Recall Effort Against California Gov. Newsom Nearing Success

 Credit: Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Sacramento, CA — A recall effort against California Governor Gavin Newsom is nearing success, according to reports on the signatures gathered.

The recall effort has collected 1.4 million signatures. The recall group has until March 17 to collect 1,495,709 signatures to successfully recall Newsom.

For signatures to count, they must pass the verification process to ensure only legal voters’ signatures count and only count once. Any duplicate, non-voter, or out of state signatures will not count. That means the recall effort actually needs much more than the remaining 95,709 signatures to ensure a successful recall effort.

This would be the second successful recall of a governor in the state’s history. Californians have attempted to recall the governor a whopping 55 times in their history.

The only other successful attempt was in 2003, when Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger won the special election after the recall of Governor Gray Davis. We will not get into the semantics of whether or not the pro-abortion Schwarzenegger is actually a Republican. At least he condemns socialism.

Only 19 states and the District of Columbia have a recall process for state officials. A recall is a legal process by which citizens can remove an elected official from office who they believe is not representing the will of the people. It is an important protection against government overreach.

The group leading the recall of Newsom cites the damage his executive orders caused California’s economy, such as job losses and permanent business closures.

The effort likely needs to collect around 300,000 more signatures, rather than the 100,000 suggested by reports to ensure verified signatures do not fall short.

If successful, the recall will trigger a special election with candidates already lining up to challenge the embattled governor.

Newsom is not the only Democratic governor facing harsh criticism for failed leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is still under fire for his poor handling of nursing home residents during the pandemic. An investigation by the New York Attorney General showed the state under-reported deaths in nursing homes by approximately 50 percent.

Notably, Cuomo ordered nursing homes to accept patients still infected with the coronavirus. The study asserted that this order most likely led to unnecessary deaths in nursing homes across the state. The under-reported deaths constitute gross negligence by Cuomo and his appointed officials, if not an outright coverup.

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