these vaccines are ready, the federal government will buy them up with our tax dollars to distribute to pet owners across the country.

This is mostly speculation, and it seems utterly ridiculous. Unfortunately, it is not that far-fetched.

Over the last year, the media, leftist politicians, and unelected bureaucrats abused their power in the name of public safety. Governments shut down businesses, eliminated jobs, ruined livelihoods, and otherwise spent their government-funded time acting like tyrants.

If anyone thinks these goons won’t jump at the chance to force a vaccine on people’s pets to “protect” them, then they did not learn the proper lesson from the government’s COVID-19 response.

This clown show won’t end unless the people say enough is enough.

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25 thoughts on “Cats and Dogs Next in Line for Vaccines

  1. Yep, the knee-jerk M-ass media will welcome this new important breakthrough because people are sick and tired of hearing their babble and nonsense about the Chinese flu, so they have to think up ways to get people back to grasping at their every precious printed or spoken word. Listen up people! That one cat over there spells gloom and doom for every pet owner the world over, so line up right over here and get Fido or Puss ‘n Boots inoculated RIGHT NOW. Big Pharma NEEDS YOU (and your dollars).

  2. Not touching my pets!!!! Every animal tested died….so they just went to humans. And gee….humans dying too. Nope…leave me and my critters alone!!!!

  3. The Muslim Lobby wants Dogs vaccinated because the COVID vaccines were 100% fatal for all animals in any testing – non lived over 12 months – go check it out

  4. Dr. Falsie and the Vax-a-zoids have their fingers deep in the pie and will do anything to maximize their profits from vaccine sales, if they have to vaccinate rosebushes and trees. Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching!

  5. And then they wonder how so many people ended up with Mad Maxine Waters disease! I bet you now that there will be an outcry over all of the unvaccinated stray cats and wild dogs. After all, if there is no problem the left will invent one.

  6. What’s been dumbed down in the reporting is that after the inoculation for COVID-19, spike proteins of Covid spread or shed if you’re in a room with vaccinated so called vaccinated because it’s not a vaccine, if you’re in a room with vaccinated people they are shedding Covid spike proteins. If they vaccinate our cats and dogs not only will they most likely die but they will shed and we will be bring shedding creatures into our homes. It’s just wrong! it is dangerous uninvited and just plain evil!

  7. Stupid madness. My fur baby is not going to get a covid vaccine.
    People, wise up.

  8. Good grief. Viruses, with rare exceptions, are species specific. And no one has shown that this virus infects any animal but humans.

  9. ok now that is assuming that this covid test works on animals and that is a strech because the covid test doesn’t even work on humans, for which it was supposedly designed.

  10. MnRNA vaccine testing on Animals has killed 100% of the test subject in 12 months.
    So guess what happens when Animals are injected with the unapproved Covid MnRNA vaccines?
    Even the inventor of MnRNA vaccines says they should never be used on Animals (or Humans)

  11. Time for all of us to rise up against the Joke Biden administration and take them all down. Otherwise it will only keep getting worse and worse until we have nothing. WE will be the homeless and the illegals will have OUR homes. It IS coming!

  12. It is unfortunate the side effects are real, my friend got stevens Johnson Syndrome. I would highly recommend if thats down their blockchain domain is vaccinedetox.btc, they have done brilliant work!

  13. It is unfortunate the side effects are real, my neighbor got stevens Johnson Syndrome. I would recommend if thats down their blockchain domain is vaccinedetox.btc, they have done brilliant work!

  14. It is unfortunate the side-effects are very real, my neighbor got Steven Johnson Syndrome. I would recommend if thats down their blockchain domain is vaccinedetox.btc, they’ve done some amazing!

  15. It is unfortunate the side effects are very real, my friend got stevens Johnson Syndrome. I would recommend if thats down their blockchain domain is vaccinedetox.btc, they’ve done brilliant work!

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