By: Tom Tancredo

The PINO (President in Name Only) finally held a “press conference” after 65 days in office. What a debacle it was. He needed cheat sheets and took only ten questions from pre-selected reporters. Even with printed talking points in hand, he still wandered off into la-la land. When he was able to form moderately coherent statements, they were all or partially fabricated. The “press,” after using up all the softballs, left the room like servants leaving the throne room. They walked backward, bent down, and bowing a little lower with each step.

So let’s recreate a press conference here that would include allegations in the form of questions that would have been used under the same circumstance except if Donald Trump had been behind the podium.

Here we go:

Mr. President, you were seen by reporters just before coming out here, walking around the White House in sort of a daze. When you were asked if you were preparing for the press conference, you responded, “What press conference?” Are you suffering from dementia, as has been widely speculated?

Mr. President, you said there were only a few hundred children being detained at the border and that there is no crisis. You also said that Trump let children starve on that border when he was President. You also claimed, during the campaign, that yours and Obama’s administration never held children in cages or separated families at the border. Since we all know these to be bald-faced lies, are you willing to retract these statements?

Mr. President, in view of the fact that there are 18,000,000 unemployed in the country today, are you still committed to bringing in and giving amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants so they can be exploited by unethical employers and so they can take even more jobs away from American citizens?

Mr. President, while we are on the topic of the border, between 10 and 25% of the unaccompanied children being let in are COVID positive? Many of those children at the border are being trafficked into the country and often sold into sexual slavery to pay their families’ debts to the cartels for transporting them here. What are your thought on that? Are you going to fire any of those you have put in charge of this travesty? Do you know who they are? Do you know of which border we are speaking?

Mr. President, when you gave what you have called the most important speech of your career, you said the filibuster “created the Senate as a unique legislative body designed to protect against the excess of any temporary majority,” and those who so much as contemplated the “naked power grab” that abolition would represent did not understand they were “merely custodians” of that body. To take the “nuclear option,” you argued, would be “catastrophic.”

So Mr. President, was it the most important speech of your career? Do you remember giving it? You now say you are open to abolishing the filibuster so you can “get things done.” Can you respond to this hypocrisy, or will you circle back to us later?

Mr. President, do you know the names of your Cabinet members who have been confirmed by the Senate? How about your Vice President’s name? Do you have their names written down for you up there at the podium? Show us your cheat sheet, will you?

Mr. President, when you kept falling on the stairs going up to Air Force One the other day, your people said it was because of the strong winds in the area. But the wind was only blowing at about 10 miles per hour at the time. Does dementia affect your balance?

Mr. President, you claim you are the reason for the rapid and successful rollout of the vaccines to fight the Chinese Communist Party virus. Since you were sequestered in your basement while Trump was spearheading the drive for the vaccines, isn’t that like General Charles de Gaulle claiming to have liberated France even though he was in exile at the time?

Mr. President, a Democrat Member of Congress has been sleeping with a Communist Chinese spy. He has been put on the House Intelligence Committee by Nancy Pelosi. Do you think that is a dangerous thing to do? Do you know who Nancy Pelosi is?

Mr. President, are you going to answer the request from the 36 Democrat Congressmen who have asked you to relinquish control over the nuclear codes? Did your dementia prompt the letter?

Thank you, Mr. President.

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16 thoughts on “Tancredo: QUESTIONS THAT NEVER WILL BE ASKED


    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action? How much more damage needs to be done?

    I urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP AND SENATORS in DC and DEMAND IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT OF BIDEN AND HARRIS.


    Can you continue to tolerate gasoline prices, product prices all going up, the WH being run by Harris, Pelosi and Schumer? Literally destroying our country, allowing thousands upon thousands of illegals into our country bringing in God knows what diseases?

    Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


    Keep in mind: SILENCE = ACCEPTANCE

  2. We are racing to the bottom under turnip Joe. The VP will be worse , when she fills the spot left by the turnip. The democrats knew that Joe had dementia before he ever received the nod from the democratic party. This election should have gone to Trump just because the democrats ran an unfit candidate.

  3. Tom Tancredo would have been a two-term president if not for socialist demand for an endless supply of Mexican and Northern Triangle labor. Education, good health, rudimentary English skills, sponsors, no criminal record, starter cash, etc., were not required and chain migration were liberally allowed. Seems nothing has changed.

  4. If you can’t train your dogs not to shit on the oval office floor or not to bite people, what in hell are you doing trying to run the United States? First Lady Jill Biden attended a ceremony Wednesday honoring the birthday of Mexican American “socialist”. We now have someone in our highest office who hates the American people, attacks American employment, attacks out energy sources, threatening our food chains, trying to bankrupt our economy with “socialist idealism”, and really has sold his soul to all foreign powers. Mr. President what do you think how the Biden name will be remembered in history? Our great border protector? Loved by all,? That bust you have in your office of John Kennedy who said “ask not what your country but what you can do for your country” Put it away please you do another disservice to our Country, memories are not make with fake put on demeanor. Your policies do not represent Democrat or Republican or any American values. The Biden family will be forever known as the family who enriched themselves at the expense of the American Tax payor. That’s how 78 million plus American voters will remember not only, you but also your entire family. That will be the Biden Legacy, an old man with silly ideas who tried to rewrite our Country but failed because of corruption. No one will ever forget the monies Hunter received from our enemies abroad. Those appointees your setting up as cabinet have less knowledge and experience in those field of endeavor then you, where is the Doctor report your mentally fit to serve?

