Sen. Rand Paul: ‘Surprise surprise – Fauci Lied Again’

Washington, D.C. — Senator Rand Paul took to Twitter to promote a bombshell report, writing, “Surprise surprise – Fauci lied again.”

Paul had no problem spiking the football, tweeting, “And I was right about his agency funding novel Coronavirus research at Wuhan.”

Paul shared a thread discussing the more than 900 newly released documents that prove Fauci lied to Congress about providing grants to a Chinese lab to pursue gain-of-function research on viruses.

Here is Paul’s tweet, and we will link to some of the thread as well.

The documents proved that Fauci was lying but also uncovered “two previously unpublished grant proposals that were funded by the NIAID.”

The documents also concluded that the Chinese lab was conducting gain-of-function research on lab-created SARS-related coronaviruses.

It was also revealed that the lab-created viruses demonstrated increased pathogenicity in relation to human cells.

The documents make clear the case that Fauci, still considered the foremost “COVID-19” expert in the United States, lied to Congress about funding dangerous gain-of-function research in a Chinese lab. Willfully lying under oath to Congress constitutes a perjury charge that carries a penalty of up to five years in prison.

Of course, Fauci is unlikely to even face an investigation into these allegations.

However, that is not the scariest part of this whole situation.

What is truly terrifying is the United States is funding dangerous research backed by the Chinese Communist Party.

China is arguably the United States’ biggest rival whose political policies run contrary to the very fabric of the Constitution. The U.S. has no business funding research like this on Chinese soil, where the CCP controls the flow of all information.

Regardless of whether COVID-19 came from a Chinese lab funded by a grant approved by Fauci, every American should be concerned not that Fauci lied to Congress but about WHY he lied.

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23 thoughts on “Sen. Rand Paul: ‘Surprise surprise – Fauci Lied Again’

    1. How much and what will it take to wake up the American People and cause us to take action, extreme if necessary, to stop the destruction of America and our Constitution

      1. Since the libtarded Demroid control media in this country spews leftist propaganda 24 hrs a day it’s hard to fight a one sided propaganda war ? The only thing that’s going to open up America’s eyes is holding these domestic Terrorist accountable for their actions? Since the 2000 election the media and its message has been more and more left wing politics ? The constitutional violations are more than can be counted? This country is in its death spiral with this type of leadership or lack there of? Anyone voting DemonRat is the problem in this country and until these crimes are actually punished we have no chance whatsoever at regaining control of the direction our country is headed?

    But !!! The American Renaissance is coming. These EVIL people are done

    1. That is all these communist damocraps along with the FBI CIA NAS ALL these alpha but agency’s want they are practically all DAMOCRAPS ARE ALL communist damocraps. they need to do be eliminated every single one of them.

    2. Of course he killed people, but with the money he’s made doing it, and the money he’s made for the drug companies, he can buy off all the lawyers, judges, and juries in the world and waltz off scott free. And he’ll do just that. If on the very slim, outside chance he’d ever be convicted, he’d be reported as committing suicide in prison (oh oops, we didn’t notice!) while actually living the good life on some remote, secluded, and heavily guarded island. Sound like anybody else you know?

  2. Fauci always lies day 1 hes IN IT for the $$$ from vaccine & virus
    No 1 else is stepping up to plate to debate him NO 1
    Tired of this lame 1 source tyrant.
    He Lies for Power

  3. Many people, including President Trump, trusted Dr. Fauci as the Covid virus began to spread last year. He was the “expert” on something we, as Americans, did not know a lot about.
    Now you can see that Dr. Fauci is just another “politician” who along with the Democrats AND MSM politicized the virus.
    With this new report, Fauci should resign, be fired and/or arrested. He lied, under oath, to Congress. This is a felony. Last time I looked if a person committed a felony, they were arrested. Let us see what the Biden Justice Department will do.

  4. Well, DUH! Another leftist caught lying. What else is new in the world? The question isn’t did they lie – they ALWAYS lie. The question should be What consequences are they going to face???? 99% of these people lie with impunity because they never have to face the consequences!!!! Why is that, Republicans? Fauci needs to be hogtied and sent to Gitmo for a tribunal and execution for his crimes against humanity. THOSE should be the consequences he faces for his heinous acts! Instead, he is STILL paraded on mainstream media as the go-to expert, and his recommendations as still given credence and put forth as policy everywhere across this land. Don’t just tell us what we already know – we’ve known for over a year this man lies as easily as he breathes. PUNISH HIM, DAMMIT!

    1. Well put! But he’s so protected by the big guns he’ll never face trial, let alone burn as he should except when he leaves this world. Then he’ll face an eternal tribunal that will not be governed by money and power. God may be all-forgiving, but not for wanton murderers. I believe not even a beneficent God can overlook that kind of crime against His people.

  5. That is all these communist damocraps along with the FBI CIA NAS ALL these alpha but agency’s want they are practically all DAMOCRAPS ARE ALL communist damocraps. they need to do be eliminated every single one of them.

  6. Fauci is addicted to the spotlight and attention. He was a poor head of research. The people who worked with him described him as a dictator who would threaten to fire anyone who crossed him.

    1. Sure. That’s the way megalomaniacs operate. Power is their by-word, and they exercise it to the fullest anywhere and everywhere they go.

  7. Ok. So Fauci lied. Now what’s going to happen? Adam schift lied, Hillary Clinton lied, many generals lied and still nothing has happened. Until people are held accountable for their actions: ie. lying to Congress, I say again: So, Fauci lied!

  8. WE all need to do our part and flood our Senators & Representatives with phone calls to fire & prosecute Fauci. Stand up Americans. United WE WILL Stand!

  9. In 2017, fauci said the USA should prepare for a pandemic. He was funding the research. My My My. What are we doing funding BioWeapons with the CCP ? BioWeapons are illegal world wide since WWI. Anyone, working with BioWeapons needs to be executed by their own weapon.

  10. To ALL of the Republican senators and congress, please don’t back down! Please DO NOT compromise! You were elected to be the voice of the people that voted for you. Fight everything the communist government in the Whitehouse, congress, senate, supreme court etc is doing to destroy this once great nation! STOP BACKING DOWN! if you don’t, you do know if they don’t get rid of you, you will be voted out. Mitch McConnell, I voted for you & I am so sorry I did.

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