Tancredo: Holy Jumpin’ Frijoles, Batman! What if Hispanics start voting Republican?

By: Tom Tancredo

I always said in every speech that if Hispanic voting patterns changed, you would see the real reason the Democrats want open borders. That reason, as everyone with Analysis 101 skills knows, has nothing to do with compassion for the suffering masses south of our border; it has everything to do with creating a new economic underclass that is predisposed toward voting Democratic. I further said that if Democrats discovered “southern” voters started voting Republican, they would build a border wall twice as high as President Trump wanted with broken glass on top and Claymore mines at the bottom. 

Well, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer better start figuring out how to sell that wall to the rabid — excuse me, progressive — members of their caucus because their worst nightmare is starting to form. Just a few weeks ago, a guy named Javier Villalobos was elected mayor of McAllen, Texas. 

“So what?” you ask. Here’s what: Mr. Villalobos is a Republican — and the first one ever elected in McAllen, which is 85 percent Hispanic. Although officially non-partisan, the political affiliation of both candidates was widely known. To add a bit more “what”: Republican mayoral candidates also won in Fort Worth and Arlington, Texas, both of which are 25 percent Hispanic.

Voting patterns do die hard, but trend lines are important, too, and the latter strikes el miedo de Dios in the hearts of Democrats who believe in God (and confused anger in those who don’t) So does a National Republican Senatorial Committee poll of Latino “most likely to vote” voters that showed big majorities on our side on issue after issue, including 72 percent who agreed that “we should do what is necessary to control our southern borders.” (Put that in your disbelieving pipe and smoke it, all you pundits, prognosticators, propagandists, and partisan hacks.). Of course, this same list of “conventional wisdom” fools say that the reason Hispanics will eventually become Republicans is that they mostly lean our way on social of family values. 

I don’t buy it. After all, we have been touting the difference between us, and the (largely) godless Democrats for years, and it has had little to no effect on voting patterns in the Hispanic community. I see something else causing this slight, but tectonic shift in the last election: The policy agenda, and resulting on-the-ground, real-life changes brought about by one Donald John Trump. That’s right: The guy that RINOs and the left love to hate didn’t just fill the airwaves with pie crust promises of a better life that all of us have heard from politicians of both stripes for all of our lives. President Trump actually made life better for millions of Hispanics and black Americans — and not just a little better. The improvements in the employment rate and both family and community wealth were noticeable and felt by almost everyone in those demographics.

Moreover, it wasn’t just President Trump’s pro-growth economics that relied heavily on tariffs and tax rate reductions. It was in significant part about stemming the flow of illegal aliens that took jobs from minorities and drove down wage rates for the neediest among us. Hence the reaction to the poll question above. It was, as Bill Clinton exhorted his followers to explain to the great unwashed, “It’s the economy, stupid.” 

This news is, of course, unwanted and frightening to Democrats — but it does not sit well with Mitt Romney RINOs who worship the checkbook of the Chamber of Commerce. You see, just as Democrats look at massive immigration as replenishing their voter pool, the Never Trumpers and limousine liberal Republicans want no reduction in the flow of cheap labor exploited by the otherwise “woke” corporations that fill the Chamber’s coffers (just as they want no reduction in the flow of cheap Chinese imports no matter how many American businesses fail). 

I do not know if this apparent tectonic shift in American politics will prevail over the ability of the left to steal elections. After all, just a tweak here and there to a Dominion voting machine can counter unforeseen demographic changes. But if the 2020 election was a fraud from the presidential level on down, it at least served as a wake-up call for legislatures and citizens throughout this still-great land that we need to start using the same technology to identify vote cheaters. If we succeed, we save the Republic. If we don’t, the greatest country in the history of the world could end up on the ash heap of history.

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9 thoughts on “Tancredo: Holy Jumpin’ Frijoles, Batman! What if Hispanics start voting Republican?

  1. Now wait just a minute here. Texas requires a Photo ID to Vote. so how can Hispanics help vote in a Republican mayor? The Democrats/Leftists/Liberals/Socialists have said time and time again that requiring a photo ID to vote is Racist and that it is difficult for Minorities to get photo ID’s. Could it be that Hispanics in Texas are not as dumb as the Democrats think? Perhaps Hispanics like many people of other minorities have figured out that they can make a life for themselves and their families without government help and that they are NOT being held back because of the color of their skin. While I will not say that “Some of my best friends are Hispanic,” I do know a few and they are all hard working people and they have figured out that they have been lied to and lied about for many years. They are NOT Stupid they know that if Illegals are allowed to invade this country they will be the ones that will lose jobs right along with the Whites, the Blacks, the Orientals and any other people living here. Now it is time for the other minorities to take a serious look at what the Democrats are really saying. Are you really too dumb to be able to find the DMV and apply for a Drivers License or an ID card, because that is what they are saying about you.

  2. I live in a town where Hispanics are the majority, 52%. Every Hispanic I know, and count several as good friends, despises Illegal Immigrants from South of the Border. Very few will show up at the Pro Immigrant meetings, unless it’s to voice their displeasure. Most, remain Democrat, but believe the border needs shit, and those here illegally, deported.
    Most that I know, are angry about Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies.

    Democrats are wrong if they think the majority are on their side.


  4. Let’s take a closer look, did the trump GOP name a Hispanic to his cabinet? Trump asked and invited a Hispanic to be on stage with him. The Hispanic was, at that time, a 23 years Botder Patrol Officer yet trump asked him if he spoke English before a slew of national networks reporters. Like most Christian people, Hispanics abhor the wresting of babies from their parents and incarcerated them separation in cage without proper nourishment, spiritual guidance and clothing, something that convicted murderers get on a daily basis. Yet, the GOP endorsed this heinous action. How many Hispanics running for public office against non Hispanics did the Texas GOP support. Hispanic Americans continue to be under paid in comparison to their counterparts under the perennial GOP office holders in Texas. We are no less patriotic than anyone else as noted in the list of Medals of Honor recipients, some receiving them posthumously. We see through the veil expressed by tancredo as merely a patronizing and lack of sincerity.

  5. Let’s take a closer look, did the trump GOP name a Hispanic to his cabinet? Trump asked and invited a Hispanic to be on stage with him. The Hispanic was, at that time, a 23 years Botder Patrol Officer yet trump asked him if he spoke English before a slew of national networks reporters. Like most Christian people, Hispanics abhor the wresting of babies from their parents and incarcerated them separation in cage without proper nourishment, spiritual guidance and clothing, something that convicted murderers get on a daily basis. Yet, the GOP endorsed this heinous action. How many Hispanics running for public office against non Hispanics did the Texas GOP support. Hispanic Americans continue to be under paid in comparison to their counterparts under the perennial GOP office holders in Texas. We are no less patriotic than anyone else as noted in the list of Medals of Honor recipients, some receiving them posthumously. We see through the veil expressed by tancredo as merely a patronizing and lack of sincerity. If you read the previous mail, it does not contain the real message and is not a duplicate

  6. They ARE voting Republican. They hate socialism, especially the latinos in Central America. Tthe only ones that approve of Biden are the really stupid Democrats.

  7. Democrats ARE in charge and through their actions and policies along with Tech companies and Teacher’s unions and an obvious Rigged election, they are successful in destroying this country. RINO republican’s still run the House and Senate. Action by Dem’s and lawsuits by Repub’s – I don’t see an optimistic outcome for 2022. The CCP owns the sports teams, Hollywood, Social Media and many Repub’s and Tech companies.

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