  5. Great questions. I know I would love to hear an answer to them. But everyone knows that’s a pipe dream. I would even make it easy on him. If he would even answer one them, then we could say mission accomplished. But that won’t happen either. I hope everyone who voted for him is happy to have such an open, honest and smart administration in power. Hey, at least we got rid of that dirty old trump guy, right?? Yea, you know the one who got n. Korea to stop testing nuclear weapons. Of course they’re testing them again but who cares. At least we put trump in his place. And the one who moved our embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem after how many admins said they would do it but didn’t? The one who got the Jews and at least some of the Arabs talking again? But who cares, shoot I mean anybody could have done that right? Except nobody did. Not the good guy Obama team and all the wonderful dems that were in office, that the media just fawned over. Yea, so glad to be rid of that dirty old Trump guy. Of course they say he will be back in 2024…. so old Joe you better watch out. Your cheat sheets and handlers won’t be able to protect you when trump comes after you in the debates and lays all of your “great” achievements open to the world for all to see. Of course you have to have some great achievements for trump lay open, right? But hey, thats’s ok, you still have a few years to make some great achievements. What are those going to be?? What, you don’t have any in mind right now? Oh yea, raising taxes. Except for one thing, that’s really not an achievement, is it? Especially when you have a majority in the house and senate. So what will be your next great one Joe??

  6. PINO, is the perfect acronym for Dementia Joe!
    Why should he answer questions? He doesn’t know the answer and I don’t exactly see a ground swell of people demanding answers!

  7. Joe Biden committed a Billion Dollar Bribery of that Ukrainian official, to take legislative heat off of Hunter, according to — Joe Biden — on video.

    Why isn’t Joe Biden in prison for the rest of his life?

  8. The white House has fallen, no leadership there to be found, Invaders at our southern border, ridden with unchecked viruses, invasion of illegals still not being stopped. What real effect will this have on our Country, Senate and House want to spend and tax, yet, what will this really change? Where is all this division heading? Why is it being allowed to be happen? Country needs leadership now, to resolve these real issues, is it no where to be found? Elected leaders have left the field of battle. Who will step up and confront the challenges? Contact your officials and let your voice be heard today. Every one has equal say, not just partisan politicians. Some time a call to battle must be heard in between elections, call Washington today and let your voice be heard.

  9. Senator Johnson recently issued a supplemental to his report that showed Hunter Biden’s close business associate, Rob Walker, received $6 million from a Chinese company linked to the communist regime. There’s yet another link in the chain from the Biden family and their associates to the Chinese government. The report also showed that State Department officials believed that Hunter Biden’s Burisma board membership created the perception of a conflict of interest and “was very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine.” Secretary of State Kerry publicly denied knowing of Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board. We acquired evidence showing that he did, in fact, know about that role. In December 2015, instead of following U.S. objectives of confronting oligarchs, Vice President Biden’s staff advised him to avoid commenting on Burisma’s oligarch and instead say, “I’m not going to get into naming names or accusing individuals.” Joe Biden was running an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine and he pulled his punches while his son was on the board of Burisma. Based on witness testimony, Burisma’s owner allegedly paid a $7 million bribe to officials serving under Ukraine’s prosecutor general to shut the case against him. When he allegedly paid that bribe, Hunter Biden was on the board. These examples are just a sampling from the report and the tip of the iceberg with respect to the Biden family’s troubled ties to governments adverse to U.S. interests. These associations, and the millions of dollars that passed between and among Hunter Biden, James Biden and others, create criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns. That’s why I’ve since written to the Justice Department about the risk that Hunter and James Biden essentially served as agents of the communist Chinese government for purposes of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. After Hunter Biden publicly confirmed he was under criminal investigation, liberal news outlets reported on concerns that his financial associations could create criminal financial and counterintelligence problems. That’s what we said in September 2020 and we were roundly criticized for it. And just over the weekend, a new email was made public that reportedly says Joe Biden and his brother were “office mates” with the very same Chinese nationals we wrote about in our report. Those same individuals were the ones with links to the communist regime and it’s military. Based on all the facts known to date, Joe Biden has a lot of explaining to do. I’ve run many oversight operations and investigations during the course of my career. I’m interested in the facts, in the evidence, in the truth. I learned a lesson long ago when I first started my oversight focus and that is: no matter how difficult the media or the other side of the aisle makes it to find the facts – never give up, keep working hard. The American taxpayer deserves nothing less. That’s the attitude and approach I’ve had my entire career and it’s what I will take with me as I continue to look into the Biden family matters and as I move back to lead the Senate Judiciary Committee.

  10. There is one reason why biden is in the White House. Those in and out of power positions are more terrified of Trump (trying to drain the swamp) than the damage biden will do. Perhaps we should demand the Senate GOP go to the CDC and demand they go to the border and then issue a disaster being caused by the entry going on and close the border in both directions from any travel by anyone. I would bet that those big companies depending on goods coming in would force biden to change his tactics.

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