Facebook Censored Lara Trump’s Interview with Donald Trump

Washington, D.C. — Facebook censored Lara Trump’s interview with Donald Trump, drawing outrage from the former President’s daughter-in-law.

The interview was released on “The Right View with Lara Trump” on Monday.

In response to Facebook’s censorship, Lara Trump posted to Instagram, writing, “And just like that, we are one step closer to Orwell’s 1984. Wow.”

Eric Trump also chimed in on the attack on free speech. He tweeted a screenshot of a message from a Facebook representative, saying the content would be removed.

Facebook followed through on their threat to censor the interview and removed it from Facebook and Instagram.

The 45th President is reportedly developing his own social media platform to compete with Twitter and Facebook over the next few months.

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11 thoughts on “Facebook Censored Lara Trump’s Interview with Donald Trump

  1. WHY Do “We The People ” Let this Moro destroy our country.? He is senile and does not know what he is even doing .Other see it . Why then does the Media Cover for this travesty ?

    1. They think it’s funny and they don’t like anyone else that don’t a 100,000,000 a week. Them dummies think all of these houses all of this food highways and EVERYTHING you and can see they think it built itself . if it wasn’t for us they would not be where they are today !!! These DAMOCRAPS are all nuts and the couple that don’t deserve prison should be in a nut hut for life. You can’t help ignorance = DAMOCRAPS!!! AND THAT IGNORANT COMMUNIST biden is only killing jobs is to hurt American’s . send their hindends to China or prison . better yet a firing squad!!!

  2. I would love to be the person that is picked to our Zucky to death! He deserves to be sent to the prison on the moon forever.

  3. The Democrats are attempting to turn USA IMO Venezuela, Putin’s Russia, China plus Nazi Germany. Republicans MUST TAKE BACK BOTH HOUSES IF CONGRESS now!!!

  4. If Fbook substituted African American or Muslim or any other minority for President Trump’s name what would people say then? Fbook is so biased their media platform should be made to cease to exist. They are too powerful and too biased to be allowed to censor anyone and pretty much repeal the first amendment for certain people. The high-tech social media owners have gotten too big for their britches. Time to tame them. Maybe our constitutionally elected representatives should do their jobs and repeal Section 230 as soon as possible.

  5. Oh, Facebook get off our backs, the whole world knows you are so jealous of Trump. Who gave you the right to tell people who they can listen to or not. Sounds like a commie technique of making us believe Trump is the evil one when in reality you are the evil one by your dislike of our Constitution and of us. Like I said, get off our backs, we see what your are and what you have actually been personality wise all this time. Thanks for showing us your true self and since you forgot who made you money, we will go and help someone else make money, someone who will let us listen to Trump or to anyone we want to listen to.

  6. Israel repeatedly asks Americans to support and defend Israel , but what does it do for Americans?
    For starters, control Zuckerbergs Facebook marxist war
    against conservative Americans . Tell zuck Israel
    does not support his censorship of conservative Americans

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