How Long Will Americans Put Up With COVID-19 Restrictions?

Washington, D.C. — Beginning May 4th, the Biden Administration is restricting travel from India to help prevent more outbreaks. This is just the latest government-imposed restriction mandate among many from both Trump and Biden.

To be fair, this is in the wake of India’s latest outbreak where the country is averaging at least 3,050 Covid deaths per day, according to Johns Hopkins University, and is reporting an average of at least 357,000 new cases per day.

The variant, B.1.617, which was first spotted in India around October of 2020, contains two key mutations that have been found separately in other coronavirus strains and are possibly behind the latest wave.

The super contagious strain is spreading internationally, and the variant first identified in India has now reached Michigan, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Given the past reactions from the CDC and the Executive branch, if the new strain takes a serious hold in America, it could set us back on several fronts.

Following more than a year of lockdowns, restrictive mandates, and limited interaction, the thought of more travel bans, forced vaccinations, and even talk of vaccine passports has some on edge.

As experts scramble to control the spread of the virus, the concern for mental health and loss of personal freedom weigh on the minds of many just as much as the fear of catching the virus itself.

The lockdowns and forced closure of businesses have led to higher unemployment. Furthermore, businesses are moving to a remote strategy and closing offices in large cities.

Only time will tell what impact the virus will have on our culture in America. Now the question is how long will American’s put up with the restrictions.

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9 thoughts on “How Long Will Americans Put Up With COVID-19 Restrictions?

  1. All covid restrictions should be lifted immediately! Many are now fully vaccinated, people who choose not to be vaccinated have a choice of their own, stay home or go out a take your own chances. Can’t wait for months for people to decide if their going to get the shot or not. Some will never get it.

  2. Since the alt media has informed us of the faking of both the infection rates (and esp. with the PCR test giving so many false positives, and not even designed for diagnosis) and the fatality rates (and with the simple flu death rates having conveniently disappeared, to enhance those of the covid-19 ‘thing’), that means that this supposed pandemic is nothing of the sort, rather has a purpose. What is that? It seems rather obvious by now: to destroy our economy, and thus weaken us for takeover by the New World Order crowd. And in the process, giving those who have eyes to see an insight into how they intend to rule over us: in a totalitarian way, with an iron fist. By Force. Rather than by Love. Which is the real Way that we need to shift this whole business towards. No more the Dark Side ruling this world. Their day in the sun being done, in the Light of a New Day. A New World Order, alright. Just not the one envisioned for us by our Wannabe Masters. Whose insignia is a boot stomping on the face of humanity forever. Don’t let them get away with their dystopian dream. Awaken to the REAL New Day; and thus, anchor it in this reality.

    1. Agree 100%, unfortunately, it seems too many are still believers. It seems many have turned their souls over to evil and don’t even desire it any other way. It saddens me but I’ll keep praying for them until my dying day.

  3. Do we know if people from India are invading our southern border? How would we, we check NO ONE !

  4. This country better get back to business and let each state take care of there own business including illegal imgrants

  5. Wont take much of this much longer:
    Moving goalposts
    Keep extending lockdowns
    Will not last save for those states & or cities who love it
    Joe Voter anyplace wont take it much longer
    o Loss Jobs
    o Loss Income
    o hurt morale
    o stupid rules
    o Rules for Thee Not Me mindset
    Seeds for Civil War 2

  6. You know the Democrats are rooting for this variant to take root. Gretchen Witmer wants another year of dictatorial power.

  7. Americans will put up with the restrictions until fed up enough, unfortunately, many will submit to these and any other unrelated demands as good little sheeple, bowing to the New World Order.

  8. On July 31, 2921 in Reading, Penna. 19602. As too lifting Covid restrictions, why not ask Florida. Florida was praised for lifting restrictions on Covid and a one day record on Covid surges was announced today. DeSantis looks reckless now?

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